Android Emulator - Tiktok crashing - android-studio

Am using Android Studio 4.2.1 (most current), and observed this behavior in both devices I tried:
Pixel C (API 30)
13.5 Freeform (API 30)
Followed these instructions to get the Play Store on my android emulators, then downloaded Tiktok, and every time I tried to open it, the app loaded very little and crashed after a couple seconds. I even clicked on a Tiktok video from Google search results, which opened up the app, nothing loaded, then it crashed.
TL;DR: When I try to open the Tiktok app in my Android emulator, the app (not the emulator) crashes.
Anyone know a fix for this (Or should I just report the bug to Google?)?


Android Studio Emulator no more considering Swipes on Notebook Touchscreens as Input

I upgraded to Android Studio Bumblebee 2021.1.1 and realized that I cannot fully control the emulator with the touchscreen of my notebook anymore. Press events on the touchscreen (like mouse clicks) are still recognized correctly, but when I swipe nothing happens in the emulator.
Unfortunately, I did not note down the previous version of Android Studio that I had installed before, but with previous Android Studio versions I was always able to fully control the Android emulator via the touchscreen (as if I was actually testing my app on a real mobile phone).
My Google searches did not show any results related to this issue. Does anyone have an idea what the root cause could be and if it is possible to fix it?
Disabling launch in tool window in Settings::Tools::Emulator fixed it for me (requires emulator restart to take effect).
Credits to YuriBlaise on reddit

Installing emulator for flutter on Android Studio

Im on Windows 10 and have been trying for days to get an emulator working with Android Studio and have followed every tutorial religiously with no luck. I have set up the Nexus 6 emulation which starts just fine as shown in my image below but the devices dropdown always says no devices. So frustrated with this and nothing is mentioned about this issue anywhere. I also get an error unable to locate adb everytime I start the virtual device. What is causing the issue and what are the proper steps for setting up to avoid these issues

App in Android Virtual Device continues to stop working

Extra context: using LibGDX engine in android studio. Updated android studio today and avd no longer works.
After I build my project and run the AVD the app crashes. I have gone into settings and tried to open the app from there which occasionally opens up the app and then promptly crashes (and the screen will pop up with a message that says the app keeps stopping - screenshot attached). Additionally, I get this error: Emulator: Started GRPC server at - which I have checked through the following stackoverflow links but have struggled to fix the issue still. I have searched through stack overflow and have tried:
cleaning the project and rebuilding it
restarting android studio and then rerunning the code
restarting the avd
creating a new avd
updating SDK tools (though I am uncertain if I have the right tools installed, will attach image of what I have installed)
updating android studio (running version 3.6.1)
invalidating caches and restarting (after deleting the app off of the emulator, and after reinstalling
the app on the emulator)
For context, I was looking at these stack overflow posts and have tried the suggestions that I mentioned
above, but I could have missed something:
Android Studio cannot find cerfile, emulator doesn´t start
Why do I get this GRPC Error "WARNING: EmulatorService.cpp:448: Cannot find certfile" when I start the emulator?
GRPC Server error while running andoid app on emulator
Error type 3 Error: Activity class {} does not exist
Any help would be appreciated, and I would be happy to edit and provide more information if needed!
This is the snapshot of the error in the AVD mentioned above.
This is a link to the picture of the SDK tools installed on my computer.
SDK Tools installed
I tried a new android studio project without LibGDX and the AVD worked fine.
I've followed this video for the setup of my LibGDX project:
I've followed this video series for the tutorial I am working on - the AVD broke on this video:
So the links I posted and what I tried (cleaning the project, deleting the app from the emulator and invalidating caches and restarting android studio) actually do work.
The problem was that android studio did not understand my .tmx file (the file that will provide the map for my app) for some reason.
I realized this after clicking on the tmx file, as android studio displayed a prompt about downloading dependencies for the tmx file. Then all I did was download the suggested dependencies and then cleaned, deleted and invalidated/restarted and the AVD worked.

Android Studio. Not deploy/run app to emulator 4.3

Android Studio 2.3.2
Emulator 4.3
In prompt show list devices:
adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
But when I try to run app from Android Studio I get black screen on emulator (Android 4.3) and nothing happened. Here screen:
On another emulator (e.g. 7.1) I success deploy and run app.
Here my sdk settings:
I suggest using other emulators like Genymotion or Memu, or on an actual device[best], for running apps built on AndroidStudio if you are working in Windows. The default emulator is very very slow in my experience, you need a PC with some real high specification.
Well you do have the APIS and other things necessary, so I think your emulator is just too slow to load, or not compatible with your PC , so its not loading.

Android Emulator failed to launch, might caused by not supporting extended desktop

I have been frustrated with Android Emulator for weeks after using x86 emulator. The emulator showed with blank screen for hours even if the LogCat indicate it is running, but I am afraid the application was trapped in a dead loop.
To correct this problem, I have re-installed all my computer and android developing environment, and follow every instructions I could get by searching the internet; while the result was frustrating: there was only one "system_process" running on the emulator.
Then today I noticed there is a SystemUI error, thus I guess if this is caused by the PC configuration when I was using extended desktop. So I detached my laptop from the dock and re-launched the emulator, this time it cost only about 10 seconds to get all the processes ready to simulate android phone.
So I guess there is a bug to handle PC with extended desktop enabled. If you have got similar problem when launching Android Emulator, please try detach your PC from the second display first.
