How to parse json data correctly using jq to set to var inside shell script [duplicate] - linux

I do this in a script:
read direc <<< $(basename `pwd`)
and I get:
Syntax error: redirection unexpected
in an ubuntu machine
/bin/bash --version
GNU bash, version 4.0.33(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
while I do not get this error in another suse machine:
/bin/bash --version
GNU bash, version 3.2.39(1)-release (x86_64-suse-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Why the error?

Does your script reference /bin/bash or /bin/sh in its hash bang line? The default system shell in Ubuntu is dash, not bash, so if you have #!/bin/sh then your script will be using a different shell than you expect. Dash does not have the <<< redirection operator.
Make sure the shebang line is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
And run the script with:
$ ./
Do not run it with an explicit sh as that will ignore the shebang:
$ sh ./ # Don't do this!

If you're using the following to run your script:
sudo sh ./
Then you'll want to use the following instead:
sudo bash ./
The reason for this is that Bash is not the default shell for Ubuntu. So, if you use "sh" then it will just use the default shell; which is actually Dash. This will happen regardless if you have #!/bin/bash at the top of your script. As a result, you will need to explicitly specify to use bash as shown above, and your script should run at expected.
Dash doesn't support redirects the same as Bash.

I was getting this problem from my Dockerfile as I had:
RUN bash < <(curl -s -S -L
However, according to this issue, it was solved:
The exec form makes it possible to avoid shell string munging, and
to RUN commands using a base image that does not contain /bin/sh.
To use a different shell, other than /bin/sh, use the exec form
passing in the desired shell. For example,
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "echo hello"]
RUN ["/bin/bash", "-c", "bash < <(curl -s -S -L"]
Notice the quotes around each parameter.

You can get the output of that command and put it in a variable. then use heredoc. for example:
nc -l -p 80 <<< "tested like a charm";
can be written like:
nc -l -p 80 <<EOF
tested like a charm
and like this (this is what you want):
text="tested like a charm"
nc -l -p 80 <<EOF
Practical example in busybox under docker container:
kasra#ubuntu:~$ docker run --rm -it busybox
/ # nc -l -p 80 <<< "tested like a charm";
sh: syntax error: unexpected redirection
/ # nc -l -p 80 <<EOL
> tested like a charm
^Cpunt! => socket listening, no errors. ^Cpunt! is result of CTRL+C signal.
/ # text="tested like a charm"
/ # nc -l -p 80 <<EOF
> $text

do it the simpler way,
direc=$(basename `pwd`)
Or use the shell
$ direc=${PWD##*/}

Another reason to the error may be if you are running a cron job that updates a subversion working copy and then has attempted to run a versioned script that was in a conflicted state after the update...

On my machine, if I run a script directly, the default is bash.
If I run it with sudo, the default is sh.
That’s why I was hitting this problem when I used sudo.

In my case error is because i have put ">>" twice
mongodump --db=$DB_NAME --collection=$col --out=$BACKUP_LOCATION/$DB_NAME-$BACKUP_DATE >> >> $LOG_PATH
i just correct it as
mongodump --db=$DB_NAME --collection=$col --out=$BACKUP_LOCATION/$DB_NAME-$BACKUP_DATE >> $LOG_PATH

Before running the script, you should check first line of the shell script for the interpreter.
if scripts starts with /bin/bash , run the script using the below command
if script starts with /bin/sh, run the script using the below command
./ - This will detect the interpreter from the first line of the script and run.
Different Linux distributions having different shells as default.


Bash on Windows: script only progresses in -v mode

I have a script which starts like this:
echo "Running on OSTYPE: '$OSTYPE'"
SUDO=$(command -v sudo 2>/dev/null)
echo foo
When I run it as-is or with bash -x, it stops after the assignment to SUDO, I get as only output
++ command -v sudo
When I add -v to the bash invocation to get even more verbose output, the script runs normally and I see my "foo". I'm using bash 4.4.23 as shipped on
What is going wrong on my system and how can I debug this?
This happens because $(command ...) is a subshell.
Instead of set -x or bash -x create a file like follow inside your home folder:
set -x
So the set -x will be applied to any new bash instance and subinstance.

How to redirtect terminal STDIN when running a script in Docker?

