How to request merchanID from binance to use its API create order - binance

may i know how to get merchantId or whats the process to request merchantId from binance ?
thanks in advance.

The POST /binancepay/openapi/order endpoint that you're referencing, creates a P2P merchant order. You can get the ID in your Merchant profile of the P2P platform (after Binance has confirmed you as a P2P merchant).
If this is not what you're looking for and you just want to submit a (regular) spot order (e.g. to buy BTC to USDT), you can use the POST /api/v3/order endpoint. It only requires your API key and API secret that you can generate in the API management section of your profile.


Can I make transactions on the user's behalf using some exchange API (Binance, Coinbase etc.)?

I've read the Binance API documentation but it's still not clear to me whether it allows for a 3rd party app to initiate a payment, and then just have the user confirm it.
For example, I want to build an application which would allow the user to send tokens to a previously defined address, but most of my user base won't have MetaMask or a hardware wallet (so it's not that straightforward like with using ethers.js or web3.js), they'll mostly keep their tokens on an exchange.
Also, if this can't be done through Binance, is there another exchnge that would enable this?
You can use the withdraw endpoint.

Test stripe api payment using google pay token

I have set up a Google Pay button on the front end of my website and have tested communicating with the Google Pay API and have successfully received a response.
I have a Laravel project (PHP) so the front end sends this data to the server to be processed.
Once I have this response however I am not sure how to pass the required information to stripe api. From my understanding I need to pass the token received in the response to stripe's api but not sure how to formulate the request to stripe using this token.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated
On your PHP side, you need to create a Charge on Stripe: , using stripe-php library.
The Stripe Token you got from Google Pay, you would pass that under the source: tok_123 parameter.
(recommended) If you are using PaymentIntent/PaymentMethod objects, you would create a PaymentIntent ( using the API and pass payment_method: pm_123.

Instagram API comments webhook

I try to integrate Instagram into my web app.
I need receive webhook by each comment in my media.
I create a Client in Instagram/developers and POST subscription,
But only receive when posting a media.
When another way,
I try with Facebook Instagram API, and receive webhook from a commets,
but if the user which write the commets isn´t a business account, I´m can´t get a data from the user.
Any suggestion?
Existe another way to integrate API Instagram?
No. You have covered the possible scenario. Comment webhooks are only supported in the FB graph API. And to use that you need to connect with business account. They don't support comment webhooks for non-business account.

Google wallet integration in android

In the poc given by Google, it is not mentioned about the payment process. Where will the stipulated amount be transferred? There is no way to add the seller's details.
Will google wallet save only our card details and we must use getFullWallet() and use the details to continue process by using another third party payment gateway?or it will handle all the transactions? if so, where can we give seller details in the code?
Any POC on complete google wallet usage will be very much helpful as I couldn't understand the flow in the sample provided.
As in the sample the currency is converted to dollars, is that the case always?
What if I have a card and it is not internationally valid?
A piece of simple code is appreciated.
After getting fullwallet how can we use that to send details to merchant's account?
Will Google Wallet act as payment gateway?
After researching, I found out that Google-Wallet as its name suggests acts as our personal digital wallet and will not be involved in any of the payment gateway process. After fetching the details from Google-Wallet i.e..,getFullWallet() we can send these details to our server which implements the payment gateway on its side.

Google wallet API Integration questions

I am new to integrate Google Wallet and there are some confusion and questions related to that given below:
Is it possible to add multiple items for Google wallet?
How to handle discount by API?
What's the parameter in JWT response on postback URL for success and failure transaction?
Is refund functionality available for a transaction by API call?
Anyone have idea about this. Thanks in advance.
Can you clarify which specific API (Instant Buy or Wallet for Digital)?
Is it possible to add multiple items...
Digital - no, you can however "bundle", see this post for clarification.
Instant Buy - it's just a "layer" on top of your (pre) existing purchase/ordering processes and handles (just) the payment data of a Google Wallet user. The "order details" is something you control. See sample of data you send.
Discounts by API
By API - no. You can pass whatever (pre-calculated) value in both APIs.
Success vs. Failure Postback
Digital - Google will only send HTTP Post to your server URL on successful transaction. See #5: "Google sends an HTTP POST message to the postback URL whenever a purchase completes..."
Instant Buy - not relevant. You are processing the transaction, unlike in Digital where Google is. Instant Buy in a nutshell provides your web site, secure access to a Google Wallet user's data. You need to have your own merchant account/processor, be PCI compliant, etc. That said, you will have the success or failure info that you actually have to send to Google - they need to know if you have successfully processed or not (yup, it's the other way around).
Refund by API
By API - Unless a Googler says otherwise, AFAIK, not at this time, for both APIs.
On that note, for Instant Buy, it's actually unclear to me how to "inform Google" when performing a credit or refund. Its still a "private API" (not GA) so I actually haven't seen its "guts". It's understood that since the merchant uses their own processor that a credit/refund is the same procedure, but letting Google "know" about it (days/weeks after the fact) is something I personally have no actual info on..sorry...I can assume some "button" in merchant center for Instant Buy, but that's just a guess....
W.r.t InstantBuy Refunds:
The Refund happens on the virtual one time card that is returned by the Google API. The refund on the card can be done by using any backend payment processor. Once the refund is made to the card, it hits the user's backing card.
