Dataframe Checkpoint Example Pyspark - apache-spark

I read about checkpoint and it looks great for my needs but I couldn't find a good example of how to use it.
My questions are:
Should I specifiy the checkpoint dir? Is it possible to do it like this:
Are there any optional params that I should be aware about?
Is there a default checkpoint dir or I must specify one as default?
When I checkpoint dataframe and I reuse it - It autmoatically read the data from the dir that we wrote the files?
It will be great if you can share with me example of using checkpoint in pyspark with some explanation. Thanks!

You should assign the checkpointed dataframe to a variable as checkpoint "Returns a checkpointed version of this Dataset" ( So
df = df.checkpoint()
The only parameter is eager which dictates whether you want the checkpoint to trigger an action and be saved immediately, it is True by default and you usually want to keep it this way.
You have to set the checkpoint directory with SparkContext.setCheckpointDir(dirName) somewhere in your script before using checkpoints. Alternatively if you want to save to memory instead you can use localCheckpoint() instead of checkpoint() but that is not reliable and in case of issues/after termination the checkpoints will be lost (but it should be faster as it uses the caching subsystem instead of only writing to disk).
And yes, it should be read automatically, you can look at the history server and there should be "load data" nodes (I don't remember the exact name) at the start of blocks/queries


Spark createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema) vs checkPoint for breaking lineage

I'm currently using
val df=longLineageCalculation(....)
val newDf=sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema)
In order to save time when calculating plans, however docs say that checkpointing is the suggested way to "cut" lineage. BUT I don't want to pay the price of saving the RDD to disk.
My process is a batch process which is not-so-long and can be restarted without issues, so checkpointing is not benefit for me (I think).
What are the problems which can arise using "my" method? (Docs suggests checkpointing, which is more expensive, instead of this one for breaking lineages and I would like to know the reason)
Only think I can guess is that if some node fails after my "lineage breaking" maybe my process will fail while the checkpointed one would have worked correctly? (what If the DF is cached instead of checkpointed?)
From SMaZ answer, my own knowledge and the article which he provided. Using createDataframe (which is a Dev-API, so use at "my"/your own risk) will keep the lineage in memory (not a problem for me since I don't have memory problems and the lineage is not big).
With this, it looks (not tested 100%) that Spark should be able to rebuild whatever is needed if it fails.
As I'm not using the data in the following executions, I'll go with
cache+createDataframe versus checkpointing (which If i'm not wrong, is
actually cache+saveToHDFS+"createDataFrame").
My process is not that critical (if it crashes) since an user will be always expecting the result and they launch it manually, so if it gives problems, they can relaunch (+Spark will relaunch it) or call me, so I can take some risk anyways, but I'm 99% sure there's no risk :)
Let me start with creating dataframe with below line :
val newDf=sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema)
If we take close look into SparkSession class then this method is annotated with #DeveloperApi. To understand what this annotation means please take a look into below lines from DeveloperApi class
A lower-level, unstable API intended for developers.
Developer API's might change or be removed in minor versions of Spark.
So it is not advised to use this method for production solutions, called as Use at your own risk implementation in open source world.
However, Let's dig deeper what happens when we call createDataframe from RDD. It is calling the internalCreateDataFrame private method and creating LogicalRDD.
LogicalRDD is created when:
Dataset is requested to checkpoint
SparkSession is requested to create a DataFrame from an RDD of internal binary rows
So it is nothing but the same as checkpoint operation without saving the dataset physically. It is just creating DataFrame From RDD Of Internal Binary Rows and Schema. This might truncate the lineage in memory but not at the Physical level.
So I believe it's just the overhead of creating another RDDs and can not be used as a replacement of checkpoint.
Now, Checkpoint is the process of truncating lineage graph and saving it to a reliable distributed/local file system.
Why checkpoint?
If computation takes a long time or lineage is too long or Depends too many RDDs
Keeping heavy lineage information comes with the cost of memory.
The checkpoint file will not be deleted automatically even after the Spark application terminated so we can use it for some other process
What are the problems which can arise using "my" method? (Docs
suggests checkpointing, which is more expensive, instead of this one
for breaking lineages and I would like to know the reason)
This article will give detail information on cache and checkpoint. IIUC, your question is more on where we should use the checkpoint. let's discuss some practical scenarios where checkpointing is helpful
Let's take a scenario where we have one dataset on which we want to perform 100 iterative operations and each iteration takes the last iteration result as input(Spark MLlib use cases). Now during this iterative process lineage is going to grow over the period. Here checkpointing dataset at a regular interval(let say every 10 iterations) will assure that in case of any failure we can start the process from last failure point.
Let's take some batch example. Imagine we have a batch which is creating one master dataset with heavy lineage or complex computations. Now after some regular intervals, we are getting some data which should use earlier calculated master dataset. Here if we checkpoint our master dataset then it can be reused for all subsequent processes from different sparkSession.
My process is a batch process which is not-so-long and can be
restarted without issues, so checkpointing is not benefit for me (I
That's correct, If your process is not heavy-computation/Big-lineage then there is no point of checkpointing. Thumb rule is if your dataset is not used multiple time and can be re-build faster than the time is taken and resources used for checkpoint/cache then we should avoid it. It will give more resources to your process.
I think the sparkSession.createDataFrame(df.rdd, df.schema) will impact the fault tolerance property of spark.
But the checkpoint() will save the RDD in hdfs or s3 and hence if failure occurs, it will recover from the last checkpoint data.
And in case of createDataFrame(), it just breaks the lineage graph.

