Can't find app with name error while publish the azure function - azure

I tried to create an azure function using following link in Ubuntu system(16.04).
[azure function][2]
Deployment using arm template and create a local azure function using vs code.
Folder contains following files
LocalFunctionProj.csproj, HttpExample.cs, host.json, local.settings.json
azure function is created successfully in portal after deployment.But when i tried to publish the local azure function ,it shows an error Can't find app with name "HttpExample" while using following command
func azure functionapp publish HttpExample
Is anything wrong in my step.
Also i tried this command after 30 mnt when function created in portal
screen shot

I had a similar issue when I followed a tutorial about Azure Functions Core Tools from Microsoft Learning.
In my case, I had the error Can't find app with name X, because I had a wrong subscription set in my local Azure CLI. The command from below changes subscription for the one that is created with "Microsoft Learning Sandbox". Note that, in your case, the name of the subscription can be different.
az account set --subscription "Concierge Subscription"
If it's not the issue, your question suggests that your function app name should be HttpExample. You need to ensure beforehand that there's a function app with such a name in the subscription you are logged into with Azure CLI.
Moreover, there is a ProvisioningState: Failed in the screenshot, which could also be an issue.

If you want to publish the local app into azure ,you must create the functional app before in azure portal.Also the name of the azure function is portal should be same as the local azure app.otherwise you can't publish the app.


Upgraded Azure Function cannot test from the portal

We had a Azure Function with Timer Trigger which was develop using function version 3.0 and .NET 3.1. This function is running on Windows App Service Plan on Azure. So, I have upgraded it to function version 4.0 and .NET 6.0 using below steps:
Upgrade your local project
The following changes are required in the .csproj XML project file:
Change the value of PropertyGroup.TargetFramework to net6.0.
Change the value of PropertyGroup.AzureFunctionsVersion to v4.
Replace the existing ItemGroup.PackageReference list with the following ItemGroup:
After you make these changes, your updated project should look like the following example:
Upgrade the local.settings.json file
Run the function app locally and verify the functionality.
Upgrade your function app in Azure
Run below command to set the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION application setting to ~4 on your function app in Azure.
az functionapp config appsettings set --settings FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION=~4 -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> -n <APP_NAME>
Change the .NET version of the function app. If you're function app is hosted on Windows, run below command.
az functionapp config set --net-framework-version v6.0 -g <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> -n <APP_NAME>
However, I cannot test or see the function.json file from Azure Portal.
I have taken the .NET 3.1 Azure Function Project with Timer Trigger in the VS 2022 IDE:
Published the .NET Core 3.1 Azure Functions Project to Azure Function App in the Azure Portal and then changed the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION to 4 using Azure CLI Command by following this MS Doc:
Running locally after migration to V4-.NET 6:
Then, deployed the migrated project to the Azure Function App and tested as shown below:
I was able to find the reason for the issue by running "Diagnose and solve problems" from Azure portal.
The issue was related to the function name. My function name length was more than 32 characters long. By default, the Host ID is auto-generated from the Function App name, by taking the first 32 characters. If you have multiple Function Apps sharing a single storage account and they're each using the same Host ID (generated or explicit), that can result in a Host ID collision. For example, if you have multiple apps with names longer than 32 characters their computed IDs may be the same. Consider two Function Apps with names myfunctionappwithareallylongname-eastus-production and
that are sharing the same storage account. The first 32 characters of these names are the same, resulting in the same Host ID myfunctionappwithareallylongname being generated for each(Please refer for more information).
So, to solve the issue, I just rename the function name on Azure.

Unable to deploy Azure Function App - error with storage account

Lately I've had trouble with deploying a Function App via Azure CLI. Last week on Tuesday, I was still able to deploy a Function App via Azure CLI.
This week, like any other day before that, I used fairly common Azure Function Tools command func azure functionapp publish. The version of Azure Function Tools I am using is 3.0.3233.
Now I am getting this error every time:
Retry: 1 of 3
Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
Retry: 2 of 3
Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
Retry: 3 of 3
Error creating a Blob container reference. Please make sure your connection string in "AzureWebJobsStorage" is valid
I checked that AzureWebJobsStorage setting has a correct value, I even connected to storage account connection string via Azure Storage Explorer app.
Just in case, I created a new Function App in another region and I still get the same error.
Has anyone else encountered this error? I suspect this is an error in the tool itself, maybe a faulty build?
I suspect that AzureWebJobsStorage is not present/invalid in App Settings section of the function app in the Azure portal.
Make sure that it is added there and you are not deleting those settings through CLI/templates and recreating them without AzureWebJobsStorage.
I answer to my own question. It seems that this was a transient error. Without changing any code, today I was able to redeploy my function app. Cheers.
If you don't have "Allow storage account key access" enabled , you get this error.
There could be other scenarios as well. But the error does not say anything .