I have a script that consumes users input. It is run like this:
./script <<EOF
> input
> onther input
> more input
I need to distribute the script as a Docker image.
I am able to run the script in two steps.
First, I get into the containers shell.
docker run -it my-docker-tag sh
And then, inside the shell, I execute the script itself.
Question: Is it possible to run the script in on shut (without having to navigate to the containers shall)?
I tried this:
docker run -it my-docker-tag ./script <<EOF
> input
> onther input
> more input
But it fails with:
the input device is not a TTY
The Docker run reference notes:
Specifying -t is forbidden when the client is receiving its standard input from a pipe, as in:
$ echo test | docker run -i busybox cat
If you remove the -t option, shell pipes and redirections around a (foreground) docker run command will work as you expect.
# A heredoc as in the question should work too
sudo docker run --rm my-docker-tag ./script <script-input.txt

Can't get remote ssh stdout output in cron, but in my terminal it works

I run into an issue last week that drives me crazy. I wrote a BASH script which does a remote ssh connection to acamai and than performs a simple 'ls'. I want to redirect the 'ls' sdtout output to a given file.
While the script itself works like a charm when run manually, it does not while it runs via cron. The cronjob runs as root and each command works as expected expect the ssh command. My System is Gentoo Linux and cron is the old but gold vixie-cron.
To reduce the 200 LOC I put the basics herein which alone (as a single script) are enough to demonstrate the problem.
#set -x
shopt -s lastpipe
exec 2>log.out
(ssh -i <path to key> -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <> 'ls -r <path>') > '/root/listing.txt'
Even in -vvv debug mode of ssh I can see, that everything works...just except that I get no stdout output.
Than I tried something else that I found in another posting on the internet:
#set -x
shopt -s lastpipe
exec 2>log.out
(ssh -T -i <path to key> -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no <> 'ls -r <path>' </dev/zero) > '/root/listing.txt'
Drawback here, I start a ssh session that I can't close and I guess its due to /dev/zero.
Another approach was to TEE Pipe the sub-shell of the ssh command...this worked for a short time ( and why not yet anymore ?!)
Now I'm clueless and need help. Cron has its PATH, uses BASH etc. Curious my boss did that with success with java (and he hates BASH...).
Any explanation and helpful tips are greatly welcome.
I have same issue, I make script for CRON and it gets output from remote SSH host.
If i run script manually - it works as should. But when CRON runs it - i get just a part of remote output.
I cant realise why its happening.
filelist=$(sshpass -p "$pass" ssh -q -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#"" "list")
filestring=$(echo "$filelist" | grep -Po "(\S+\s\S+\s+\d+\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\s\d{4})\slist0\.lst")
filedate=${filestring% list0.lst}
echo $filedate
filestamp=$(date -d "$filedate" +"%s")
echo $filestamp
When i get echos in file via CRON - there are date from 0:00:00 - field with date (echo $filedate) is empty. But when i run manually - i get normal date with time...
It really bother me.
I found solution - add "-tt" to ssh command and all input goes to variable.
filelist=$(sshpass -p "$pass" ssh -q -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#"" "list")

Run a shell script in new terminal from current terminal

How do you run a shell script in a new terminal in Linux from a terminal like "start test.bat" in Windows, also it should be working in the console mode.
Here's a simple example to get you started:
To write a shell script, do this on your command prompt:
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n echo "hello world"' >
This writes:
echo "hello world"
To a file called
Next, you want to set it to executable by:
chmod +x
Now, you can run it by:
And you should see:
hello world
On your terminal.
To run it in a new terminal, you can do:
gnome-terminal -x ./
or, if it's xterm:
xterm -e ./
Here's a list of different terminal emulators.
Alternatively, you just run it in your current terminal, but background it instead by:
./ &
I came here wanting to figure out how to make a script spawn a terminal and run it self in it, so for those who want to do that I figured out this solution:
if [ ! -t 0 ]; then # script is executed outside the terminal?
# execute the script inside a terminal window with same arguments
x-terminal-emulator -e "$0" "$#"
# and abort running the rest of it
exit 0
For gnome try this.
Replace ls with the command you want to run
gnome-terminal -x sh -c "ls|less"
I hope this is what you want
As of January 2020, the -e and -x option in gnome-terminal still run properly but throw out the following warnings:
For -e:
# Option “-e” is deprecated and might be removed in a later version
of gnome-terminal.
# Use “-- ” to terminate the options and put the command line to
execute after it.
For -x:
# Option “-x” is deprecated and might be removed in a later version
of gnome-terminal.
# Use “-- ” to terminate the options and put the command line to
execute after it.
Based on that information above, I confirmed that you can run the following two commands without receiving any warning messages:
gnome-terminal -- /bin/sh -c '<your command>'
gnome-terminal -- ./<your script>.sh
I hope this helps anyone else presently having this issue :)

How to get standard output from subshell?

I have a script like this?
command='scp xxx'
su - nobody -c "$command"
The main shell didn't print any info.
How can I get output from the sub command?
You can get all of its output by just redirecting the corresponding output channel:
command='scp ... '
su - nobody -c "$command" > file
var=$(su - nobody -c "$command")
But if you don't see anything, maybe the diagnostics output of scp is disabled?
Is there a "-q" option somewhere in your real command?
You aren't actually running the scp. When you use the
VAR=value cmd ...
syntax, the VAR=value setting goes into the environment of cmd but it's not available in the current shell. The command after your -c is empty, or the previous value of $command if there was one.
