Odoo13 is doubling new records while res.partner creation with csv - odoo-13

i'm trying to import res.partner data with csv import.
I did an import compatible export of the child_ids/* fields as i'm trying to generate shipping adresses.
I already managed the corresponding main contacts, but every shipping adress is created twice, no matter what i try.
i tried the following formats
please see the image https://ibb.co/d2kw7fY
No matter how i format it, the contacts are correctly created under the main contact, but i have each delivery contact created twice.
Could anybody give me an insight how to get it ?


Upload Work Items using Bulk Import in non 'New' State in Azure DevOps

We have a handful of User Stories and associated Tasks which we want to upload to Azure DevOps (ADO). For upload we are using the Bulk Work Item Import feature of ADO.
The issue is that ADO is allowing upload of these work items only in 'New' status, but we already have these User Stories and Tasks in progress or in closed status.
How to upload Work Items in non 'New' states, like 'Closed' or 'Active'?
I don't want to first upload them all in New State and then Update them using the sheet as it will be too much of a work given we have lot of data.
All work items you import are created in a new state. This rule means that you can't specify field values that don't meet the field rules for the new state.
Please refer to doc:Import or update work items in bulk by using CSV file
I’m afraid that you can’t import works items in closedor Active state.
You could submit a feature request via :feature request
However, there is a flexible solution to solve your problem:
1 upload your work items in New state without manually to change the state to Closed or Active.(file:csv1)
2 export work items to CSV uploaded in step 1 and you can create Queries(file:csv2)
3 make sure that the work items are in same order in both files:csv1 and csv2
4 batch copy the state of all work items in csv1 to the column State in csv2 and update the state and save cvs2
5 update existing work items

Azure DevOps CSV import issue [default state 'Done', Closed Date field]

currently I'm trying to import approx 1600 tasks from Azure DevOps Kanban board to another one (via browser). I've faced two problems by doing this:
It is not possible to import the task with Closed Date field, it says:
Value of a readonly field Closed Date was modified. Please revert the Closed Date values or remove the column from the input file and and try to import again.
Removing the column with "Closed Date" will cause issue with default state "Done", it says:
The field 'State' contains the value 'Done' that is not in the list of supported values.
I've copied (manually) the project settings from old Organization to new, such as:
Process \ State (and assigned it to the project):
Time and Locale as it was set in old Kanban
Also, I had to remove the ID column, because it caused the issue:
Still it is not possible to import all these tasks because of the issues. I'm looking for any tips how to fix this.
Below there's an example of CSV:
Work Item Type,Title,Created By,Created Date,Assigned To,State
Issue,Some test task number 1,TestCreator,02.06.2020 15:19:24,TestWorker,"Done"
Issue,Some test task number 2,TestCreator,02.06.2020 15:20:23,TestWorker,"Done"
When importing work items via CSV file in Azure DevOps, first make the following statements are true:
1.The source project to export and target project to import has the same work item type configuration, in common, they need to have the same process configuration, for example, work item type, state.
2.All work items you import are created in a new state. This rule means that you can't specify field values that don't meet the field rules for the new state. (That's why "Done" that is not listed as supported value)
3.Make sure you don't assign IDs to new work items that you're adding. Work item ID is unique in one Azure DevOps organization. (ID will cause the following error message)
With the above prerequisites, the import process loads the imported work items into the queries view in an unsaved state. No IDs are assigned. Verify the results are what you want. Then, choose Save Items to save the work items.
If you still get the error when importing, try reduce the work item counts for per import attempt. As you said, you have approx 1600 tasks, you could import by separating them into several queries.

SharePoint Rest call is not returning all fields

Goal: Have python program pull data from SharePoint so we can store on database.
Issue: I am able to connect to share point and return data, but I am not getting all of the fields I can see when hitting the UI page. The UI page I am hitting is in the list on REST call but is a Custom View
Update: Using the renderashtml I was at least able to see some of the data points I am looking for. I would hope there is a better solution than this
import sharepy
connection = sharepy.connect("https://{site}.sharepoint.com")
r = connection.get("https://{site}.sharepoint.com/{page}/_api/web/Lists/getbytitle('{list_name}')/items")
#I have also tried
#I was able to return data as html
Research: I have taken a look at the rest documentation for sharepoint and I am under the impression you cannot return data from a view. The solution I saw was to first hit the view and then generate a list of columns and use that to build a query to search the list. I have tied that and those fields are not available when I pull the list but are in the view.
Are you trying to get the data from known fields, or discover the names of the fields?
Can you get the desired data by listing the fields in a select?
or to get all of the fields:

Importing data via Excel

I am using this procedure to import Vendors into the VendTable table. It works fine, but sometimes, I need to delete all the vendors I've just created and tweak the data and then would like to try again.
But it seems once an Definition Group has been used to import data, it can't import any more again.
I get: "No data imported" in the InfoLog.
The only way I can do this is by recreating a new Definition Group via the Template Wizard which, well, I don't want to.
Any ideas to be able to reuse a Definition Group?
I was able to reset the Definition Group status doing: Select the Definition Group, click Table Setup button to the right, in the Import Status column, select Import. Save. Run the import again.

Drupal: How to add a form and perform functionality on it

I am new to Drupal and trying to get hand on it.
I am not able to find how to have the following functionality on my site. If anyone can help me out, it would be great for me.
I need to have a form that will take 2 fields one of which is supposed to be the login id(how to retrive login id?). I need to store this and display in tabular form also on a new page. Lastly I want to provide an edit form for this functionality using the same form but its use will be like whenever a person adds value in this form, it checks in Table1, if entry is not present it adds in table, else it updates the table.
Apart from this I need to store all the updations in a seperate table or something like that, so that I am able to see the history of all the changes
ADD Form:
- LoginID
- Phone number
Show Table Page(Tabular with the stored information)
Edit Form(same as above form):
- LoginID
- Phone number
Now If I add my phone number to this it will get stored. Later when I try to modify my number it should update in initial table but also store the history of old and new entry in a separate table so that I can perform varies options on it.
I also dont know how to add/enable form fields in drupal. :(
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, but I think the Computed Field module might be helpful. The module allows you to define custom hooks that run when a node is saved.
If you're not creating nodes and are using something like the Webform module, you should be able to write a module to process the data.