How do I get into the folder of a Web App in Azure

Recently I am trying to use:
func azure functionapp publish WebAppName --publish-local-settings -i
to publish local.settings.json to a web app (actually an Azure function) but I get this error message:
Unable to find project root. Expecting to find one of host.json in project root.
I have logged in to Azure with az login but it looks like I need to get into the folder where I have deployed the Azure function where all those json files are.
A little background, we are using Octopus Deploy to deploy to an Azure function. After the deployment, we want to add a step so that the local.setting.json will be used to populate app settings.
So how do we change the current folder to be in the Azure function root where all those json files are?
Thanks a lot in advance!
You need to go to your local function project folder to run the command, for example, my function project is under MyFunctionProj folder.
Execute the command
func azure functionapp publish tonyfunc --publish-local-settings -i --publish-settings-only
By the way, if you just want to update the settings, you need add --publish-settings-only parameter.
Core Tools development

Deploying an Azure Web App through Jenkins

I am trying to deploy an Azure Web App through a Jenkins scripted pipeline using the Azure App Service Plugin. This is my deploy-command (GUIDs have been changed):
azureWebAppPublish azureCredentialsId: 'a0774bb6-e471-47s9-92dc-5aa7b4t683e8', resourceGroup: 'my-demo-app', appName: 'MY-DEMO-APP', filePath: 'public/*, package.json'
When running the script I get the following error:
The client '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14' with object id '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Web/sites/read' over scope '/subscriptions/81fd39sw-3d28-454c-bc78-abag45r5d4d4/resourceGroups/my-demo-app/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/MY-DEMO-APP' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.
The strange thing is, the ID of this "client" that's missing authorization does not appear anywhere in the build plan. It's neither the ID or a part of the service principal nor the ID of the Container Registry credentials. It also doesn't appear on the machine that executes the build (I checked both the GUID of the mother board and the windows installation). Also the term client is not used for any part of the build plan, so I don't really know what's the actual issue in this case.
Please check out this tutorial that explains how to Set up continuous integration and deployment to Azure App Service with Jenkins and One of the best method to deploy to Azure Web App (Windows) from Jenkins :
To find the Azure AD user with the object id '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14', go to Azure portal, open Cloud Shell and run
Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId '03a1b3f9-a6fb-48bd-b016-4e37ec712f14'
To diagnose or troubleshoot the issue, go to Azure Portal -> Resource Groups -> my-demo-app -> MY-DEMO-APP -> Access control (IAM) -> Role assignments -> and then search for above found AD User and check if that user has atleast read permission.
Hope this helps!

In Azure Functions, where do we put settings we want to put on Azure?

So just started playing with Azure Functions, I have a new project with some appsettings in the local.settings.json file.
So this works on my local, but obviously when I deploy to Azure Functions, local.settings.json file isn't used.
Where are we supposed to specify our settings for an Azure Function?
Is there a azure.settings.json file? Or some sort of way to deploy an settings file during the deployment?
If you want to add settings, you could use the way provided by Matt, and if you want to deploy the Function to Azure with the settings in the local.settings.json, there is another way to implement it.
Install the Azure Functions Core Tools on the local, publish the Function with -publish-local-settings -i and if you are using the version 2 the --publish-settings-only -o could only publish settings and skip the content.
The below pic is a sample, you could find it will prompt to overwrite value in azure if setting is different between azure and local.settings.json.
Further more information, you could refer to this tutorial: Publish to Azure.
Just like an Azure App Service, and Azure Function has an Application Settings tab where you can configure these through the Azure Portal. To access these you go to: Your function app > Overview > Configured Features> Configuration, you can then add the settings that you need under the Application Settings tab.
Alternatively, if you would prefer configuring these through a CLI then that option is also available. The main documentation is here.
For a solution as part of your CI/CD you have two options (examples will use Azure DevOps and perform the action in the CD step):
PowerShell Task. You could add a Powershell (or any type of script that will talk to the Azure CLI for functions) script as part of your CD step. This post goes through the process step by step, the bit you are probably interested in is under "Deploying with Azure DevOps Release Pipeline". Essentially it is building up a collection of your appsetting keys and their values, then a call to Set-AzureRmWebApp the and pass in the collection to the -AppSettings flag as per these docs
Azure CLI task. Same as above but you could use the Azure CLI task along with the Inline script option to call the az functionapp config appsettings set command docs here. The --settings flag takes:
Space-separated app settings in a format of =.
az functionapp config appsettings set --name MyFunctionApp --resource-group MyResourceGroup --settings "settings1Key=settings1Value settings2Key=settings2value"
The Azure Functions for .NET template for CI (Build) and Deploy a function app to Azure Functions template for CD (Release) inside Azure DevOps will come in handy.
