Connecting node.JS app to Heroku PostgreSQL DB - node.js

I have been having some trouble with connecting my node.JS app to my Heroku database. I had my app working with a locally hosted Postgres database on PGadmin, but when I tried moving towards deploying on Heroku with a Heroku Postgres DB I started getting a variety of errors.
This was my base code that worked locally and that I tried to switch over to Heroku's DB (some variables hidden with ***):
const Client = require('pg');
const client = new Client.Client({
host: "***",
user: "***",
password: "***",
database: "***",
port: 5432,
ssl: true,
sslmode: require,
The "ssl" and "sslmode" were only added when switching over.
I have triple-checked that all the values are correct. When I do it this way this is the error I get...
Error: self signed certificate
When commenting out the "ssl" part the error changes to...
Error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host '***', user '***', database '***' , SSL off
I tried researching this pg_hba.conf issue and there was suggestions I add in a line that made sure that a password was not required for all IPv4 connections but this did not change my error messages.
I am quite a bit stuck on how to solve this trouble as I can't quite find any further help online so far.


Server runs locally but crashes on Heroku

I deployed my server on Heroku but when I make any requests it returns a "500 Internal Server" error. It runs fine locally though. Could anyone help figure out what's going on?
When I check my logs this is what I'm getting.
2021-06-08T18:43:09.715406+00:00 app[web.1]: error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "detmvsbueicsez", database "da9nlve42hcp91", SSL off
Repo Link:
Live App:
As mentioned here on Heroku help, this indicate that there was a failed authentication attempt to the database, so the connection couldn't be established. This can happen because of different reasons.
In your case i suspect it's something related to not using ssl.
So after taking a look on the code provided in the github repo i noticed you are using knex and getting the connection string from .env
Try this :
Just add this ?ssl=true and append it to the end of DATABASE_URL in your .env file.
Edit your server.js (i didn't take a good look at the code so you need to add this ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false } in your connection config) :
const db = knex({
client: 'pg',
connection: {
connectionString: DATABASE_URL,
ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false }
Also make sure you're using the wright user and password and database name etc
OR Alternatively :
Run this command heroku config:set PGSSLMODE=no-verify in terminal to omit the ssl configuration object and set PGSSLMODE to no-verify

Hide password by ignoring file in .gitignore, but unable to deploy to Heroku?

I was trying to deploy my Node JS application to Heroku. Heroku was connected to my Github account and deployed through Github. In my Node JS application, I created a SQL pool file awsPool.js using the following code:
const mysql = require('mysql');
const awsPool = mysql.createPool({
connectionLimit: 10,
host: "",
user: "myUsername",
password: "myPassword",
port: 3306,
database: 'myDb',
debug: false
module.exports = awsPool;
And imported it in my Express application. The pool contains credentials such as my username and password, so I set them as ignored in .gitignore. However, when trying to deploy the application to Heroku, Heroku gave me this error:
Error: Cannot find module './awsPool'
I understand this is likely due to awsPool.js being not tracked in my Github, but how can I properly hide my credentials and deploy to Heroku?
You can use ponto .env files that will define your credentials. So when you are going to deploy your application on Heroku you will only need to define your environment variables

Can't authenticate user with Knex.js migrate:latest in Node

The problem:
Relevant information: Windows 10, Node, knex, PostgreSQL
I'm trying to run the knex CLI command migrate:latest from cmd, knex migrate:latest --env development.
I'm getting "error: password authentication failed for user "
My first problem is with the user specified - in my knexfile.js configuration file, I am exporting the development object with a defined connection, where all of my environment variables are defined.
development: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host: "localhost",
port: process.env.DB_PORT,
username: process.env.DB_USER,
password: process.env.DB_PW,
database: process.env.DB_NAME
So although I'm trying to log into the DB as 'postgres', knex is trying to log me in as the Windows user from the associated error message, which is my only account on my personal computer. I am logged in as that user, PostgreSQL was installed with this user account, and the database was initialized with this user.
Using psql, I can log into the database specified in my knex config using the password specified in my knex config. In fact, I'm using the same password for all users to reduce the number of variables in my problem.
In addition to trying to solve the problem this way, I have all of my authentication settings in my pg_hba.conf file set to 'trust' - but that isn't fixing the problem either.
Try to hardcode username and password and DB name to knexfile instead of using process.env.XXXX and try again.
Sounds like your environment variables are not passing to the node correctly.

Node OracleDB connection not working in remote server

I'm using oracledb with Node and ExpressJS to develop my app. In localhost, I have no problems in my connections, but I need to configure the project in a server that connects to the database that it's in other server. When I do that, I get the error (Translated from spanish):
Error: Error: ORA-12154: TNS: the specified connection identifier could not be resolved.
This is my configuration code:
const oracleDbConfig = {
user: "myUser",
password: "myPassword",
connectString: "",
Also, if I install my project in the database server and I run the same configuration using localhost, it works with no problem:
const oracleDbConfig = {
user: "myUser",
password: "myPassword",
connectString: "localhost:1521/myDatabase",
Please, help me to understand the error.
NetworkCheck: Is your dbnode reachable? : dig,ping,host,nslookup
FirewallCheck: Can you connect to the dbnode oracle listener? nc -vz dbnode 1521
ServiceCheck: Is the database service myDatabase exposed in listener on dbnode? dbnode>$lsnrctl status | grep myDatabase
If you can mark these tree points a success, you should be able to connect.
Best of luck.
I solved the problem changing the connection string as the documentation says:
const oracleDbConfig = {
user: "myUser",
password: "myPassword",
Both ways are valid, but I only have made it work with this.

Node postgres ECONNREFUSED in localhost

This issue is totally driving me insane. I spent months with this, trying to make a SIMPLE NODE APP WORK. I finally managed to make an APP work in a nice server (Heroku) and with mysql. Problem? The server only accepts postgres. And this is my nightmare. I just cannot make it work. Searched dozens of webs and problems, all of them with the same error log as me... but I just cannot figure what to do. I'm totally idiot at configuring things, I cannot even start programming my app.
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Object._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1044:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afteeConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1198:14)
My start of server.js
const pg = require('pg');
const connectionString = process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgres://myrole:12345#localhost:5432/mydb';
And here the error.
var pool = new pg.Pool();
pool.connect().then(client => {
It crashes right at connection.
I did everything I searched for. I created "myrole" login role with all permission, password "12345", to connect to "mydb" database. I opened "pgAdmin4" application. Connected to "PostgreSQL 10" and "mydb". I saw that the first one connects to port 3000. I tried port 3000 in the connection string. I searched for the service at Windows. It's running. I JUST DID EVERYTHING and nothing works... I installed and made MySQL database to run in local in just 2 hours. But Heroku doesn't accept MySQL and I don't want to put any credit card. What's happening here?
I was having the same issue and I'll put my situation here and hopefully help someone else.
I was testing some AWS Lambda functions and since the code runs in a container and the container has its own localhost so my postgres connection was failing because there is no postgres server running on the container. Remember that your machine's localhost is not the same as the container's one, if your app is running inside a container the instead of localhost use your machine IP.
in your case, you shuld include connectionString inside new Pool() as property of Object
var pool = new pg.Pool({connectionString}); pool.connect().then()
or here is a more detailed version
let c = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
user: 'user',
password: 'password',
database: 'mydb',
options: `application_name=${app}&application_cmd=${cmd}`
const connection_string = {connectionString : `postgresql://${c.user}:${c.password}#${}:${c.port}/${c.database}?${c.options}`};
const pool = new Pool(connection_string);
more details can be found here
