How to add a custom svg icon to the Material UI font icon? - svg

The icon I am looking for is pretty unique, so I think I'm going to have to create my own. (I'm looking for an icon of a closed door) I found a PNG file similar to what I need, but I need to figure out a way to integrate it with the material ui font icon.
Is there a way to create the js file for it, similar to the ones that exist? Like this one:
I don't know where the "path" comes from, does anyone know?
Thanks in advance!

Those were created using design tools specifically created for this purpose. Creating path based SVG Icons will take a bit more time if you're unexperienced in the field, however it is most likely you can create your own with some free online tools and a bit of patience.
Once you did (the data doesn't necessarily have to be in path format for the SVG, you can create any valid SVG using the available syntax and attributes which you can find info about right here), you can simply replicate one of those JS files and import / export them wherever applicable and use it in a similar fashion as you would any Material UI one.
Such an online tool could be this one for creating what you need:


How do you set default zoom for an embedded document(Visio) in SharePoint?

I have tried to add the &z=15 and %zoom=15 to try to edit the default zoom in the embed code but it seems to not change anything. Also, I have changed up the width and height of the embed code but that didn't change the zoom just the overall dimensions. I am trying to embed a flowchart into my company's intranet SharePoint but the zoom is always set to 19% or 24% by default which makes it impossible to see anything in the diagram by default. I want it to start zoomed in at like 100% so the website/diagram is easier to use.
I have also tried to print it in a pdf, converting it to pdf, and converting it to other formats for the file viewer to give different views but it came to no avail. The closest thing was when I changed it to pdf and it gave me a better view, but I lost the interactive embed that a normal Visio embed would give.
Thank you for your help!
Puzzled with a similar problem, I've built a special Web Part for that (it provides additional options for embedding that are not part of the stock web part, such as zoom).
The source code:
Here web part in MS Store:

Custom linked Quick Style presets in Powerpoint 2013?

I am newbie in Powerpoint and have a very weird problem. Is it possible somehow to add my own shape styles to Quick Styles? If I choose one of presets and then change something (color fill for example) this style is not anymore linked to quick style. And I can't find how to add on my own. And delete all that I don't need.
Any thoughts how to achieve that? I want to create my own shape styles. And link them all over the presentation in order to change quickly color schemes of all elements in presentation. I want to change one linked style to automatic apply to all shapes. Is it possible somehow?
We are building a PowerPoint add-in to do that. You are able to create styles (and select the attributes like color position etc.) then store them to a Library for later use / sharing. Let me know if you are interested to test the current version.

Is it possible to create a Windows Store App logo using XAML?

I need to create logos for my Windows Store Apps. I am not a skilled graphic artist (pretty clueless as to the use of those tools, or even what they are).
I have the design in mind for what I want my logo to basically look like:
I could create this in XAML, using a grid, and placing images in various cells, using either Segoe UI Symbols characters and/or "commons" graphic images (of a camera and footprints), and then add the text in the great middle of it all. But how to then convert that image to the needed 50X50 pixels* for the app's logo? Wouldn't the images, and even the font characters, get too "smushed," for lack of a better term?
Windows Store Apps actually require several different files at various scales and even width:height ratios, but Microsoft has made a tool available that can take a 50x50 logo and automatically generate all the other files.
So: Is it possible to create a Windows Store Apps logo using XAML, and if so, how? Otherwise, what is the preferred method/standard approach to this?
With a little help from my friends (a "virtual one" found here, and an old hiking buddy), I was able to come up with one that I like. Logo:
...and splash screen:

Interacting with a SVG in Pharo?

I want to get a very basic interaction with a SVG loaded through Athens in Pharo using Morphic. This example shows what I'm looking for. I have used
(ASVGMorph fromFile: 'lion.svg') drawOn: Display getCanvas
but clicking the SVG makes the picture dissapear. However all examples I have seen were using a web browser. Is this possible using Athens? There is any other work in this area?
That's because you are drawing it in display canvas, which is refreshed every time... so is natural that you lost it...
What you need to do is:
(ASVGMorph fromFile: 'lion.svg') openInWorld.
or better, you probably want to put it in a window:
(ASVGMorph fromFile: 'lion.svg') openInWindow.
at the end, you will probably want it inside some other morph that you create, but debugging anyone of the solutions above with show you how to proceed :)
Yes, as Esteban pointed, to keep morph on desktop, you should add it to world, i.e. use
openInWorld, or #openInWindow.
ASVGMorph is very basic, however, and not intended to serve all possible use cases.
For more advanced uses, it is preferred to use ASVGRoot instance and draw it in own morph or compose with other drawings.