Is there a way to set up automatic deletion of checkpointed DataFrame in Spark?

I am running Spark in local mode and use checkpoint as I have some severe memory constraints. I run this code quite often and manually need to clear my checkpoint directory every so often (the checkpointed DataFrames are quite large). Is there a way to set it up so that when the SparkSession closes it automatically clears the checkpoint directory?

Pyspark Checkpointing in Dataproc(StackOverFlowError)

I faced stackoveroverflow error when persisting dataset with pyspark. I am casting whole dataframe into doubletype and then persisting to calculate statistics, and I read that checkpointing is a solution to stackoverflow. However, I am having trouble with implementing it in dataproc.
I am working with pyspark, and when I checkpoint the dataframe and checkedpointed with df.isCheckpointed(), it returns false. However, when I debug it, df.rdd.is_checkpointed says True. Is there any issue with the package / am I doing something wrong?
I thought localCheckpoint is more appropriate for my purpose(, as my problem was simply DAG depth was too deep, but I couldn't find any use case. Also, if I just checkpointed RDD says it is checkpointed(as in first question), but if I tried localcheckpoint, it says it is not. Has anyone tried this function?
After I tried with local standalone mode, I tried it with dataproc. I tried both hdfs and google cloud storage, but either way the storage was empty, but rdd says it is checkpointed.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance!
If you're using localCheckpoint, it will write to the local disk of executors, not to HDFS/GCS:
Also note that there's an eager (checkpoint immediately) and non-eager (checkpoint when the RDD is actually materialized) mode to checkpointing. That may affect what those methods return. The code is often the best documentation:
In general, please attach sample code (repros) to questions like this -- that way we can answer your question more directly.
Create a temp dir using your SparkSession object:
dataframe_name = # Any Spark Dataframe of type <pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame>
at this point of time, the dataframe_name would be a DAG, which you can store as a checkpoint like,
dataframe_checkpoint = dataframe_name.checkpoint()
dataframe_checkpoint is also a spark dataframe of type <pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame> but instead of the DAG, it stores the result of the query
Use checkpoints if:
the computation takes a long time
the computing chain is too long
depends too many RDDs

How to control preferred locations of RDD partitions?

