Mockito how can simule record doesn't exist - mockito

.exception.INSSTaxNotFoundException: INSS Tax not found with ID 1
Could someone help me?
I want mokite "inssTaxService.findById", I don't know how do.
I get this error: INSSTaxNotFoundException: INSS Tax not found with ID 1.
But I could like found the record and go on.
Can I do that in Service or Not?
void whenINSSTaxIdInformedThenReturnThisINSSTax() throws INSSTaxNotFoundException {
INSSTaxDTO expectedSavedInssTaxDTO = INSSTaxBuilder.builder().build().toINSSTaxDTO();
INSSTax expectedSavedInssTax = inssTaxMapper.toModel(expectedSavedInssTaxDTO);
assertEquals(expectedSavedInssTax.getId(), expectedSavedInssTaxDTO.getId());
assertEquals(expectedSavedInssTax.getDescription(), expectedSavedInssTaxDTO.getDescription());
assertEquals(expectedSavedInssTax.getSocialSecurityRatePercent(), expectedSavedInssTaxDTO.getSocialSecurityRatePercent());

What you might be missing is actually injecting the mock of inssTaxService inside your class which you are testing,
Your code would be something like this. Considering its a pure java code(not spring boot etc, you can change the code accordingly in that case).
Mock the service(Which i feel you have done else Mockito would have thrown and error)
InssTaxService mockedInssTaxService = Mockito.mock(InssTaxService.class);
//other impl on this mock for this e.g
Inject the mocked object to the ClassToTest.
ClassToTest classToTest = new ClassToTest(mockedInssTaxService);
If you are using spring boot test you can use #MockBean or #Mock and #InjectMocks instead of new keyword


Mocking a public method that has a private method call inside using Mockito (not Powermockito)

I am testing for methodA() in the class :
class Test{
public String methodA(String str){
private String methodB(String s1, String s2){
What I have tried in my test class:
Method methodBReflect = Test.class.getDeclaredMethod("methodB", Test.class,String.class, String.class);
Test testForSpy=new Test();
Test spyTest=spy(testForSpy);
doReturn("return string").when(spyTest..)... // <-- What should be done here?
//methodBReflect.invoke(spyTest, "args1","args2");
P.S: I don't need a solution using powermock as I have some organizational constraints using it.
You shouldn't be testing that method A calls method B. You should test that method A does what method A is supposed to do - that is, it gives the correct output for whatever input you give it. Your test shouldn't care whether method A works by calling method B, or by doing all its processing inline.
Therefore, there's no need to mock or stub anything. Your tests will consist of a bunch of calls to method A, along with verification that the output is what you expect.
You only need to use Mockito (or some other mocking framework) when you're testing a class that interacts with another class entirely; not when the class under test interacts with itself.

What is the easiest way to start pagination results at 1 with Spring Data JPA?

In some other places I saw people suggesting to set:
However, this is not changing anything in the behavior of my application. I've put this on the properties file of my SpringBoot application.
Am I missing something ?
You can use the PageableDefault annotation, i.e. #PageableDefault(page = 1) on your Controller method, e.g.:
public class Controller {
public Page< DataEntity > getEntities(#PageableDefault(page = 1)Pageable pageable){
//repository call here...

how do I configure my testng IReporter to accept parameters

IReporter is an interface that has a single void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) method. I would like to make the behavior of the reporter configurable so I can pass options to it when run on the commandline. The documentation explains how to pass parameters to a reporter on the commandline:
-reporter The extended configuration for a custom report listener. Similar to the -listener option, except that it allows the
configuration of JavaBeans-style properties on the reporter instance.
Example: -reporter
com.test.MyReporter:methodFilter=insert,enableFiltering=true You
can have as many occurences of this option, one for each reporter that
needs to be added.
So it seems I should be able to call testng with -reporter,key2=value2
but WHERE do I get the values passed in.
I've looked at the XMLReporter provided by testng, and it has a private final XMLReporterConfig config = new XMLReporterConfig(); line, but I can't find out how the config is ever populated.
Magic, that's how it's done :-) It appears it looks for instance variables on your class that implements IReporter with the same name. It does need a stronger type than Object or def though it seems. Here's an example.
class MyReporter implements IReporter {
int foo; //<-- populated when instantiated
void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) {
println "foo = ${foo}"
And then to execute it:
testng ... -reporter ''

Grails Spring Security get assigned roles to a method

I would like to have a test that goes through all methods available in a controller and retrieves roles associated with these methods. I understand that it should be a functional test (as opposed to a unit test), but I still do not know how to request the list of roles associated with a method.
Let's say I have this controller:
class MyController {
def methodA() {}
def methodB() {}
In my test I would like to have something like this:
assertEquals(['ROLE_1'],getRoles(MyController.class, "methodA"))
assertEquals(['ROLE_1', 'ROLE_2'],getRoles(MyController.class, "methodB"))
Any suggestions?
You can do this with the Reflection API. Something like:
Method m = MyController.class.getMethod("methodB");
Annotation[] annos = m.getAnnotations();
But I don't think that's a good validation for your method, since it only ensure that you write the role name correctly. I think it's better you try to call the action and check if the process redirect to denied.
class MyControllerTests {
void shouldRedirectToDenied() {
SpringSecurityUtils.doWithAuth('username') {
assert controller.response.redirectedUrl == '/login/denied'
The doWithAuth closure will mock an authentication for the username, so it's the same to say: "do this code as if the username was logged in successfully".
It seems that you will need to use functional tests indeed. See Burt's comment. I'm still think that's not a valid effort create a test only to validate if the method have the annotation.

AssertWasCalled on method in SystemUnderTest

I'm getting into TDD; using nUnit and RhinoMocks 3.5.
I'm trying to figure out how to AssertWasCalled on a method in the SystemUnderTest (SUT). My understanding is that you can't mock the system under test. In fact, my current test results in an exception because the I'm using the AssertWasCalled on the SUT.
public void OnViewLoad_GetOrders()
var orders = GetOrders();
View.Model.Orders = orders;
public List<Orders> GetOrders()
return _ordersRepository.GetAll();
_ordersPresenter = new OrdersPresenter(_view, _ordersRepository);
public void OnViewLoad_GetOrders_Should_Call_GetOrders()
_view.Raise(v => v.LoadOrders += _ordersPresenter.OnViewLoad_GetOrders, view, new EventArgs);
_ordersPresenter.AssertWasCalled(d => d.GetOrders); // Getting non-mock exception here
How do I Assert GetOrders was called in the SUT? I haven't been able to figure it out in the docs.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I understand the GetOrders method in the SUT should be private. I went back thru Roy Osherove's Art of Unit Testing to see how to test private methods. Roy says making a method public (to test against) is not necessarily a bad thing, so I will keep it public.
So I've written a test for GetOrders and I assert the return value ShouldBe a list of orders. That said, I believe I need to restructure my test for OnViewLoad_GetOrders by stubbing the value I get from GetOrders and asserting the results of my actions on that object.
Can someone confirm and explain?
You can not use AssertWasCalled() on not-mocked objects. Just abstract class OrdersPresenter by an interface (use Extract Interface refactoring technique) and then
var ordersPresenter = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IOrderRepository>();
_ordersPresenter.AssertWasCalled(d => d.GetOrders);
for me it is not clear why RhinoMocks not used generic parameter constraint for AssertWasCalled
public static void AssertWasCalled<T>(this T mock, Action<T> action,
Action<IMethodOptions<object>> setupConstraints)
Basically T is not limited, but I believe it would be better limit it to somethign like IMockMarkerInterface
