How to print conditional fields in PPFA code - mainframe

How do I print a conditional field using PPFA code. When a value is an 'X' then I'd like to print it. However, if the 'X' is not present then I'd like to print an image. Here is my code:
LAYOUT C'mylayout' BODY
OVERLAY MYTEMPOVER 8.5 in 11.0 in;
POSITION 2.0 in 1.6 in;
Where it has FIELD START 1 LENGTH 60 that will print the given text at that location. But based on the value I want to print either the given text or an image. How would I do that?

Here is an answer from the AFP-L list:
I would create two PAGEFORMATS, one with LAYOUT for TEXT and one with LAYOUT for IMAGE. With CONDITION you can jump between the Pageformats (where Copygroup is always 'NULL')
If you work in a z/OS environment, be careful of 'JES Blanc Truncation'.
That means in one sentence:
if there is a X in the data, condition is true
if there is nothing in the data, condition doesn't work and is always wrong (nothing happens)
In this case you must create a Condition which is always true. I call it a Dummy-Condition.
PPFA sample syntax:
CONDITION TEST start 1 length 1
You must copy this CONDITION into both PAGEFORMATS after LAYOUT command.
Blanc truncation is a difficult problem on z/OS.
In this sample, the PAGEFORMAT named PRTTXT contains all the formatting and printing directives when the condition is true, and the other called PRTIMAGE contains every directive needed to print the image.


split String Variable in few numeric Variables in SPSS

I have a string variable with comma separated numbers that I want to split into four numeric variables.
IF (CHAR.INDEX(makeArr,',') >= 1)
IF (CHAR.INDEX(makeArr,',') >= 1)
I always get the first variable written without any problems.
This no longer works with the second variable because it has a different length and the comma is also written here.
So I would need a split at the comma and the division of the numbers over the comma.
Since char.substr will only tell you about the location of the first occurence of the search string, you need to start the second search from a new location - AFTER the first occurence, and this gets more and more complicated as you continue. My suggestion is create a copy of your array variable, which you will cut pieces off as you proceed - so that you are only searching for the first occurence of "," every time.
First I recreate your example data to demonstrate on.
data list free/makeArr (a20).
begin data
"6,8,13,10" "10,11,2" "7,1,14,3"
end data.
Now I copy your array into a new variable #tmp. Note that I add a "," at the end so the syntax stays the same for all parts of the array. I add the "#" at the beginning of the name to make it invisible, you can remove it if you want.
It is possible to do the following calculation in steps as you started to do, but nicer to loop throug the steps (especially if this is an example for a longer array).
string f12a f12b f12c f12d #tmp (a20).
compute #tmp=concat(rtrim(makeArr),",").
do repeat nwvr=f12a f12b f12c f12d.
do IF #tmp<>"".
compute nwvr=CHAR.SUBSTR(#tmp,1,CHAR.INDEX(#tmp,',')-1).
compute #tmp=CHAR.SUBSTR(#tmp,CHAR.INDEX(#tmp,',')+1).
end if.
end repeat.
Here I found a different solution for what I think is the same problem:
One line of code makes the work:
spssinc trans result=var_1 to var_4 type=20/formula 're.split(", *", makeArr)'.

document-wide ordered lists in ascii doctor

I would like to define a new style of ordered lists in asciidoctor that is composed of a fixed uppercase letter and a counter that increments. It has to be document wide. For example
A1. first item
A2. second item
some text
A3. third item
the flow of the text continues
The solution I came up with is as follows, which is heavy and not 100% satisfactory.
A{counter:ol1}.:: first item
A{counter:ol1}.:: second item
some text
A{counter:ol1}.:: third item
the flow of the text continues
Is there a simpler solution ? Is there a possibility at least to define a macro that would expand to A{counter:ol1}.::?
You have a couple of choices:
Create a macro in your editor that inserts the required markup (assuming that your goal is to reduce the amount of typing to achieve this effect).
Adjust the markup to specify a custom role and drop the counter:
= My document
:docinfo: shared
[horizontal, role=numbered]
A:: first item
A:: second item
some text
[horizontal, role=numbered]
A:: third item
the flow of the text continues
Then add some custom CSS, via a docinfo file (see:, that does the counting for you. This won't work in PDF output.
body {
counter-reset: myli;
.hdlist.numbered .hdlist1::after {
content: counter(myli) ". ";
counter-increment: myli;