Organizing placemarks in Google Earth Plugin/KML

I am looking for some insight on if / how I can better approach creating my KML in order to make my data more readable when loaded by via a custom app developed around the Google Earth Plugin.
My constraints are:
I have no ability to do anything with the custom app or the plugin,
I can only provide KML files and take advantage of any features
built into the Google Earth Plugin.
The side bar where you select data to display does not list the folders of the selected KML as a sub menu like I have seen in Google Earth.
My data looks like:
Hundreds of Data points sometimes quite close together, which I am
currently displaying as placemarks, with no names set (was too noisy
on the map). I supply additional details on the placemark in the
description bubble / balloon.
Placemarks are frequently related to one another (i.e. there may be
4 placemarks representing a distinct group (e.g. coffee shops)).
What I have found so far:
There is no way for me to group pins as I zoom in and out without access to the JavaScript API / ability to do some amount of front end programming (i.e. there is no way to specify in the KML that pins should be grouped based on zoom level. I have noted the zoom level visibility settings which I do not believe accomplish what I am looking to do).
When clicking on a placemark there is no way to identify the other placemarks which are in the same group (i.e. all coffee shops) such as by changing their style (again note that to work for me this would have to be native functionality whose behaviour can be pre-specified in the KML). I hoped the plugin might provide some default functionality around this with folders, but I haven't been able to find anything.
My questions:
Are my above assumptions correct?
Are there some aspects of the KML spec and how it is displayed by google-earth which might be a good place for me to spend additional time understanding given the nature of my data?
Any suggestions or insight would be very welcome.
Edit: Also considered creating KML Tours to adjust visibility / identify related Placemarks, but could not see how I might start / stop the tour from a given Placemark (e.g. by clicking a link in the description balloon?).
Firstly, a question for you.
Are you wishing to load your 'app' on a mobile device? or are you just trying to do something on a normal computer?
I ask because you mention 'app' - yet in this line
I have no ability to do anything with the custom app or the plugin, I
can only provide KML files and take advantage of any features built
into the Google Earth Plugin.
The Google Earth PLUGIN is not support by mobile devices (yet) so if you can take advantage of it you must be talking about a normal computer scenario. So either a webpage, or a webpage embedded inside another program.
As for
There is no way for me to group pins as I zoom in and out without
access to the JavaScript API / ability to do some amount of front end
programming (i.e. there is no way to specify in the KML that pins
should be grouped based on zoom level. I have noted the zoom level
visibility settings which I do not believe accomplish what I am
looking to do).
Have you looked into using Regions ? With them you can control at what 'zoom' (ie what POV) a placemark becomes visible.
As for
When clicking on a placemark there is no way to identify the other
placemarks which are in the same group (i.e. all coffee shops) such as
by changing their style (again note that to work for me this would
have to be native functionality whose behaviour can be pre-specified
in the KML). I hoped the plugin might provide some default
functionality around this with folders, but I haven't been able to
find anything.
This depends of if you are really using the plug-in (and thus JS) or not. With straight KML I don't think anything is possible. However if you are using the plugin (and some JS) you have number of options depending on how you set up your .kml.
You can 'walk' through your kml file and find all placemarks with the same <style>
You can assign all your placemark id's by - and then using Accessors like this var placemark = ge.getElementById('unique_id');
However it sounds like you are not using JS so I am probably wasting time with this.
Same goes for using tours, IF you are using the plugin and IF you are willing to do some JS coding then YES you can use tours to all kinds of things.
However, if you are talking about a mobile device app, then nothing is possible (except the Regions) and I suggest you edit your question to remove the 'google-earth-plugin' tag.
