Netsuite, how to show popup after login into netsuite account? - netsuite

I am new to Netsuite and I have a requirement to show one alert message displaying "welcomeuser" after the user loggedin into Netsuite account.
I have tried this client script but its not showing any message.
function employee_PageInit(type){
alert('Dear UserName, The data in NetSuite is confidential and the property of the company.');
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'user role', nlapiGetContext().getName());
alert('ok'+ nlapiGetContext().getName());
I have logged in with the role ADMINISTRATOR,
any help is appreciated thank you.

Here is a sample with 2.0. It's not pretty and would need some work. But this is one way to inject javascript logic onto the homepage with a portlet.
*#NApiVersion 2.x
*#NScriptType Portlet
function(runtime) {
function render(params) {
var user = runtime.getCurrentUser();
params.portlet.title = 'Welcome Message';
var content = '<script>alert(\'Hello ' + + '\');</script>';
params.portlet.html = content;
return {
render: render

U can try using custom portlet it stands out in the dashboard for showing the content.Then also alert is not possible.

I've struggled with this idea in the past and what you want is not technically possible, since there are no scripts that run when you are viewing the homepage. Here are some weird workarounds:
Schedule a calendar reminder, which can trigger a pop-up with your message.
Before assigning their full NetSuite rights, tell users to go to a specific page or form: Maybe a custom record... (the record could serve as a log of who consented to and read your policy) On this form you could have your message. Then when the user fills it out, have a back-end script enable their permissions.
Make your text into a tiny image, and make it your company logo for all of NetSuite. ;)

You can add the custom Javasript to display the alert on a Suitelet which would be set as the Landing Page under General Preferences, then once the user accepts redirect to their home page, and if they don't accept send an alert to the admin...
var accepted = confirm('Dear UserName, The data in NetSuite is confidential and the property of the company.');
if (accepted)'');
//Send email to admin

Hi please follow the following steps :
Create a suitelet script - Login Script with pageInit() in clientscript action to alert your welcome message.
Goto Setup > Company > General Preference and under Centers tab add appropriate URL of the Login Script Suitelet's deployment and save the preferences.
Note : You can add different messages to different center's based on the roles in your account.
General Preference > Centers Tab
Hope this solves your issue please revert back if anything is missed.

Basically, the homepage of NetSuite is not scriptable.
There are some ways to check if the record/page is scriptable:
Look up the specific record type in the NetSuite Help Center; specifically on the Records Browser
On the Browser's developer console, you may run nlapiGetRecordType() and if it returns the record name, it should be scriptable -- please note that the record should be on edit mode for the console tool to run correctly with NetSuite pages
Hope this helps with your development!

you can write a function
function pageInit(type){
var context= nlapiGetContext();
var username = context.getName();


Password type field in gmail card service

Right now, in gmail appscript we don't have any option to add a password type field.
Gmail Card Service for add-on has a very good ability to show any thing in it. We can integrate with any app which has basic REST api. We need authentication for that which commonly need password type field.
Any work around to show password type field?
As of now, there is no support for password field in Gmail add-on.
But we can build a hack for it. I hope password is needed only in registration forms. So, we can build a registration form using HTML and that can be served through authorization action.
Here, host registration HTML in a web server and pass this URL as "loginUrl" in the above snippet. We have to supply AuthorizationAction for the signup/register button. So, when the user clicks on this button, a new popup page is launched, the user will give the username, password, etc... onsubmit, we can encode all the form data and pass it to the parent Gmail add-on by redirecting it to a script redirection URL which you can generate an add-on. Once the redirection to the script URL comes, there will be a callback in our add-on code from there you can get the form fields which were encoded from registration HTML page.
function generateNewStateToken(callbackName, payload) {
return ScriptApp.newStateToken()
.withArgument("payload", JSON.stringify(payload))
function getRedirectURI() {
return "" + ScriptApp.getScriptId() + "/usercallback";
var state = generateNewStateToken("registerCallback", {"signup": true});
var reg_url = <reg_url> + "?redirect_uri=" + getRedirectURI() + "&state=" + state;
function registerCallback(cbResp) {
// to access payload which passed in state token: cbResp.parameter.payload;
// in the html serialize all the form fields or data which you want to pass to plugin as query params like: <redirect_uri>?form_data=<encoded_data>&state=<state>
//Note: here the registration HTML page should parse the URL to get the state & redirect_uri from URL.
// to access form_data: cbResp.parameter.form_data
I hope this will help you. This is how we are doing the signup/signin flow now.
Looks like you are authorizing a non google service . Please refer to Authorizing custom google services .