OR Formula in Word document not returning a value

I am working on a document where I need to be able to test multiple options in an if statement to see if one of them are true to decide if a paragraph displays on the document. I have been trying to figure out why my OR formula is not returning a value for me to test and I am not sure why it is not showing anything when it is updating.
I have inserted a field and added a formula within that field that I am hoping will work with my If statement to show the proper paragraph contens.
When I use an Or statement, even one as simple as { OR(1=1) } and update and toggle the field I get no result. From what I have read I should get a 1 or a 0, but I don't seem to get either of these results. The line just ends up blank. When I test it with my If formula it always shows the false result, even when the Or contains a true result.
The formula I am currently working with is:
{ IF{ OR("$}" = "Birthday", "$}" =
"Conference" } "Yes" "No" }
If I update and toggle the Or field it shows blank, no result either true or false, and makes the If formula show as false event on results where it should show true. As I mentioned above I even tried setting it to 1=1 and still could not get it to show as true. Not sure if there is something I am missing in working with the formula.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It's not clear from your post what $ is. Presumably it's a field generated by an Addin. In that case, you should be able to use something like:
{IF{={IF{$}= "Birthday" 1 0}+{IF{$}= "Conference" 1 0}# 0}> 0 "Yes" "No"}
{={IF{$}= "Birthday" 1 0}+{IF{$}= "Conference" 1 0} \# "'Yes',,'No'"}
Note: The field brace pairs (i.e. '{ }') for the above example are all created in the document itself, via Ctrl-F9 (Cmd-F9 on a Mac); you can't simply type them or copy & paste them from this message. Nor is it practical to add them via any of the standard Word dialogues. The spaces represented in the field constructions are all required. If your fields are a kind of mergefield, you'll need to insert 'MERGEFIELD ' at the start of each one, thus:

How to convert selenium webelelements to list of strings in python

I have gathered obligatory data from the scopus website. my outputs have been saved in a list named "document". when I use type method for each element of this list, the python returns me this class:
In continius in order to solve this issue, I have used text method such this:
for i in document:
print i.text
So, I could see the result in text format. But, when I call each element of the list independently, white space is printed in this code:
for i in document:
print (x[2]) will return white space.
What should I do?
As you have used the following line of code :
and see the output on Console as :
This is the expected behavior as Selenium prints the reference of the Nodes matching your search criteria.
As per your Code Attempt to print the text leaving out the white spaces you can use the following code block :
document = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('td')
for i in document :
if (i.get_attribute("innerHTML") != "null") :
My code was correct. But, the selected elements for displaying were space. By select another element, the result was shown.

How to verify ANY text is present with selenium IDE

I know how to verify if a specific text is present in a web page using Selenium IDE. But what I wanted to know is, can you verify that any text is present in an element?
For example there's a text box with the title "Top Champion". This text box will be changed daily with the name of a person. Now I just wanted to check whether there is a text in this text box, no matter what the text actually is. I've tried the verify text command and tried blanking the value, but it doesn't work. If the command can return a true or false command that would be really helpful
BTW, verify value doesn't work either since the element that I'm testing is not a form field
Your best bet is as follows (I have written single tests for this for numbers)
Medium rigour:
waitForText | css=.SELECTORS | regex:.+?
This will wait until there is at least 1 character present.
Strong rigour (only works if you have a subset of characters present):
waitForText | css=.SELECTORS | regex:^[0-9]+$
This will wait until there is text. This text must start with a number, have at least 1 number, and then finish. It does not permit any character outside of the subset given. An example you could do to match numbersNAMEnumbers would be.
waitForText | css=.SELECTORS | regex:^[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+$
This would wait for a string such as 253432234BobbySmith332
If i have understood your question properly there below is one way you can search for an element contains a string. Not sure if this is what you are looking.
List<WebElement> findElement = webElement.findElements(By.xpath("YOUR_TEXTINPUT_PATH_HERE"));
if( findElement.size() > 0 ){
if( findElement.get(0).getText() != null && findElement.get(0).getText().indexOf("THE_STRING_THAT_YOU_WANT_TO SEARCH") != -1 ) {
store text|[your element]|StoredText
execute script|return ${StoredText}.length > 0|x
Using these three lines in the Selenium IDE, the first line will extract the text from the element into the variable StoredText.
The second line will store whether the length of that text is greater than zero into the variable x (a true or false result).
The third line asserts that the result was true, failing the test if not. You don't need the third line if all you want is the true or false result.
So if the element contains any text, the extracted text length will be greater than zero, the variable x will be true, and the assert will pass. This verifies that any text is present in the element.
