Data augmentation affects convergence speed - keras

Data augmentation is surely a great regularization method, and it improves my accuracy on the unseen test set. However, I do not understand why it reduces the convergence speed of the network? I know each epoch takes a longer time to train since image transformations are applied on the fly. But why does it affect the convergence? For my current setup, the network hits a 100% training accuracy after 5 epochs without data augmentation (and clearly overfits) - with data augmentation, it takes 23 epochs to hit 95% training accuracy and never seems to hit 100%.
Any links to research papers or comments on the reasonings behind this?

I guess you are evaluating accuracy on the train set, right? And it is a mistake...
Without augmentation your network simply overfits. You have a predefined number of images, for instance, 1000, and your network during training can easily memorize dataset labels. And you are evaluating the model on the fixed (not augmented) dataset.
When you are training your network with data augmentation, basically, you are training a model on a dataset of infinite size. You are doing augmentation on the fly, which means that the model "sees" new images every time, and it cannot memorize them perfectly with 100% accuracy. And you are evaluating the model on the augmented (infinite) dataset.
When you train your model with and without augmentation, you evaluate it on the different datasets, so it is not correct to compare their accuracy.
Piece of advice:
Do not look at train set accuracy, it is simply misleading when you use augmentations. Instead - evaluate your model on the test set (or validation set), which is not augmented. By doing this - you'll see the real accuracy increase for your model.
P.S. If you want to find out more about image augmentaitons, I really recommend you to check this guide -


What is the proper to save the fitted CNN model for MNIST dataset?

I develpoed a simple CNN model for MNIST dataset and i got 98% validation accuracy. But after saving the model through keras as model.h5 and evaluating the inference of th saved model in another jypyter session, the performance of the model is poor and the predictions are random
What needs to be done to get same accuracy after saving and uploading the model in different jypyter notebook session?
(Consider sharing your code/results so the community can help you better).
I'm assuming you're using Tensorflow/Keras, so'my_model.h5') after your should save the model, including the trained parameters (but not including the internal optimizer data; i.e gradients, etc..., which shouldn't affect the prediction capabilities of the model).
A number of things could cause a generalization gap like that, but...
Case 1: having a high training/validation accuracy and a low test (prediction) accuracy typically means your model overfit on the given training data.
I suggest adding some regularization to your training phase (dropout layers, cutout augmentation, L1/L2, etc...), a fewer number of epochs or early-stopping, or cross-validation/data reshuffle to cross off the possibility of overfitting.
Case 2: low intrinsic dataset variance, but unless you're using a subset of MNIST, this is unlikely. Make sure you are properly splitting your training/validation/test sets.
Again, it could be a number of issues, but these are the most common cases for low model generalization. Post your code (specifying the architecture, optimizer, hyperparameters, data prepropcessing, and test data used) so the answers can be more relevant to your problem.

Improve the neural network by analyzing the loss curve

I builted some network based on LSTM. I tuneded parameters. The results are shown in the figure and are not impressive.
How to understand what is bad? Is the dataset bad or the network is not well built?
Since validation loss decreased initially and later increased what you're experiencing is model overfitting.
Since training loss kept decreasing, your model has learnt training set excessively and now model is not generalizing well. Due to this validation loss increased.
To avoid overfitting, you need to regularize your model. You can use L1 or L2 regularization techniques. Additionally, you can also try dropout in your model.
Now coming to your question:
If the dataset is of good quality i.e. it is annotated well and it surely has features which could give result, then dataset and model hand-in-hand decides the quality of the predictions.
Since you're using RNNs that consists a good numbers of parameters, make sure that dataset is also huge to avoid RNNs overfitting on a small dataset. If available dataset is small, start with a small deep learning with less parameters (you can build a small neural network) and gradually scale up the model until you're satisfied with the prediction scores.
You can also refer this:

Overfitting problem in convolutional neural Network and deciding the parameters of convolution and dence layer

I applied batch normalization technique to increase the accuracy of my cnn model.The accuracy of model without batch Normalization was only 46 % but after applying batch normalization it crossed 83% but a here arisen a bif overfitting problem that the model was giving validation Accuracy only 15%. Also please tell me how to decide no of filters strides in convolution layer and no of units in dence layer
Batch normalization has been shown to help in many cases but is not always optimal. I found that it depends where it resides in your model architecture and what you are trying to achieve. I have done a lot with different GAN CNNs and found that often BN is not needed and can even degrade performance. It's purpose is to help the model generalize faster but sometimes it increases training times. If I am trying to replicate images, I skip BN entirely. I don't understand what you mean with regards to the accuracy. Do you mean it achieved 83% accuracy with the training data but dropped to 15% accuracy on the validation data? What was the validation accuracy without the BN? In general, the validation accuracy is the more important metric. If you have a high training accuracy and a low validation accuracy, you are indeed overfitting. If you have several convolution layers, you may want to apply BN after each. If you still over-fit, try increasing your strides and kernel size. If that doesn't work you might need to look at the data again and make sure you have enough and that it is somewhat diverse. Assuming you are working with image data, are you creating samples where you rotate your images, crop them, etc. Consider synthetic data to augment your real data to help combat overfiiting.

