Microservices on GCP - node.js

I am looking to use GCP for a micro-services application. After comparing AWS and GCP I have decided to go with Google because one major requirement for the project is to schedule tasks to run in the future (Cloud Tasks) which AWS does not seem to offer an equivalent of.
I am planning on containerizing my services and deploying to GCP using Cloud Run with a Redis cluster running as well for caching.
I understand that you cannot have multiple Firestore instances running in one project. Does this mean that all if my services will be using the same database?
I was looking to follow a model (possible on AWS) where each service had its own database instance that it reached out to.
Is this pattern possible on GCP?

Firestore indeed is for the moment limited to a single database instance per project. For performance that is usually not a problem, but for isolation such as your use-case, that can indeed be a reason to look elsewhere.
Firebase's original Realtime Database does allow multiple instances per project, and recently added a REST API for provisioning database instances. Since each Google Cloud Project can be toggled to also be a Firebase project, you could consider that.

Does this mean that all if my services will be using the same database?
I don't know all details of your case. Do you think that you can deploy a "microservice" per project? Not ideal, especially if they are to communicate using PubSub, but may be an option. In that case every "microservice" may get its own Firestore if that is a requirement.
I don't think one should consider GCP project as some kind of "hard boundaries". For me they are just another level of granularity - in addition to folders, etc.
There might be some benefits for "one microservice - one project" appraoch as well. For example, less dependent lifecycles, better (more accurate) security, may be simpler development workflows...


Azure Functions how much code can be done in one?

I am a complete newbie for Azure and Azure Functions but my team plans to move to Azure soon. Now I'm researching how I could use Azure Functions to basically do what I would normally do in a .Net console application.
My question is, can Azure Functions handle quite a bit of code processing?
Our team uses several console apps that effectively pick up a pipe delimited file, do some business logic, update a database with the data, and log everything along the way. From what I've been reading so far I typically see that Azure Functions are used for little pieces of code. How little do they mean? Is it best practice to have a bunch of Azure Functions to replace a console app EX: have one function that does the reading of a file and create a list of objects, another function to loop through those items and add business logic, and then another to write the data to a database or can I use one Azure Function to do all of that?
Direct answer is yes - you can run bigger pieces of code as Azure Function - this is not a problem as long as you meet their limitations. You can even have dependency injecton. For chained scenarios, you can use Durable Functions. However, Microsoft do not recommend long running functions, cause of unexpected timeouts. See best practices for azure functions.
Because of that, I would consider alternatives:
If all what you need is run console app in Azure you can use WebJobs. Here is example how to deploy console app directly to azure via VisualStudio
For more complex logic you can use .NET Core Worker Service which behaves as Windows Service, and could be deployed to azure as App Service.
If you need long-running jobs but with scheduled runs only I had really great experience with Hangfire which can be hosted in Azure as well.
This is really hard to answer because we don't know what kind of console app you have over there. I usually try to use the same SOLID principles used to any class on my functions too. And whenever you need to coordenate actions or if you need to run things in parallel you always use Durable Functions Framework too.
The only concern is related to execution time. Your function cans get pretty expensive if you're running on consumption plan and do know pay attention to it. I recommend you the reading of the following gread article:
You can do all of that in one function.
If you need on-the-fly data processing, you can safely use Azure Functions even if it takes reading files or database communication.
What you need to be careful at and configure, though, is the timeout. Their scalability is an interesting topic as well.
If you need to host an application, you need a machine or a part of the storage space of a machine in Azure to do that.

