Arranging column2 based on column1 in excel - excel

I have two column like this
column 1 column 2
abc ddd def ghij
abc ghi jkl dddd
bbc mno qrst wxyz
As you can see column 2 is having few letters from column 1. I need to sort column 2 based on the occurrence of this letters. So my column will be looking like
column 1 column 2
abc ddd def dddd
abc ghi jkl ghij
bbc mno qrst mnoq
How to sort this ?

With a couple of temporary helper columns, say:
in C1: =MID(A1,5,3)
in D1: =MATCH(LEFT(B1,3),C:C)
and both formulae copied down you might sort B:D in order ascending for ColumnD.


python : How to delete the column which contains specific word or string like 'No data' i.e. removing columns which has any specific string

Rat Rat 1 Rat 2
0 jkl No jkl
1 ghj No jkhj
2 mmm No jkl
3 klj No oo
4 kkk No jkk
I want to remove the column which has string 'No' and the output should have only rows Rat and Rat 2

Joining column of different rows in pandas

If i have a dataframe and i want to merge ID column based on the Name column without deleting any row.
How would i do this?
I want to convert the above dataframe into the below one
Use GroupBy.transform with join:
df['ID'] = df.groupby('Name')['ID'].transform(', '.join)
print (df)
Name ID
0 John ABC, XYZ
1 John ABC, XYZ
2 Lucy MNO

Excel: copy data within a column based on duplicate values in another column

I have a table as:
(Column A)Company Name | (Column B)Company Number
ABC | 123
CBA | 234
ACB | 567
In Column B I need to insert data in row 2 as row 1 (or vice versa) because row 1 and 2 in Column A have same data. The table i have has about 6M such rows and hence looking for some help.
I think you need filters and then just paste the values you need.

Get last unique row in Excel

I'm having a table looking like this:
id1 | id2 | dateUpdate
aaa | 111 | 2016-01-01
aaa | 111 | 2016-01-02
aaa | 222 | 2016-01-05
aaa | 222 | 2016-01-15
bbb | 333 | 2016-01-05
bbb | 444 | 2016-01-01
ccc | 111 | 2016-01-02
I'd like to get only the latest row for each id1/id2 couple:
id1 | id2 | dateUpdate
aaa | 111 | 2016-01-02
aaa | 222 | 2016-01-15
bbb | 333 | 2016-01-05
bbb | 444 | 2016-01-01
ccc | 111 | 2016-01-02
Thanks for your help!
Use Aggregate Function
=AGGREGATE(14, 6, 1/($A$2:$A$99=E2)*($B$2:$B$99=F2)*($C$2:$C$99), 1)
You have to put the unique combinations in column E2 and Column F2 downwards
You have five unique combinations
aaa 111
aaa 222
bbb 333
bbb 444
ccc 111
And Aggregate Funtion is to be put in column G2 and fill down downwards.
=AGGREGATE(14, 6, 1/($A$2:$A$99=E2)*($B$2:$B$99=F2)*($C$2:$C$99), 1)
Regarding Syntax 14 is for Large value that is the for example larger for first aaa 111 combination that is #02-01-2016#
Next digit 6 in formula is for ignoring errors
You can quickly get the pseudo-Last value using the AGGREGATE function..
This is a standard non-array formula that does NOT require Ctrl+Shift+Enter. AGGREGATE was introduced with Excel 2010.
($A$2:$A$99=E2) checks which value of column A matches with the first unique value of column A of unique combination of A & B
This is converted to an array of logical values which gives an array of True Or False. Dividing 1 by these logical values give either 1 or DIV# error. Similar process is adopted for Column B values mentioned in column F. I have taken data limited to 99 rows. If it more number of rows you change the figure of 99 to a higher figure as per your requirements.
You can also go for pivot table solution as suggested by #Tim Biegeleisen in his comments. Snapshot given here-under illustrates that approach.
id1 and id2 are taken as filter fields and Maximum Value of dateUpdate is chosen in the value field.

Vlookup a Cell which Contains a Part of Other Cell but not that Straightforward

Hi guys and all Excel gurus, I am stuck with this one excel problem which I cannot solve. I tried using Index, Match, Vlookup but to no avail.
Basically I tried getting Column D displays Value from Column B if the Value of Column C contains part of the value in Column A.
So what I'm dealing with is something kind of like this:
Fixed the table display
| Header Column A Column B Column C Column D |
| Row 1 111 AAA 1111 |
| Row 2 222 BBB 112 |
| Row 3 333 CCC 2225 |
| Row 4 444 DDD 333 |
So my expected result would be:
| Header Column A Column B Column C Column D |
| Row 1 111 AAA 1111 AAA |
| Row 2 222 BBB 112 N/A |
| Row 3 333 CCC 2225 BBB |
| Row 4 444 DDD 333 CCC |
Sorry for the poor table display and explanation. Thanks Guys.
=INDEX($C$2:$C$5, MATCH(1,IF(ISERR(FIND($B$2:$B$5, $D2)),0,1),0))
, where 5 is the last data row. Enter as an array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter) in E2, then drag down.
BTW on row 4 it gives CCC, not N/A.
