Server runs locally but crashes on Heroku - node.js

I deployed my server on Heroku but when I make any requests it returns a "500 Internal Server" error. It runs fine locally though. Could anyone help figure out what's going on?
When I check my logs this is what I'm getting.
2021-06-08T18:43:09.715406+00:00 app[web.1]: error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "detmvsbueicsez", database "da9nlve42hcp91", SSL off
Repo Link:
Live App:

As mentioned here on Heroku help, this indicate that there was a failed authentication attempt to the database, so the connection couldn't be established. This can happen because of different reasons.
In your case i suspect it's something related to not using ssl.
So after taking a look on the code provided in the github repo i noticed you are using knex and getting the connection string from .env
Try this :
Just add this ?ssl=true and append it to the end of DATABASE_URL in your .env file.
Edit your server.js (i didn't take a good look at the code so you need to add this ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false } in your connection config) :
const db = knex({
client: 'pg',
connection: {
connectionString: DATABASE_URL,
ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false }
Also make sure you're using the wright user and password and database name etc
OR Alternatively :
Run this command heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=no-verify in terminal to omit the ssl configuration object and set PGSSLMODE to no-verify


Heroku Redis Add-On Error error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number

After upgrading my Heroku Redis add-on to v6.2.3 from v4, Heroku papertrail logs display this error: Error accepting a client connection: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number I am connecting to Redis using NodeJs and the bull npm package ( I found similar questions related to this error, along with Heroku documentation, and based on that I have set my bull redis options to the following:
redis: {
host: redisURL.hostname,
port: Number(redisURL.port),
password: redisURL.password,
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: false,
Note the tls parameter. I have set it to Heroku's recommendations here: After getting stuck for a while, I attempted to simply comment out any client code that connects to Redis, delete the add-on, and re-provision the add-on. I expected to see no redis logs in papertrail when I did this, but I still see the same error, even when no code that connects to redis is being run... This leads me to believe maybe it's a setting on the actual Redis add-on instance, rather than an issue with my code, but I am at a loss.
I logged into the redis:cli and did some investigation. client list reveals 2 client connections. 1 is the instance of the redis:cli I am running in my terminal, and another is the a client with a flag that means "the client is a replica node connection to this instance" (see What is interesting is the error that is being logged in papertrail shows the file descriptor for the client connection that is having the SSL error fd=12, while the 2 clients shown in client list have the file descriptors fd=10 and fd=11. So there must be another client connection with fd=12 that isn't appearing in client list command causing the error shown above.
Jasper Kennis' answer is correct. Adding tls: {rejectUnauthorized: false} fixed this issue for me. Unfortunately, Heroku only gives you a full REDIS_URL connection string, so you need to parse the password/host/port yourself (you can't specify both a URL and tls settings). Here's my BullModule.forRoot() config object if it helps:
redis: {
password: process.env.REDIS_URL.split('#')[0].split(':')[2],
host: process.env.REDIS_URL.split('#')[1].split(':')[0],
port: parseInt(process.env.REDIS_URL.split('#')[1].split(':')[1]),
tls: { rejectUnauthorized: false },
#nestjs/bull: 0.6.0,
Heroku redis: 6.2.3
Ran into the same problem. In addition to rejectUnauthorized: false, adding requestCert: true, solved it for me. In addition, some clients need agent: false, (but the version of Bull I'm using doesn't recognise that argument)
redis: {
host: redisURL.hostname,
port: Number(redisURL.port),
password: redisURL.password,
tls: {
rejectUnauthorized: false,
requestCert: true,
// agent: false, (not all clients accept this)

Heroku PostgreSQL - could not send SSL negotiation packet: Resource temporarily unavailable

I'm using Heroku's Postgres add-on in one of my NodeJS apps. The code seems to work but any connections to the database using this module hangs and never responds with neither a success or a failure.
To investigate the issue, I tried connecting to the database through my terminal using pgcli <db url> but got the following error:
could not send SSL negotiation packet: Resource temporarily unavailable.
Further details:
Heroku's console shows that the database is healthy, up, and running.
Last time I used the database (around 3 months ago) it was working perfectly.
Any newly created databases from the same add-on work as expecting.
Any help would be appreciated.
Go to heroku settings, find your environmental variables.
Find the DATABASE_URL variable, copy its value
Go to your project add .env file and add the environmental variable there
Install and follow instructions on env module .e.g
Add your connection config
const pg = require('pg'
const pgPool = new pg.Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
If your using github or some other service to store your code make sure to not send the .env file with you since its only for local development. Heroku has the environmental variables in your app.

