Prevent forwarding or replying to email - xpages

Is there a way to prevent an external recipient from replying to an email, we need them to update our portal. In the ReplyTo Field we add "please update our portal with your response" but many users ignore it by changing the ReplyTo Field.
We create the problem as we add a full description of our customer update in the body rather than just adding a link. I don't really wish to remove this additional information as it is more user friendly. Access to the portal and their 'ticket' is extremely user friendly, one click, it is just people being lazy.
This is how the email is generated.
Many thanks for any suggestions.
var recipient = document1.getItemValueString("emailField");
var sendergroup = "";
var memo = database.createDocument();
//memo.appendItemValue("Principal","Support Request#NotesDomain");// Don't use.
memo.appendItemValue("ReplyTo","... please update our portal with your response.");
memo.appendItemValue("Subject", Our references here ");
var rtitem:NotesRichTextItem = memo.createRichTextItem("Body");
var rtStyle:NotesRichTextStyle = session.createRichTextStyle();
rtitem.appendText("Hi "+firstname+",");
rtitem.appendText("Details of the request in here..");
rtitem.appendText("https://link to their document in here");

As far as I know you cannot control what happens at the recipient's mail system....
However, you could use a sender/reply address where the mail goes to a mailin database where you could have an agent send them a reply stating that their reply is ignored and that they will have to open the link....
Not ideal - but then at least they know :-)


Docusign ReplyEmailAddressOverride setting, does it require a ReplyNameOverride as well?

If you use the properties in EmailSettings to change the reply email address, do you also need to assign a value to the reply name override property? If you don't, what does it use for the name?
From the legacy official REST documentation, the replyEmailNameOverride is NOT required.
While the documentation doesn't mention this, if you don't specify it, it seems that it will reuse the name of the original recipient it was sent to.
See my example below in C#:
EmailSettings settings = new EmailSettings
ReplyEmailAddressOverride = ""
docuSignEnvelope.EmailSettings = settings;
To go further, if you look at the DocuSign recipient email source, you can see that they assign the recipient name to the reply email as below :

user can not sign because there’s no URL created and sent to us from Docusign

We are receiving the following error when I try to create a recipient view. Basically the document is sent to 2 users, one of them has already signed but the other user can not sign because there’s no URL created and sent to us from Docusign. We are using node.js docusign sdk.
var recipientView = new docusign.RecipientViewRequest();
var envelopesApi = new docusign.EnvelopesApi();
envelopesApi.createRecipientView(accountId,, recipientView,
function(error, viewUrl, response) {
// no url is returned here.the error (in the image) is shown
I printed the values of accountId, envelopeId and those seemed to be fine.I checked if the user had changed his first name, last name and there were no errors there. If I create a new user from scratch everything works fine.
FrontEnd Error
Response Error
Through your screenshots it looks like you are getting an UKNOWN_ENVELOPE_RECIPIENT error returned from the API. This means the recipient data you are sending to identify the recipient is not correct. It needs to exactly match the data you assigned to the recipient when you added them to the envelope, such as name, email, recipientId, and clientUserId.
Try calling the EnvelopeRecipients: List API before you make the request to generate the URL and ensure that the recipient data matches what you are sending in your createRecipientView() request. That should help identify which piece of data is off, once you correct that the call will then start returning the proper URL.
Also see the Embedded Signing features page in the DocuSign Developer Center which shows exactly which params you need to set etc:

Netsuite, how to show popup after login into netsuite account?

