How to export and import synapse dedicated Sql pool using ARM template - arm-template

Step:1 I am trying to export the existing synapse sqlpool and trying to deploy a new synapse sqlpool, but deployment failed with different errors like the server not found.
Step2: When I try with Microsoft azure deploy I am able create the synapse spool.
My question is what I missed in first step?
Is there any issue with using ARM template for export and import ?


Can't find app with name error while publish the azure function

I tried to create an azure function using following link in Ubuntu system(16.04).
[azure function][2]
Deployment using arm template and create a local azure function using vs code.
Folder contains following files
LocalFunctionProj.csproj, HttpExample.cs, host.json, local.settings.json
azure function is created successfully in portal after deployment.But when i tried to publish the local azure function ,it shows an error Can't find app with name "HttpExample" while using following command
func azure functionapp publish HttpExample
Is anything wrong in my step.
Also i tried this command after 30 mnt when function created in portal
screen shot
I had a similar issue when I followed a tutorial about Azure Functions Core Tools from Microsoft Learning.
In my case, I had the error Can't find app with name X, because I had a wrong subscription set in my local Azure CLI. The command from below changes subscription for the one that is created with "Microsoft Learning Sandbox". Note that, in your case, the name of the subscription can be different.
az account set --subscription "Concierge Subscription"
If it's not the issue, your question suggests that your function app name should be HttpExample. You need to ensure beforehand that there's a function app with such a name in the subscription you are logged into with Azure CLI.
Moreover, there is a ProvisioningState: Failed in the screenshot, which could also be an issue.
If you want to publish the local app into azure ,you must create the functional app before in azure portal.Also the name of the azure function is portal should be same as the local azure app.otherwise you can't publish the app.

Azure DevOps - Multitenant database deployment

We have Web application with one code and multitenant database behind and we are using Azure Devops CI/CD for code deployment. We are able to release the code to database perfectly, however we want to deploy it to multiple database without multiple release pipelines (number of tenants is dynamical and 100+ of them).
I am able to deploy the code to one database and then redeploy to each other using sqlpackage.exe and dacpac file publish in command line on target server. But I want to do so just in Azure devops, however there is no sqlpackage.exe on agent machine in command line task.
Is here someone who was dealing with similar issue with multi-tenant DB approach? I am open to whatever solution using Azure release pipelines.
I was able to resolve this by running Inline Powershell and SqlPackage.exe on Deployment group. You just need to have one "Template DB", get dacpac or bacpac file file from it and then publish it to all other DBs.
Example for a reference:
ForEach ($a in (Get-Content "E:\DatabaseSync\databaselist.txt"))
SqlPackage.exe /a:Publish /sf:"E:\DatabaseSync\TemplateDB.dacpac" `
/tsn:localhost /tu:username /tp:password /tdn:$a `
/p:TreatVerificationErrorsAsWarnings=False /p:BlockOnPossibleDataLoss=True `
/p:AllowDropBlockingAssemblies=True /p:DropObjectsNotInSource=True `
/p:DropPermissionsNotInSource=False /p:IgnorePermissions=True `
/p:IgnoreRoleMembership=True /p:IgnoreUserSettingsObjects=True `
/p:DoNotDropObjectTypes=Users /p:ExcludeObjectTypes=Users