Connecting node.JS app to Heroku PostgreSQL DB

I have been having some trouble with connecting my node.JS app to my Heroku database. I had my app working with a locally hosted Postgres database on PGadmin, but when I tried moving towards deploying on Heroku with a Heroku Postgres DB I started getting a variety of errors.
This was my base code that worked locally and that I tried to switch over to Heroku's DB (some variables hidden with ***):
const Client = require('pg');
const client = new Client.Client({
host: "***",
user: "***",
password: "***",
database: "***",
port: 5432,
ssl: true,
sslmode: require,
The "ssl" and "sslmode" were only added when switching over.
I have triple-checked that all the values are correct. When I do it this way this is the error I get...
Error: self signed certificate
When commenting out the "ssl" part the error changes to...
Error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host '***', user '***', database '***' , SSL off
I tried researching this pg_hba.conf issue and there was suggestions I add in a line that made sure that a password was not required for all IPv4 connections but this did not change my error messages.
I am quite a bit stuck on how to solve this trouble as I can't quite find any further help online so far.

How to fix "Error: The server does not support SSL connections" when trying to access database in localhost?

I am following Heroku's node.js tutorial to provision a Postgres database.
After creating a simple table and connecting to localhost:5000/db, I get an error saying "Error: The server does not support SSL connections".
I've been searching for solutions for hours but can't seem to fix it. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Here I provide a workaround for the question, and not the title of this post. A better answer to the post overall would probably address configuring SSL for the local machine.
I arrived here trying to resolve the problem of finishing that Heroku tutorial mentioned in the question and setting up the Postgres database to work locally as well as remotely.
const pool = new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgresql://postgres:<your admin password>#localhost:5432/<your db name>',
ssl: process.env.DATABASE_URL ? true : false
My idea is to use SSL on the app I deploy but dodge SSL altogether on the local machine. By simply skipping SSL config on the local machine I am able to concentrate my efforts on developing a working app that still uses Heroku's built in SSL.
I use the Heroku environment variables to detect their environment versus my own and I select values accordingly in the code sample above. For me this has worked both locally and remotely.
This is the new form Heroku is working today in 2021, they made small corrections in the connection.
const pool = (() => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
return new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: false
} else {
return new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
} })();
They changed a bit, using this way you can keep local and heroku available.
I had the same issue for setting up my local environment after the tutorial. Sticking to the command heroku local to start my server fixed it for me. This command is detailed in the Run the app locally section of the tutorial.
In my case I added a Express server and a client side using React + Webpack. My package.json scripts for local development look like:
"dev": "run-p dev:*",
"dev:server": "heroku local -f",
"dev:webpack": "webpack --watch --config --mode development",
run-p is just from npm-run-all to run all scripts starting with dev at the same time.
The server uses the heroku local command and a specific Procfile for local development (use -f flag to do this), where I start a server locally with nodemon to watch for changes (see the below).
The webpack script builds and watches for changes on the client side with React. for local development:
web: nodemon index.js
Procfile for production:
web: node --optimize_for_size --max_old_space_size=920 --gc_interval=100 index.js
Then the same code for connecting to the DB from the Provision a database section works for me:
const { Pool } = require('pg');
const pool = new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
ssl: {
rejectUnauthorized: false
I came here not looking for a localhost solution (I wanted to connect to my db which is online), however, this turned up as the first google result, so I'll add a solution for not localhost issues here:
Check out the .env file to duplicate the Environment variables you setup in your heroku environment; see here:
const pool = new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgresql://postgres:#localhost:5432/',
ssl: process.env.DATABASE_URL ? true : false
In your code, you add this snippet with the credentials and connection string details, here process.env.DATABASE_URL comes from environment file, if it is there as it will enable ssl mode, else in local without ssl it works. Make sure, you will mention env variable only for other than local. So on both environment it works.
This helped me, when I was using connectionUrl.
You might have noticed I have added ?sslmode=disable at the end of
connection url.
For more information about sslmode check this out.
To fix this I had to edit the database.js file.
Path to file:
if you find something with ssl that is set to true set it to false. In my case, I used Mysql it looked like this:
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', true)
Change it to:
ssl: env.bool('DATABASE_SSL', false)
Best solution that I found that worked only:
const client = new Client({
connectionString: productiondbLink || localdblink,
ssl: process.env.DATABASE_URL ? { rejectUnauthorized: false } : false

node application give proxy error when in production mode

I have a mean.js app which I've deployed to my production server.
it worked well when I had it in development mode, but since I switched it to production mode I'm getting a 502 proxy error.
the same happens whether I run it with node server.js or pm2.
I'm running on linux/debian with apache2.
I a newbie in this environment, how do I find the problem.
It turned out to be an SSL issue.
in my production.js file I commented the following:
module.exports = {
//secure: {
// ssl: false,
// privateKey: './config/sslcerts/key.pem',
// certificate: './config/sslcerts/cert.pem'
this is of course a temp solution until the application really goes live