Model underfitting

I have trained a model and it took me quite a while to find the correct hyperparameters.
The model has now been trained for 15h and it seems to to its job quite well.
When I observed the training and validation loss though, the training loss is somewhat higher than the validation loss. (red curve: training, green: validation)
I use dropout to regularize my model and as far as I have understood, droput is is only applied during training which might be the reason.
Now Iam wondering if I have trained a valid model?
It doesn't seem like the model is heavily underfitted?
Thanks in advance for any advice,
First, check whether you have good data set, i.e., if it is a classification, then get equal number of images for all classes and get it from same source not from different sources. And regularization, dropout are used for overfitting/High variance so don't worry about these.
Then, I think your model is doing good when you trained your model the initial error between them are different but as you increased the epochs then they both got into some steady path. So it is good. And may be reason for this is as I mentioned above or you should try shuffle them then using train_test_split for getting better distribution of training and validation sets.
A plot of learning curves shows a good fit if:
The plot of training loss decreases to a point of stability.
The plot of validation loss decreases to a point of stability and has a small gap with the training loss.
In your case these conditions are satisfied.
Still if you want to deal with High Bias/underfitting then here are few methods:
Train bigger models
Train longer. Use better optimization techniques
Try different Neural Network Architecture and also hyper parameters
And also you can use cross-validation or GridSearchCV for finding better optimizer or hyper parameters but it may take really long because you have to train it on different parameters each time considering your time which is 15 hours then it might be very long but you will find better parameters and then train on it.
Above all I think your model is doing okay.
If your model underfits, its performance will be lower, similar as in the case of overfitting, because actually it can not learn effectively to get the optimal result, i.e the proper function to fit the given distribution. So you have to use less regularization technique e.g. less dropout to get the optimal result.
Furthermore the sampling can also be crucial, because there can be training-validation subsets where your model performs well on validation set and less effective on training set and vice-versa. This is one of the reason why we use crossvalidation and different sampling methods e.g. stratified k-fold.

Validation loss in keras while training LSTM and stability of LSTM

I am using Keras now to train my LSTM model for a time series problem. My activation function is linear and the optimizer is Rmsprop.
However, i observe the tendency that while the training loss is decreasing slowly overtime, and fluctuate around a small value, the validation loss jumps up and down with a large variance.
Therefore, I come up with two questions:
1. Does the validation loss affect the training process? Will the algorithm look at the validation loss and slow down the learning rate in case it fluctuates alot?
2. How can i make the model more stable so that it will return a more stable values of validation loss?
Does the validation loss affect the training process?
No. The validation loss is just a small sample of data that is excluded from the training process. It is run through the network at the end of an epoch, to test how well training is going, so that you can check if the model is over fitting (i.e. training loss much < validation loss).
Fluctuation in validation loss
This is bit tougher to answer without the network or data. It could just mean that your model isn't converging well to unseen data, meaning that its not seeing a enough similar trends from training data to validation data, and each time the weights are adjusted to better suit the training data, the model becomes less accurate for the validation set. You could possibly turn down the learning rate, but if your training loss is decreasing slowly, the learning rate is probably fine. I think in this situation, you have to ask yourself a few questions. Do I have enough data? Does a true time series trend exist in my data? Have I normalized my data correctly? Is my network to large for the data I have?
I had this issue - while training loss was decreasing, the validation loss was not decreasing. I checked and found while I was using LSTM:
I simplified the model - instead of 20 layers, I opted for 8 layers.
Instead of scaling within range (-1,1), I choose (0,1), this right there reduced my validation loss by magnitude of one order
I reduced the batch size from 500 to 50 (just trial and error)
I added more features, which I thought intuitively would add some new intelligent information to the X->y pair
Possible reasons:
Your validation set is very small compare to your trainning set which usually happens. A little change of weights makes validation loss fluctuate much more than trainning loss. This may not neccessary mean that your model is overfiting. As long as the overall trendency of validation loss keeps decreasing.
May be your train and validation data are from different sources, they may have different distributions. This may happen when your data is time series, and you split your train/validation data by a specific timestamp.
Does the validation loss affect the training process?
No, validation(forward-pass-once) and training(forward-and-backward) are different processes. Hence a single forword pass does not change how would you train next.
Will the algorithm look at the validation loss and slow down the learning rate in case it fluctuates alot?
No, But I guess you can implement your own method to do so. However, one thing should be noted, the model is trying to learn the best solution to your cost function which are fed by trainning data only, so changing this learning rate by observing validation loss doesnt make too much sense.
How can i make the model more stable so that it will return a more stable values of validation loss?
The reasons are expained above. If it is the first case, enlarge validation set will make your loss looks more stable but it does NOT mean it fits better. My suggestion is as long as your are sure your model does not overfit (gap between train loss and validation loss are not too large ), you can just save the model which gives the lowest validation loss.
If its the second case, it can be complecated depend on your case. You could try to exclude samples in trainning set which are not "similar" with your validation set, or enlarge your model's capacity if you have enough data. Or perhapes add more metrics to monitor how well the training.