Azure Devops Restore SQL Database as part of my release

In my release pipeline to my Integration Environment I want to restore the production database prior running the migration script.
Both my databases are hosted in Azure. So I thought I could use the Azure SQL Database Deployment task that is already integrated to the Azure Dedvops. I created two separate tasks. First Export to a .bacpac file and then import that .bacpac file again. Currently I am running into the following issue:
2018-11-22T09:02:28.9173416Z Processing Table '[dbo].[EmergencyContacts]'.
2018-11-22T09:02:31.6364073Z Successfully exported database and saved it to file 'D:\a\r1\a\GeneratedOutputFiles\DatabaseName.bacpac'.
2018-11-22T09:02:31.6726957Z Generated file D:\a\r1\a\GeneratedOutputFiles\DatabaseName.bacpac. Uploading file to the logs.
2018-11-22T09:02:31.6798180Z ##[error]Unable to process command '##vso[task.uploadfile] D:\a\r1\a\GeneratedOutputFiles\DatabaseName.bacpac' successfully. Please reference documentation (
2018-11-22T09:02:31.6812314Z ##[error]Cannot upload task attachment file, attachment file location is not specified or attachment file not exist on disk
2018-11-22T09:02:31.7016975Z Setting output variable 'SqlDeploymentOutputFile' to 'D:\a\r1\a\GeneratedOutputFiles\DatabaseName.bacpac'
2018-11-22T09:02:31.7479327Z ##[section]Finishing: Azure SQL Export`enter code here`
Any ideas how I could solve this?

Powershell to download ARM template for Azure data factory Pipeline

i have a requirement to create an ADF pipeline using ARM template in powershell and it has to take inputs/validate few things from existing ADF piepline, for that reason i have to download the ARM tempalte for existing ADF pipeline through powershell. Can we do that for single ADF pipeline or multiple ones?
Note: existing pipeline is not created through ARM deployment, so i cant use "Save-AzureRmDeploymentTemplate" as i dont have deployment name created when pipeline is created through portal..
Any help is really appreciated.
Maybe you want to take a look at Export-AzureRmResourceGroup.
But I guess you can only export the entire resource group which may contain other things. You need put your data factory in a special resource group if you only want to export ADF.
Another way is to export arm template in ADF UI.

Cannot connect to DocumentDb directly after having deployed the DocumentDb account

I have an ARM template that I use to deploy a DocumentDB as well as other Azure reosurces to a resource group. I want my ARM template to setup a Stream Analytics job that uses the DocumentDB as output. In order to do this the DocumentDB account created by the ARM template needs to have a database and a collection setup as well. I cannot find a way to do this from an ARM template so I have written a Powershell CmdLet to create the database and collction for me.
The Stream Analytics job cannot be created by the first ARM template since it depends on having the database and collection created first. Instead I have to divide the deployment into two ARM templates, the first setting up the DocDb account and the second setting up the SA job.
The problem is that I cannot create a database in the DocDB account directly after having deployed the account via the ARM template. I get an exception with the following message: "The remote name could not be resolved: ''" when I try to execute the CreateDatabaseAsync method with the DocDbEndpoint and AuthKey I get back from the ARM template deployment.
Are there any timing issues after having deployed Azure resources using a ARM template before you can access them programatically? This do not seem to be a problem with other Azure reosurces created this way.
Any help on this matter is highly appreciated as well as what is a good practice for working with ARM templates with DocumentDB and Stream Analytic jobs.
Update 2016-03-23
Code for setting up the connection to the DocumentDB to create the database.
Uri endpointUri = new Uri(documentDbEndPoint);
DocumentClient client = new DocumentClient(endpointUri, authKey);
var db = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync(new Database { Id = databaseId });
return db;
Where the documentDbEndPoint is in the form of: and name is the name of my DocDB account just created by the ARM template deployment.
I have the code in a library which I can either call from a Console application or from a Powershell script by loading the library with:
Add-Type -Path <path to library dll file>
No matter if I use powershell or console application I get the same error if I try to create a database just after having created the DocDB account using the ARM template. If I wait like an hour or so both the powershell script and console application works and can create a database in the account.
Seems like there is some kind of timing issue in order for Azure to setup dns records for the newly created DocDB account so that it can be accessed using the DocDB API.
Update 2 2016-03-23
Just tried to create a DocDB account directly from the portal and doing this instead of creating it from an ARM template makes it possible to create a database in the account using my powershell script and console application immediately.
This timing issue has been fixed now and you should be able to use it from the ARM template now.