Google App Engine with Python 3: Mix Standard and Flexible for Websockets

I've started to port a web app backend to Google App Engine for scaling. But I'm completely new to GAE and just reading into the concepts. Steep learning curve.
I'm 95% certain that at some point many millions or at another point at least hundreds of thousands of users will start using the web app through a GUI app that I'm writing. And they will be globals users, so at some point in the future I'm expecting a relatively stable flow of connection requests.
The GAE Standard Environment comes to mind for scaling.
But I also want the GUI app to react when user related data changes in the backend. Which suggests web sockets, which aren't supported in the Standard Environment, but in the Flexible Environment.
Here's my idea: The main backend happens in a Standard app, but the GUI listens to update notifications from a Flexible app through web sockets. The Standard app calls the Flexible app after noteworthy data changes have occurred, and the Flexible app notifies the GUI.
But is that even possible? Because sibling Flexible instances aren't aware of each other (or are they?), how can I trigger the persistent connections held by the Flexible instance with an incoming call from the Standard app to send out a notification?
(The same question goes for the case where I have only one Flexible app and no Standard app, because the situation is kind of the same.)
I'm assuming that the Flexible app can access the same datastore that the Standard app can. Didn't look this one up.
Please also comment on whether the Standard app is even a good idea at all in this case and I should just go with Flexible. These are really new concepts to me.
Also: Are there limits to number of persistent connections held by a Flexible app? Or will it simply start another instance if a limit is reached?
Which of the two environments end up cheaper in the long run?
Many thanks.
You can only have one App engine instance per project however you can have multiple flex services or standard services inside of an instance.
Whether if standard is a good idea it depends up to your arquitecture, I'm pretty sure you've looked at the comparison chart, from experience is that if your app can work okay with all the restrictions (code runtimes, no availability to do background process, no SSH debugging, among others) I will definitely go for standard since it has a very good performance when working with spikes of traffic deploys new services in just seconds, keep in mind that automatic scaling is needed for the best performance result.
There are multiple ways to connect between flex or standard services one would be to just send an HTTP request from one service to another, but some other options with GCP services like Pub/Sub.
In the standard environment, you can also pass requests between
services and from services to external endpoints using the URL Fetch
Additionally, services in the standard environment that reside within
the same GCP project can also use one of the App Engine APIs for the
following tasks:
Share a single memcache instance.
Collaborate by assigning work
between services through Task Queues.
Regarding Data Store you can access the same datastore from different services here is a quickstart for flex and the quickstart for standard
Which of the two environments end up cheaper in the long run?
Standard pricing is based on instance hours
Flexible pricing is based on usage of vCPU, memory, and persistent disks
If your service run very hight performance process on short periods of time probably standard will be chepear, however if you run low performance process on long periods of time, flex will be chepear, but again it depends on each use case.

Decision path for Azure Service Fabric Programming Models

We are looking at porting a 'monolithic' 3 tier Web app to a microservices architecture. The web app displays listings to a consumer (think Craiglist).
The backend consists of a REST API that calls into a SQL DB and returns JSON for a SPA app to build a UI (there's also a mobile app). Data is written to the SQL DB via background services (ftp + worker roles). There's also some pages that allow writes by the user.
Information required:
I'm trying to figure out how (if at all), Azure Service Fabric would be a good fit for a microservices architecture in my scenario. I know the pros/cons of microservices vs monolith, but i'm trying to figure out the application of various microservice programming models to our current architecture.
Is Azure Service Fabric a good fit for this? If not, other recommendations? Currently i'm leaning towards a bunch of OWIN-based .NET web sites, split up by area/service, each hosted on their own machine and tied together by an API gateway.
Which Service Fabric programming model would i go for? Stateless services with their own backing DB? I can't see how Stateful or Actor model would help here.
If i went with Stateful services/Actor, how would i go about updating data as part of a maintenance/ad-hoc admin request? Traditionally we would simply login to the DB and update the data, and the API would return the new data - but if it's persisted in-memory/across nodes in a cluster, how would we update it? Would i have to expose this all via methods on the service? Similarly, how would I import my existing SQL data into a stateful service?
For Stateful services/actor model, how can I 'see' the data visually, with an object Explorer/UI. Our data is our Gold, and I'm concerned of the lack of control/visibility of it in the reliable services models
Basically, is there some documentation on the decision path towards which programming model to go for? I could model a "listing" as an Actor, and have millions of those - sure, but i could also have a Stateful service that stores the listing locally, and i could also have a Stateless service that fetches it from the DB. How does one decide as to which is the best approach, for a given use case?
What is it about your current setup that isn't meeting your requirements? What do you hope to gain from a more complex architecture?
Microservices aren't a magic bullet. You mainly get four benefits:
You can scale and distribute pieces of your overall system independently. Service Fabric has very sophisticated tools and advanced capabilities for this.
You can deploy and upgrade pieces of your overall system independently. Service Fabric again has advanced capabilities for this.
You can have a polyglot system - each service can be written in a different language/platform.
You can use conflicting dependencies - each service can have its own set of dependencies, like different framework versions.
All of this comes at a cost and introduces complexity and new ways your system can fail. For example: your fast, compile-time checked in-proc method calls now become slow (by comparison to an in-proc function call) failure-prone network calls. And these are not specific to Service Fabric, btw, this is just what happens you go from in-proc method calls to cross-machine I/O - doesn't matter what platform you use. The decision path here is a pro/con list specific to your application and your requirements.
To answer your Service Fabric questions specifically:
Which programming model do you go for? Start with stateless services with ASP.NET Core. It's going to be the simplest translation of your current architecture that doesn't require mucking around with your data layer.
Stateful has a lot of great uses, but it's not necessarily a replacement for your RDBMS. A good place to start is hot data that can be stored in simple key-value pairs, is accessed frequently and needs to be low-latency (you get local reads!), and doesn't need to be datamined. Some examples include user session state, cache data, a "snapshot" of the most recent items in a data stream (like the most recent stock quote in a stream of stock quotes).
Currently the only way to see or query your data is programmatically directly against the Reliable Collection APIs. There is no viewer or "management studio" tool. You have to write (and secure) an API in each service that can display and query data.
Finally, the actor model is a very niche model. It serves specific purposes but if you just treat it as a data store it will not work for you. Like in your example, a listing per actor probably wouldn't work because you can't query across that list, or even have multiple users reading the same listing simultaneously.