Is there a way to set the preferred locations of RDD partitions manually?
I want to make sure certain partition be computed in a certain machine.
I'm using an array and the 'Parallelize' method to create a RDD from that.
Also I'm not using HDFS, The files are on the local disk. That's why I want to modify the execution node.
Is there a way to set the preferredLocations of RDD partitions manually?
Yes, there is, but it's RDD-specific and so different kinds of RDDs have different ways to do it.
Spark uses RDD.preferredLocations to get a list of preferred locations to compute each partition/split on (e.g. block locations for an HDFS file).
final def preferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String]
Get the preferred locations of a partition, taking into account whether the RDD is checkpointed.
As you see the method is final which means that no one can ever override it.
When you look at the source code of RDD.preferredLocations you will see how a RDD knows its preferred locations. It is using the protected RDD.getPreferredLocations method that a custom RDD may (but don't have to) override to specify placement preferences.
protected def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = Nil
So, now the question has "morphed" into another about what are the RDDs that allow for setting their preferred locations. Find yours and see the source code.
I'm using an array and the 'Parallelize' method to create a RDD from that.
If you parallelize your local dataset it's no longer distributed and can be such, but...why would you want to use Spark for something you can process locally on a single computer/node?
If however you insist and do really want to use Spark for local datasets, the RDD behind SparkContext.parallelize is...let's have a look at the source code... ParallelCollectionRDD which does allow for location preferences.
Let's then rephrase your question to the following (hoping I won't lose any important fact):
What are the operators that allow for creating a ParallelCollectionRDD and specifying the location preferences explicitly?
To my great surprise (as I didn't know about the feature), there is such an operator, i.e. SparkContext.makeRDD, that...accepts one or more location preferences (hostnames of Spark nodes) for each object.
makeRDD[T](seq: Seq[(T, Seq[String])]): RDD[T] Distribute a local Scala collection to form an RDD, with one or more location preferences (hostnames of Spark nodes) for each object. Create a new partition for each collection item.
In other words, rather than using parallelise you have to use makeRDD (which is available in Spark Core API for Scala, but am not sure about Python that I'm leaving as a home exercise for you :))
The same reasoning I'm applying to any other RDD operator / transformation that creates some sort of RDD.

How to do Incremental MapReduce in Apache Spark

In CouchDB and system designs like Incoop, there's a concept called "Incremental MapReduce" where results from previous executions of a MapReduce algorithm are saved and used to skip over sections of input data that haven't been changed.
Say I have 1 million rows divided into 20 partitions. If I run a simple MapReduce over this data, I could cache/store the result of reducing each separate partition, before they're combined and reduced again to produce the final result. If I only change data in the 19th partition then I only need to run the map & reduce steps on the changed section of the data, and then combine the new result with the saved reduce results from the unchanged partitions to get an updated result. Using this sort of catching I'd be able to skip almost 95% of the work for re-running a MapReduce job on this hypothetical dataset.
Is there any good way to apply this pattern to Spark? I know I could write my own tool for splitting up input data into partitions, checking if I've already processed those partitions before, loading them from a cache if I have, and then running the final reduce to join all the partitions together. However, I suspect that there's an easier way to approach this.
I've experimented with checkpointing in Spark Streaming, and that is able to store results between restarts, which is almost what I'm looking for, but I want to do this outside of a streaming job.
RDD caching/persisting/checkpointing almost looks like something I could build off of - it makes it easy to keep intermediate computations around and reference them later, but I think cached RDDs are always removed once the SparkContext is stopped, even if they're persisted to disk. So caching wouldn't work for storing results between restarts. Also, I'm not sure if/how checkpointed RDDs are supposed to be loaded when a new SparkContext is started... They seem to be stored under a UUID in the checkpoint directory that's specific to a single instance of the SparkContext.
Both use cases suggested by the article (incremental logs processing and incremental query processing) can be generally solved by Spark Streaming.
The idea is that you have incremental updates coming in using DStreams abstraction. Then, you can process new data, and join it with previous calculation either using time window based processing or using arbitrary stateful operations as part of Structured Stream Processing. Results of the calculation can be later dumped to some sort of external sink like database or file system, or they can be exposed as an SQL table.
If you're not building an online data processing system, regular Spark can be used as well. It's just a matter of how incremental updates get into the process, and how intermediate state is saved. For example, incremental updates can appear under some path on a distributed file system, while intermediate state containing previous computation joined with new data computation can be dumped, again, to the same file system.
