Joining column of different rows in pandas - python-3.x

If i have a dataframe and i want to merge ID column based on the Name column without deleting any row.
How would i do this?
I want to convert the above dataframe into the below one

Use GroupBy.transform with join:
df['ID'] = df.groupby('Name')['ID'].transform(', '.join)
print (df)
Name ID
0 John ABC, XYZ
1 John ABC, XYZ
2 Lucy MNO


How update a dataframe column value from second dataframe where values on two specific columns that can repeat on first match on both dataframes?

I have two dataframes with different information about a person, on the first dataframe, person's name may repeat in different rows. I want to add/update the first dataframe with data from the second dataframe where the two columns containing person's data matches on both. Here an example on what I need to accomplish:
name surname
0 john doe
1 mary doe
2 peter someone
3 mary doe
4 john another
5 paul another
name surname account_id
0 peter someone 100
1 john doe 200
2 mary doe 300
3 john another 400
I need to accomplish this:
name surname account_id
0 john doe 200
1 mary doe 300
2 peter someone 100
3 mary doe 300
4 john another 400
5 paul another <empty>

Using Regex to change the name values format in a dataframe

I'm pretty sure I'm asking the wrong question here so here goes. I have a 2 dataframes, lets call them df1 and df2.
df1 looks like this:
data = {'Employee ID' : [12345, 23456, 34567],
'Values' : [123168546543154, 13513545435145434, 556423145613],
'Employee Name' : ['Jones, John', 'Potter, Harry', 'Watts, Wade'],
'Department Supervisor' : ['Wendy Davis', 'Albus Dumbledore', 'James Halliday']}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Employee ID','Values','Employee Name','Department Supervisor'])
df2 looks similar:
data = {'Employee ID' : [12345, 23456, 34567],
'Employee Name' : ['Jones, John', 'Potter, Harry', 'Watts, Wade'],
'Department Supervisor' : ['Davis, Wendy', 'Dumbledore, Albus', 'Halliday, James']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Employee ID','Employee Name','Department Supervisor'])
My issue is that df1 is from an excel file and that sometimes has an Employee ID entered and sometimes doesn't. This is where df2 comes in, df2 is a sql pull from the employee database that I'm using to validate the employee names and supervisor names to ensure the correct employee id is used.
Normally I'd be happy to merge the dataframes to get my desired result but with the supervisor names being in different formats I'd like to use regex on df1 to turn 'Wendy Davis" into 'Davis, Wendy' along with the other supervisor names to match what df2 has. So far I'm coming up empty on how I want to search this for an answer, suggestions?
IIUC, do you need?
df1['DS Corrected'] = df1['Department Supervisor'].str.replace('(\w+) (\w+)','\\2, \\1', regex=True)
Employee ID Values Employee Name Department Supervisor DS Corrected
0 12345 123168546543154 Jones, John Wendy Davis Davis, Wendy
1 23456 13513545435145434 Potter, Harry Albus Dumbledore Dumbledore, Albus
2 34567 556423145613 Watts, Wade James Halliday Halliday, James
Since Albus' full name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore and James' is James Donovan Halliday (if we're talking about Ready Player One) then consider a dataframe of:
Employee ID Values Employee Name Department Supervisor
0 12345 123168546543154 Jones, John Wendy Davis
1 23456 13513545435145434 Potter, Harry Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
2 34567 556423145613 Watts, Wade James Donovan Halliday
So we need to swap the last name to the front with...
import pandas as pd
data = {'Employee ID' : [12345, 23456, 34567],
'Values' : [123168546543154, 13513545435145434, 556423145613],
'Employee Name' : ['Jones, John', 'Potter, Harry', 'Watts, Wade'],
'Department Supervisor' : ['Wendy Davis', 'Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore', 'James Donovan Halliday']}
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Employee ID','Values','Employee Name','Department Supervisor'])
def swap_names(text):
first, *middle, last = text.split()
if len(middle) == 0:
return last + ', ' + first
return last + ', ' + first + ' ' + ' '.join(middle)
df1['Department Supervisor'] = [swap_names(row) for row in df1['Department Supervisor']]
Employee ID Values Employee Name Department Supervisor
0 12345 123168546543154 Jones, John Davis, Wendy
1 23456 13513545435145434 Potter, Harry Dumbledore, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian
2 34567 556423145613 Watts, Wade Halliday, James Donovan
df1['Department Supervisor'] = [', '.join(x.split()[::-1]) for x in df1['Department Supervisor']]
Employee ID Values Employee Name Department Supervisor
0 12345 123168546543154 Jones, John Davis, Wendy
1 23456 13513545435145434 Potter, Harry Dumbledore, Albus
2 34567 556423145613 Watts, Wade Halliday, James