Several Rackspace cloud servers or virtual hosts at one cloud server?

We use a Rackspace cloud server (2nd generation) for one of ours SaaS applications. And we want to move one more SaaS app to Rackspace as well. Both applications don't have much traffic/load, but they grow up with time insignificantly.
I'm hesitant if to create one more cloud server and to place the second application there, or to install it as one more virtual host at the first server. My main concerns are:
I'm not sure if it'll be convenient to support both developing projects at one server (they're written using the same tools, so quite similar and need a similar environment)
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to set up one more cloud server with the same environment and to spend time on supporting the same servers in parallel (e.g. updates/packages installs). Maybe there're approaches I'm not aware of on how to maintain similar servers in parallel a simple way at Rackspace?
Thank you for your time.
I have never regretted using separate Rackspace Cloud Server instances for described case. It's very convenient to have decoupled application environments in a long time run.
For easier setup of similar environments it's possible to use templates of Rackspaces's Cloud Orchestration

Testing a Windows Azure web app for maximum user load

I am conducting some research on emerging web technologies and have created a very simple Azure website which makes use of web sockets and mongo db as the database. I have managed to get all the components working together and now must perform load testing on the application.
The main criteria is the maximum user load that the app can support, at the moment there is 1 web role instance, so probably I would need to test the max user load for that instance, then try with 2 instances and so on.
I found some solutions online such as Loadstorm, however I cannot afford to pay to use these services so I need to be able to do this from my own development machine OR from another cloud service.
I have come across Visual Studio Load Tests and they seem quite useful, however it seems they require VS Ultimate and an active msdn subscription - the prerequisites are listed here. Also, from this video which shows the basics of load tests, it seems like these load tests are created completely separately from the actual web project, so does that mean I can only see metrics related to the user? i.e. I cannot see the amount of RAM being used, processor etc.
Any suggestions?
You might create a Linux virtual machine in Azure itself or another hosting provider and use ApacheBench (ab) or JMeter to do simple load testing on your application. Be aware that in such a setup your benchmark servers may be a bottleneck themselves.
Another approach is to use online load testing services wich allow some free usage, such as:
loader.io, by SendGrid Labs
For load-testing, LoadStorm is very reasonably priced, especially compared to on-premises software (and has a free tier with up to 25 virtual clients). You can install code such as jmeter, but you'll still need machines (or vm's) to host and run it from, and you need to make sure that the load-generator machines aren't the bottleneck in your tests.
When you run your tests, you may want to consider separating your web tier from MongoDB. MongoDB will consume as much memory as possible (as that's what gives MongoDB its speed). In a real-world scenario, you'll likely have MongoDB in its own environment. So for your tests, I'd consider offloading MongoDB to its own instance(s), and 10gen has a Worker Role setup that's fairly straightforward to install.
Also remember that NIC bandwidth is 100Mbps per core, which could be a limiting factor on your tests, depending on how much load you're driving.
One alternative to self-hosting MongoDB: Offload MongoDB to a hoster such as MongoLab. This will allow you to test the capacity of your web app without worrying about the details around MongoDB setup, configuration, optimization, etc. Currently MongoLab offers their free tier hosted in Azure, US West and US East data centers.
Editing my response, didnt read the question carefully.
Check out this thread for various tools and links:
Open source Tool for Stress, Load and Performance testing
If you are interested in finding the performance counters of the application under test you can revisit some of the latest features added to Visual Load Cloud base load test.
To get more info on Visual Studio Cloud Load Testing solution - https://www.visualstudio.com/features/vso-cloud-load-testing-vs
