Limited access user on Azure DevOps on-premise can add/delete folders - azure

We have Azure DevOps on-premise server 2020.1 RTW, we wanted to add users/groups with limited access to Wiki pages only. We added the group to the project and added the user to the group and updated all the permissions from Project Security to: Deny except for: View project-level information permission (set to: Allow). Permissions have also been updated from Collection Security settings. The user currently can view Wiki pages but he can also add/delete Pipeline folders. Any idea on how can we revoke the folder deletion permission? Note: I followed the below articles but the issue still not resolved:
How to restrict access to Pipelines in Azure DevOps
Update: Included Image for access control summary for Pipeline level permissions:
This is the access control summary for Pipeline security

As per my knowledge we may set different level of pipeline permissions for the users.
Pipeline permissions are the permissions associated with pipelines in an Azure DevOps project. Permissions in Azure DevOps are hierarchical and can be set at the organization, server (for on-premises), project, and object levels.
Object-level permissions are designed to be more granular than organization-level permissions. For example, a user could have access to your Azure repository thanks to their organization-level permissions. However, that same user could be prevented from running a pipeline manually because of that pipeline's permissions.
Here is the reference for pipeline permissions
This for access levels in azure devops


Nobody has access to a repository in Azure DevOPs

In trying to restrict access to an Azure DevOps repository, it appears I've denied access to EVERYONE, including myself and project administrators. It is now not visible to any of us so nobody can resolve the issue, but if I try to create a new repository with that name it says I can't because it still exists. Please help - I am desperate!
You need to Look up the Organization owner and contact them, since
The organization owner can provide permissions at any level within the organization or project.
To do so,
Choose the Azure DevOps logo to open Projects, and then choose Organization settings.
Choose Overview and scroll down to show the Organization owner.

In Azure DevOps project Repos not showing

Even though I have Project Admin, Contributor access. In Azure DevOps project, Repos not showing/visible.
Go to Organization Settings->Users->Manage user->Check the user's access level. If their access level is stakeholder, they cannot access the repository.
Change user access level from stakeholder to basic.

After delete Azure Active directory user and resync. I lost access to multyple places in AzureDevOps

After delete Azure Active directory user and resync. I lost access to multyple places, company environment in AzureDevOps
If you mean you can not access some resources in Azure DevOps, you need to check the access level and permission of your account and the group you belong to.
First, check the access level of your account or group. If you have Stakeholder access level, change to Basic level:
The Basic access level and higher supports full access to all
Azure Boards features. Stakeholder access level provides partial
support to select features, allowing users to view and modify work
items, but not use all features. Stakeholder access is available
to support free access to a limited set of features by an unlimited
set of stakeholders.
If the access level is already Basic level, check the permission of your account or group. You need to check the following link to grant your account or group appropriate permission for the resources:

Restricted access to Azure Devops repo for my organization users

We have recently moved our code on azure devops. We have created user accounts in azure AD and same users we added to Azure Devops so that they can access code.
Now we want restricted access to repo.
I checked this url:
Azure DevOps restrict access only with in the organization
Do I need P1 or P2 Azure AD to enable restricted access to Azure DevOps?
If yes how do I check my Azure AD is P1 or P2 or what?
If you want to restrict user access to all repos, you can set the user's Access level to Stakeholder. Stakeholder has no permission to access repository .The detailed information about access level, please refer to this document.
If you want to restrict user access to a specific repo , you need to set the Read permission of the user or user group to Deny in the Repositories of Project Settings.
You need azure ad P1 to use conditional access. you can check this by logging into azure ad, and it shows you on the Overview blade,

Giving a script Git access to a single Azure Repo

I want to poll an Azure Repo for changes with Git. A personal access token from my account would give it too much permissions.
Should I create a new user in Azure AD, add it to Azure Repo with read only and use it in the script? Or is there a better way than creating real users.
If you want to allow your git script to only access one specific Azure Repo. I'm afraid you will need to create a new user as a service account.
After the service account is created and added to your azure devops organization. You can set its access permission to only one repo in the project settings page. See below:
First deny its access to all the repositories.
Project settings-->Click Git repositories-->Search for the service account-->Deny Read permission
Then allow the Read permission to that one specific repository.
Project settings-->Select the repository you want allow the read permission-->Search for the service account-->Allow Read permission
The PAT generated from this service account will only have the access to that specific repo.
