Fabric.JS sizing guidelines - fabricjs

I've been trying to add sizing guidelines for my app built on FabricJS. I see the library provides guidelines for alignment and centering but not for sizing. I did some search on the web and I was not able to find it. I also tried to create it but I could not.
So, if you know a library that does that or if you can point me out a direction I appreciate. Thanks in advance.


Drawable icons for app

Recently, I've been working for some theming project for Android launchers. I need some guidance and advice from the people around here that could help me with this.
I have created one sample icon for Opera mobile with the size of 192x192. The question is, if I made that icon size as mentioned, should I create another size for it, e.g. 128x128? I'm a bit confused.
I am not sure if understand your question. If you add a drawable resource to Android Studio, it automatically resizes it to multiple sizes. If you have created one, that will be resized automatically.
Hope this helps.
If you want to design icons for android, you better design some for different resolutions. You have to make an icon for each. See at this article https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html#overview. There are the different densities and the multiplication factors.

Android Responsive design using android studio

Hi all !!
I'm newbie to android, Can i get any solutions to make my android app layout that fits in all screens.
If there is any tutorial on it, that would be appreciated !!
Create the following folders in res and add the xml in that
And open it from studio layout and make changes.
this link helps you.
The Android resource system gives you the tools to provide alternate resources based on the available width, height, or smallest width — important measurements that serve as the basis for choosing when to change our UI based on the space available.
Width and Breakpoints
Width is perhaps the most important dimension when it comes to choosing when to change your UI. This is because width is the basis for the breakpoint system.
A very good example is here

How to add a custom svg icon to the Material UI font icon?

The icon I am looking for is pretty unique, so I think I'm going to have to create my own. (I'm looking for an icon of a closed door) I found a PNG file similar to what I need, but I need to figure out a way to integrate it with the material ui font icon.
Is there a way to create the js file for it, similar to the ones that exist? Like this one: https://github.com/callemall/material-ui/blob/master/src/svg-icons/action/accessibility.js
I don't know where the "path" comes from, does anyone know?
Thanks in advance!
Those were created using design tools specifically created for this purpose. Creating path based SVG Icons will take a bit more time if you're unexperienced in the field, however it is most likely you can create your own with some free online tools and a bit of patience.
Once you did (the data doesn't necessarily have to be in path format for the SVG, you can create any valid SVG using the available syntax and attributes which you can find info about right here), you can simply replicate one of those JS files and import / export them wherever applicable and use it in a similar fashion as you would any Material UI one.
Such an online tool could be this one for creating what you need:

Horizontal Scrolling Cards just like Recent Apps of Lollipop in Android?

I found a library, this library supports vertical scrolling cards, I want to change this library according to my needs (Horizontal scrolling).
Can anyone suggest how to implement Cards just like the mentioned library cards horizontally.
Guys I just found a library, which helped me to solve this issue.
Carousel Library
Best Library I found which I customized for my project:
Other helpful libraries:
I hope, this answer may help you in finding solution.
As I always suggest to ask an author and this time I'm the author of this library, I'll tell you what to do.
RecentsList is very simple and the only place you have to change is here: https://github.com/ZieIony/MaterialRecents/blob/master/app/src/main/java/tk/zielony/materialrecents/RecentsList.java#L127 . This method layouts cards inside container. You have to write your own layouting logic.
Why I don't implement that change? Because I'm not sure what do you mean by horizontal cards. Lollipop in landscape orientation shows vertical cards (at least the one I have on my desk).
The second reason is that I think I should rewrite this library from scratch. It was just an experiment with custom layouting code. Correct implementation would use view reusing and recycling just like RecyclerView and ListView do.

Android - Set Default Spinner Themes

I'm new to Android development.
I'm using drag and drop to pull down a default spinner onto my layout.
However, the default is not the one I see everyone using with the triangle on the bottom right.
An example of what I see is:
Whereas what I'm looking to achieve is this:
Is it a styling issue?
Apologies for ripping off other people's images, I don't have enough rep for uploading my own images.
Thanks so much!
I've Solved my issue by setting the Theme of the application/activity to Holo.Light. Hope this helps other people in the process.