rearrange name order in pandas column

I have the following df
import pandas as pd
df= pd.DataFrame({'Text' : ['Hi', 'Hello', 'Bye'],
'P_ID': [1,2,3],
'Name' :['Bobby,Bob Lee Brian', 'Tuck,Tom T ', 'Mark, Marky '],
Name P_ID Text
0 Bobby,Bob Lee Brian 1 Hi
1 Tuck,Tom T 2 Hello
2 Mark, Marky 3 Bye
1) rearrange the Name column from e.g. Bobby,Bob Lee Brian to Bob Lee Brian Bobby
2) create new column Rearranged_Name
Desired Output
Name P_ID Text Rearranged_Name
0 Bobby,Bob Lee Brian 1 Hi Bob Lee Brian Bobby
1 Tuck,Tom T 2 Hello Tom T Tuck
2 Mark, Marky 3 Bye Marky Mark
How do I achieve my desired output?
Use Series.str.replace with values before and after ,, \s* means there are optionally whitespace after ,:
df['Rearranged_Name'] = df['Name'].str.replace(r'(.+),\s*(.+)', r'\2 \1')
print (df)
Text P_ID Name Rearranged_Name
0 Hi 1 Bobby,Bob Lee Brian Bob Lee Brian Bobby
1 Hello 2 Tuck,Tom T Tom T Tuck
2 Bye 3 Mark, Marky Marky Mark
Or use Series.str.split for helper DataFrame and join columns together:
df1 = df['Name'].str.split(',\s*', expand=True)
df['Rearranged_Name'] = df1[1] + ' ' + df1[0]

Appending new elements to a column in pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe like this:
id name gender
1 Alice Male
2 Jenny Female
3 Bob Male
And now I want to add a new column sport which will contain values in the form of list.Let's I want to add Football to the rows where gender is male So df1 will look like:
id name gender sport
1 Alice Male [Football]
2 Jenny Female NA
3 Bob Male [Football]
Now if I want to add Badminton to rows where gender is female and tennis to rows where gender is male so that final output is:
id name gender sport
1 Alice Male [Football,Tennis]
2 Jenny Female [Badminton]
3 Bob Male [Football,Tennis]
How to write a general function in python which will accomplish this task of appending new values into the column based upon some other column value?
The below should work for you. Initialize column with an empty list and proceed
df['sport'] = np.empty((len(df), 0)).tolist()
def append_sport(df, filter_df, sport):
df.loc[filter_df, 'sport'] = df.loc[filter_df, 'sport'].apply(lambda x: x.append(sport) or x)
return df
filter_df = (df.gender == 'Male')
df = append_sport(df, filter_df, 'Football')
df = append_sport(df, filter_df, 'Cricket')
id name gender sport
0 1 Alice Male [Football, Cricket]
1 2 Jenny Female []
2 3 Bob Male [Football, Cricket]

Arranging column2 based on column1 in excel

I have two column like this
column 1 column 2
abc ddd def ghij
abc ghi jkl dddd
bbc mno qrst wxyz
As you can see column 2 is having few letters from column 1. I need to sort column 2 based on the occurrence of this letters. So my column will be looking like
column 1 column 2
abc ddd def dddd
abc ghi jkl ghij
bbc mno qrst mnoq
How to sort this ?
With a couple of temporary helper columns, say:
in C1: =MID(A1,5,3)
in D1: =MATCH(LEFT(B1,3),C:C)
and both formulae copied down you might sort B:D in order ascending for ColumnD.