I am new to Netsuite and I have a requirement to show one alert message displaying "welcomeuser" after the user loggedin into Netsuite account.
I have tried this client script but its not showing any message.
function employee_PageInit(type){
alert('Dear UserName, The data in NetSuite is confidential and the property of the company.');
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'user role', nlapiGetContext().getName());
alert('ok'+ nlapiGetContext().getName());
I have logged in with the role ADMINISTRATOR,
any help is appreciated thank you.
Here is a sample with 2.0. It's not pretty and would need some work. But this is one way to inject javascript logic onto the homepage with a portlet.
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType Portlet
function(runtime) {
function render(params) {
var user = runtime.getCurrentUser();
params.portlet.title = 'Welcome Message';
var content = '<script>alert(\'Hello ' + + '\');</script>';
params.portlet.html = content;
return {
render: render
U can try using custom portlet it stands out in the dashboard for showing the content.Then also alert is not possible.
I've struggled with this idea in the past and what you want is not technically possible, since there are no scripts that run when you are viewing the homepage. Here are some weird workarounds:
Schedule a calendar reminder, which can trigger a pop-up with your message.
Before assigning their full NetSuite rights, tell users to go to a specific page or form: Maybe a custom record... (the record could serve as a log of who consented to and read your policy) On this form you could have your message. Then when the user fills it out, have a back-end script enable their permissions.
Make your text into a tiny image, and make it your company logo for all of NetSuite. ;)
You can add the custom Javasript to display the alert on a Suitelet which would be set as the Landing Page under General Preferences, then once the user accepts redirect to their home page, and if they don't accept send an alert to the admin...
var accepted = confirm('Dear UserName, The data in NetSuite is confidential and the property of the company.');
if (accepted)'');
//Send email to admin
Hi please follow the following steps :
Create a suitelet script - Login Script with pageInit() in clientscript action to alert your welcome message.
Goto Setup > Company > General Preference and under Centers tab add appropriate URL of the Login Script Suitelet's deployment and save the preferences.
Note : You can add different messages to different center's based on the roles in your account.
General Preference > Centers Tab
Hope this solves your issue please revert back if anything is missed.
Basically, the homepage of NetSuite is not scriptable.
There are some ways to check if the record/page is scriptable:
Look up the specific record type in the NetSuite Help Center; specifically on the Records Browser
On the Browser's developer console, you may run nlapiGetRecordType() and if it returns the record name, it should be scriptable -- please note that the record should be on edit mode for the console tool to run correctly with NetSuite pages
Hope this helps with your development!
you can write a function
function pageInit(type){
var context= nlapiGetContext();
var username = context.getName();

'Microsoft.SharePoint.MailMessage' is inaccessible due to its protection level

'Microsoft.SharePoint.MailMessage' is inaccessible due to its protection level
On this code:
MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
mail.From = "";
mail.To = "";
mail.Subject = "Testing Code";
mail.BodyText = what;
mail.Priority = MailPriority.High;
Smtp.Send(mail, "");
How can remidy this? changes to web.config? Any way to circumvent in code?
This error is saying that MailMessage does not have public constructor. Most likely, it is for internal SharePoint use only.
Actually, in most cases in SharePoint you need to use SPUtility.SendEmail method to send mail with SharePoint. It is very simple:
SPUtility.SendEmail(SPContext.Current.Web, false, false, "", "Testing Code", what);
See MSDN for details on this method:
If you need to send email under ordinary user accounts, you should use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivilegies method to provide elevated privilegies.
Only disadvantage is that SPUtility does not support attachments. If you need attach some files to your letter, please use System.Net.Mail.
I know a good post from Edwin Vriethoff, which provide detailed information about sending email with attachments, with default SharePoint SMTP settings (they are configured through Central Administration):

Retrieve GMail data through DotNetOpenId

I'm Trying to login with dotNetOpenId to GMail accounts. It works but I'm not able to retrieve any claims. I know I could retrieve email addresses or user names as well, but no claims are being returned only the ClaimedIdentifier is available. Anyone know how to retrieve this data from Gmail accounts? If you could please provide me an example of ClaimsRequest configuration I would be grateful.
// Either you're creating this already or you can get to it in
// the LoggingIn event of the control you're using.
IAuthenticationRequest request;
// Add the AX request that says Email address is required.
var fetch = new FetchRequest();
new AttributeRequest(WellKnownAttributes.Contact.Email, true));
Google then authenticates the user and returns the email address, which you can get with:
var fetch = openid.Response.GetExtension<FetchResponse>();
if (fetch != null)
IList<string> emailAddresses = fetch.GetAttribute(
string email = emailAddresses.Count > 0 ? emailAddresses[0] : null;
You can see my blog post on the subject for a bit more information. The important thing to note here is that Google will only tell you the user's email address if you mark it as required (as I have done in the above snippet). But this also means that if the user does not want to share his email address, he cannot log in at all. Sorry, that's the way Google set it up. Other Providers that people use have different behaviors, unfortunately.