Log out NetSuite

I'm trying to create a Log out link in NetSuite I know that the code below works but when i place it in netsuite it just gets outputted as text. I'm just having trouble understanding where in NetSuite it actually goes. It does not work when I place it in a template.
<# var isLoggedIn = "<%=getCurrentAttribute('customer','email')%>" != ""; if(isLoggedIn) { <li class="dropdown-menu1"> Log out </li> } #>
isLoggedIn has been replaced with isLoggedIn2 FYI, or at least for the company that I work for this was the case and recommendation
You might:
A) Replicate the scripts called when you log out
B) Clear cookies and redirect to X page.
'isLoggedIn' method is no longer supported or recommended. This method works correctly in the Checkout domain but may return false when used in the Shopping domain even when the user is logged in. The method is currently being use in pre_Denali versions of SuiteCommerce Advanced. If you encounter session issues in those bundles, contact support to migrate to using the isLoggedIn2() method.
-- posted today on NetSuite's forum by an employee

NetSuite - Check if user is properly logged

I have a little question. I am working with NetSuite eCommerce and I need to check something, my site runs a script when user is logged, but sometimes it asks for a login even when still getting NetSuite Attributes. Something like this:
var loginEmail = "<%=getCurrentAttribute('customer','email')%>";
if(loginEmail==null || loginEmail=="") {
else {
Do you know a specific NetSuite attribute or tag that I should be calling/using?
User sessions do time out after a period of inactivity, and user sessions are tracked with a cookie.
Try testing with a different browser - ie run NetSuite in FireFox and test the eCommerce functionality in Chrome or Safari, for instance.
Try nlapiGetLogin(). From NetSuite Help:
Returns the NetSuite login credentials of currently logged-in user.
This API is supported in user event, portlet, Suitelet, RESTlet, and SSP scripts. For information about the unit cost associated with this API, see API Governance.
Returns nlobjLogin
Since Version 2012.2
This example shows how to get the credentials of the currently logged-in user.
//Get credentials of currently logged-in user
var login = nlapiGetLogin();
It doesn't say, but my thought is that this would return null if no user is logged in.
Use this code:
var shoppingSession = nlapiGetWebContainer().getShoppingSession();
if (!shoppingSession.isLoggedIn())
In place of
try using

how to create ACL with mongoose-acl node.js

I found this library for creating an ACL (access control list) for mongoose:
It looks like a good module, but I'm a little confused on how to use it for my purpose.
I have a site where anybody (logged in or not) can visit a profile page, like
However if the user 'chovy' is logged into this page, I want to give them admin privileges for editing the details of the account.
If the user is not 'chovy' or is not logged in, they would just see the read-only profile page for 'chovy'.
Can someone give me a concrete example of how I would do this?
That sounds so common, that I don't think you need an ACL. You will need to have sessions, and then you can change how the view looks based upon the current logged in user. An incomplete example would like like this:
// Assumes:
// - You set req.session.user when user logs in
// - The url route has a :name so you can do req.param() to get the name of the page being viewed
db.users.getCurrentUser(req.session.user, gotLoggedInUser)
db.users.getUserByName({name: req.param('name')}, gotUser)
And then pass this to the view, when you do a res.render():
var is_viewing_own_page = currentUser._id.toString() === loggedInUser._id.toString()
And then the view can do something like this (assuming jade):
- if (is_viewing_own_page)
div You are looking at your own page
- else
div You are viewing someone else's page

Change a document's permissions via Google Apps Script

I'm looking for sample script that resets the default permissions on an external spreadsheet based on the email address and DocumentID passed to the script. I intent to create a script that can parse information from an email message to acquire the DocumentID and email, execute the permission change from default to anyone with a link, then email the passed address with that link.
It appears that perms are controlled by the DocList API and I'm not finding samples of GAS interacting with that API.
At Google I/O 2013, DriveApp was launched. This allows developers to build use cases like Sharing to Anyone with link
Sample code -
var quizTemplate = DriveApp.getFileById(QUIZ_TEMPLATE_ID);
quizTemplate.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.DOMAIN_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW);
var openFile = DriveApp.getFileById(WIDE_OPEN_ID)
openFile.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.COMMENT);
AFAIK DocsList Services does not have a function to change the sharing mode, between private/anyone with a link/public, only to add/remove editors and viewers. But we can still achieve this by previously setting manually the share settings of a specific folder to "anyone with a link". Then, we have just to add the file to that folder to have it shared.
A script to do that is particularly simple. e.g.
function shareWithAnyoneAndEmail(documentID,email) {
var sharedFolder = DocsList.getFolderById('id-to-your-previously-shared-folder');
var file = DocsList.getFileById(documentID);
MailApp.sendEmail(email, 'Here is your file', file.getName()+'\n'+file.getUrl());
