How to spell letters to google Cloud Speech-to-Text - speech-to-text

I am trying to get first name as input.
Eg: Audio input spelled out as D O N A L D
expected output: DONALD
Using Cloud Speech-to-Text (Google ASR), class Alpha Sequence.
The output is not consistent.
How to improve the model output accuracy, or any other method for the problem.

Just try with lower case. it's work for me


Extract Acronyms and Māori (non-english) words in a dataframe, and put them in adjacent columns within the dataframe

Regular expression seems a steep learning curve for me. I have a dataframe that contains texts (up to 300,000 rows). The text as contained in outcome column of a dummy file named foo_df.csv has a mixture of English words, acronyms and Māori words. foo_df.csv is as thus:
0 I want to go to DHB
1 Self Determination and Self-Management Rangatiratanga
2 mental health wellness and AOD counselling
3 Kai on my table
4 Fishing
5 Support with Oranga Tamariki Advocacy
6 Housing pathway with WINZ
7 Deal with personal matters
8 Referral to Owaraika Health services
The result I desire is in form of a table below such that has Abreviation and Māori_word columns:
outcome Abbreviation Māori_word
0 I want to go to DHB DHB
1 Self Determination and Self-Management Rangatiratanga Rangatiratanga
2 mental health wellness and AOD counselling AOD
3 Kai on my table Kai
4 Fishing
5 Support with Oranga Tamariki Advocacy Oranga Tamariki
6 Housing pathway with WINZ WINZ
7 Deal with personal matters
8 Referral to Owaraika Health services Owaraika
The approach I am using is to extract the ACRONYMS using regular expression and extract the Māori words using nltk module.
I have been able to extract the ACRONYMS using regular expression with this code:
pattern = '(\\b[A-Z](?:[\\.&]?[A-Z]){1,7}\\b)'
foo_df['Abbreviation'] = foo_df.outcome.str.extract(pattern)
I have been able to extract non-english words from a sentence using the code below:
import nltk'words')
from nltk.corpus import words
words = set(nltk.corpus.words.words())
sent = "Self Determination and Self-Management Rangatiratanga"
" ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(sent) \
if not w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
However, I got an error TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object when I tried to iterate the above code over a dataframe. The iteration I tried is below:
def no_english(text):
words = set(nltk.corpus.words.words())
" ".join(w for w in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(text['outcome']) \
if not w.lower() in words or not w.isalpha())
foo_df['Māori_word'] = foo_df.apply(no_english, axis = 1)
Any help in python3 will be appreciated. Thanks.
You can't magically tell if a word is English/Māori/abbreviation with a simple short regex. Actually, it is quite likely that some words can be found in multiple categories, so the task itself is not binary (or trinary in this case).
What you want to do is natural language processing, here are some examples of libraries for language detection in python. What you'll get is a probability that the input is in a given language. This is usually ran on full texts but you could apply it to single words.
Another approach is to use Māori and abbreviation dictionaries (=exhaustive/selected lists of words) and craft a function to tell if a word is one of them and assume English otherwise.

NL training without input

I'm a beginner at developing using bixby, and I was trying to create and modify the sample Dice capsule that they have on their github. I wanted to add an extra feature of snake-eyes to it, which basically is an extra boolean concept which is true for 1-1 roll on a pair of dice.
Another difference is that I am not taking any input as the sample capsule. In the sample capsule, the user gives the input of number of dice to be roller and the number of sides each die has. I have restricted the number of dice to be 2 with 6 sides each, so there is no point of taking input, and it basically boils down to a simple dice rolling application, which spits out the rolls and the sum.
In the simulator, I am able to get the output perfectly fine by using the "intent { goal : .... }" syntax, but i want to train the model to be able to run on prompt like "roll die", although there is no concept to match the roll command to!
Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance!
You can see here that even the roll 2 6-sided dice utterance isn't being trained to a goal like a "roll" command.
Instead, it is trained to the goal RollResultConcept.
Bixby will automatically call the RollDice action to produce the RollResultConcept - so you don't need to train on RollDice yourself.

Trying to detect products from text while using a dictionary

I have a list of products names and a collection of text generated from random users. I am trying to detect products mentioned in the text while talking into account spelling variation. For example the text
Text = i am interested in galxy s8
Mentions the product samsung galaxy s8
But note the difference in spellings.
I've implemented the following approaches:
1- max tokenized products names and users text (i split words by punctuation and digits so s8 will be tokenized into 's' and '8'. Then i did a check on each token in user's text to see if it is in my vocabulary with damerau levenshtein distance <= 1 to allow for variation in spelling. Once i have detected a sequence of tokens that do exist in the vocabulary i do a search for the product that matches the query while checking the damerau levenshtein distance on each token. This gave poor results. Mainly because the sequence of tokens that exist in the vocabulary do not necessarily represent a product. For example since text is max tokenized numbers can be found in the vocabulary and as such dates are detected as products.
2- i constructed bigram and trigram indicies from the list of products and converted each user text into a query.. but also results weren't so great given the spelling variation
3- i manually labeled 270 sentences and trained a named entity recognizer with labels ('O' and 'Product'). I split the data into 80% training and 20% test. Note that I didn't use the list of products as part of the features. Results were okay.. not great tho
None of the above results achieved a reliable performance. I tried regular expressions but since there are so many different combinations to consider it became too complicated.. Are there better ways to tackle this problem? I suppose ner could give better results if i train more data but suppose there isn't enough training data, what do u think a better solution would be?
If i come up with a better alternative to the ones I've already mentioned, I'll add it to this post. In the meantime I'm open to suggestions
Consider splitting your problem into two parts.
1) Conduct a spelling check using a dictionary of known product names (this is not a NLP task and there should be guides on how to impelement spell check).
2) Once you have done pre-processing (spell checking), use your NER algorithm
It should improve your accuracy.

NLP: How to get an exact number of sentences for a text summary using Gensim

I am trying to summarise some text using Gensim in python and want exactly 3 sentences in my summary. There doesn't seem to be an option to do this so I have done the following workaround:
with open ('speeches//'+speech, "r") as myfile:
sentences = speech.count('.')
x = gensim.summarization.summarize(speech, ratio=3.0/sentences)
However this code is only giving me two sentences. Furthermore, as I incrementally increase 3 to 5 still nothing happens.
Any help would be most appreciated.
You may not be able use 'ratio' for this. If you give ratio=0.3, and you have 10 sentences (assuming count of words in each sentence is same), your output will have 3 sentences, 6 for 20 and so on.
As per gensim doc
ratio (float, optional) – Number between 0 and 1 that determines the proportion of the number of sentences of the original text to be chosen for the summary.
Instead you might want to try using word_count, summarize(speech, word_count=60)
This question is a bit old, in case you found a better solution, pls share.

What would be the best ML method for this use case?

Within AzureML, I have a CSV file which contains 2 columns of data with thousands of rows. I'm looking to run this entire file as training, and find a pattern between these 2 sets of numbers, for example:
x -> y
... 10k x
And after all that training, I'd want to give this one line as the score model, so It'd look like:
x -> ? (Predict answer from training)
-- Note, the question mark here wouldn't need to be an exact match, as long as it is somewhat around what that actual number would turn out to be like.
Is their a ML method (Inside Azure ML) that does such thing? Any points would be great.
tl;dr: Finding any type of pattern between 2 numbers (w/ intense training).
Read about linear regression. This is answer for your question. And here is the link to Azure ML tutorial link
