After delete Azure Active directory user and resync. I lost access to multyple places in AzureDevOps - azure

After delete Azure Active directory user and resync. I lost access to multyple places, company environment in AzureDevOps

If you mean you can not access some resources in Azure DevOps, you need to check the access level and permission of your account and the group you belong to.
First, check the access level of your account or group. If you have Stakeholder access level, change to Basic level:
The Basic access level and higher supports full access to all
Azure Boards features. Stakeholder access level provides partial
support to select features, allowing users to view and modify work
items, but not use all features. Stakeholder access is available
to support free access to a limited set of features by an unlimited
set of stakeholders.
If the access level is already Basic level, check the permission of your account or group. You need to check the following link to grant your account or group appropriate permission for the resources:


Limited access user on Azure DevOps on-premise can add/delete folders

We have Azure DevOps on-premise server 2020.1 RTW, we wanted to add users/groups with limited access to Wiki pages only. We added the group to the project and added the user to the group and updated all the permissions from Project Security to: Deny except for: View project-level information permission (set to: Allow). Permissions have also been updated from Collection Security settings. The user currently can view Wiki pages but he can also add/delete Pipeline folders. Any idea on how can we revoke the folder deletion permission? Note: I followed the below articles but the issue still not resolved:
How to restrict access to Pipelines in Azure DevOps
Update: Included Image for access control summary for Pipeline level permissions:
This is the access control summary for Pipeline security
As per my knowledge we may set different level of pipeline permissions for the users.
Pipeline permissions are the permissions associated with pipelines in an Azure DevOps project. Permissions in Azure DevOps are hierarchical and can be set at the organization, server (for on-premises), project, and object levels.
Object-level permissions are designed to be more granular than organization-level permissions. For example, a user could have access to your Azure repository thanks to their organization-level permissions. However, that same user could be prevented from running a pipeline manually because of that pipeline's permissions.
Here is the reference for pipeline permissions
This for access levels in azure devops

How many Azure AD Directories should I create for an Enterprise B2B Solution?

I need to build a solution that utilizes Azure B2B Collaboration to on-board customers from different organizations to use my system.
Each customer may have 100's or 1000's of users, where some may have Azure AD and other don't.
The application will have different user roles/groups structure that controls access to my API's.
What is the best way to design this and can you provide references?
Option 1: Create a separate Azure AD for each customer
Each customer will have their own Azure AD and I can use Azure Groups to control access.
What is the limit of Azure AD's per subscription? (can't find a
definitive answer in MS docs)
Is this a good "Azure" practice? can you provide references?
Any info about structuring/organizing this for easy maintinance.
Any complications that I need to be aware of?
Option 2: Create a single Azure AD for all customers/users
All users for all customers will be added to a single Azure AD and for users segregation, each customer's users belong to a separate Azure Security Group.
In this scenario, I will probably need to maintain each customer groups in a local database since they may have different groups.
Any concerns from having all customer's users in the same directory?
Options 3:???
In my opinion single tenant is better. Creating a tenant for each customer makes management much harder (also login becomes harder to implement). Limit of Azure AD per subscription probably does not exist since directories are above subscriptions in the hierarchy. Yes, you can setup a group for each customer and keep the id of the group in your database.
The users will be added as Guests to your directory, make sure that the setting Guest user permissions are limited is enabled in the external collaboration settings.
That will make it so that they cannot access the user or group list at all in your tenant.

Blocking RBAC inheritance

I'm creating subscriptions in Azure with a number of RBAC roles assigned: hosting team and project team. The hosting team should have full access to everything, and the project team should have full access to everything baring a few exception, e.g. no access to the 'Networking' resource group (although they are allowed to create their own resource group(s) containing networking). We have set the RBAC owner for the project team at the subscription level, but in doing so, this also allows them to fully manage the restricted areas.
In principal the 'deny' assignments in Azure Portal would fit our needs, however they are currently only available for Azure Blueprints. Any ideas?
Block inheritance doesnt exist yet, your only option is to carefully craft and assing custom rbac roles or carefully assing built-in roles (so, never at sub level, only at resource group level).
Or use Azure Blueprints, it appears they added support for that there.

Azure: limited access to external user

We have an azure subscription and keep some important resources (VMs, network interfaces, ...) there. A new engineer from an outsource company is joining us, he'll need to manage resources as part of his job (create/update/remove new VMs,...).
We'd like to organize access in such a way that we have full access to resources that he creates, he has full access to resources that he creates, but he has no access to resources that we create
Is it possible?
It is possible.
Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) enables fine-grained access management for Azure. Using RBAC, you can grant only the amount of access that users need to perform their jobs. This article helps you get up and running with RBAC in the Azure portal.
If you want more details about how RBAC helps you manage access, see what is Role-Based-Access Control.
You can config RABC roles to manager it, also you can set permission to resource group, If you have not grant permission to new user, he can't find that resource.
More information about use RBAC to manage access to your Azure subscription resources, please refer to this article.
Hope this helps.
I was speaking with a Azure employee and they said this: You are able to assign roles on the account and some roles have access to specific things and some don't. I hope that helps!

How can i add Active Directory security groups to a SharePoint site to control permissions, rather than individual user accounts

SharePoint does integrate active directory accounts, of course, but how about security groups? Have a few sites where I'm fairly confident access is going through an existing Active Directory (AD) security groups (i.e. only an AD security group has been granted permissions through the 'People and Groups') In another situation, where I created the AD group and granted it permissions to a site, the customers were not able to access immediately. Eventually had to fast-track it and add the individuals to the People and Groups to keep the project going, but hoping not to have to maintain it that way.
Any specific requirements of the security group in AD? Universal, Global, or domain local? Is there any time delay between modifying group members in AD and having that take effect in SharePoint?
Any AD group type is usable by SharePoint so long as that group is usable by the server SharePoint is running on. Said another way, if you were using the OS level tools on the server and the OS recognizes your group, then you can use it in SharePoint.
As for when group memberships changes become effective, it has always been near real time for me but I can't say that I can speak to all possible AD topology deployments.
