How can I make usbmon log file (*.mon)? - linux

I'm trying to vusb-analyzer.
It requires *.mon log file.
How can I make usbmon log file (*.mon)?

The document you linked in your question is actually the answer, please see the sections 1-3.
In section 3, it says:
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u > /tmp/1.mon.out
This will create a text file 1.mon.out. Its structure is also described in the same document.
Now, how do I know that this is the file to be opened by vusb-analyzer? From what I see, the website of this project doesn't make it clear what the *.mon file is.
However, you can see it in the source code:
It clearly states, that the program uses the syntax described in the document that you already know:
The name of your file doesn't really matter, but if you want it to end with ".mon", you could simply use:
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u > ~/somefile.mon
Two warnings:
The line with cat I posted here is just an example and in order to use it, you will need to follow the steps in the document (it won't work without enabling usbmon first)
vusb-analyzer hasn't been updated for years and I wasn't able to run it on my machine. Its website mentions Ubuntu 8.10 so I wouldn't be surprised if others had problems running it, too. (For example, in order to reproduce your problem, provide more help).


Converting a package backend from Rcpp to cpp11

I'm trying to use cpp11 with a fork of fixest (I need to use vendoring). I put a new branch at, then started committing step by step as cpp11's FAQ says, and I fixed all the errors one by one.
Now when I run devtools::install(), the process fails, and now it doesn't say "I didn't like line 10 in means.cpp" or similar.
I'm looking for any help to be able to solve this problem. I listed my doubts at
The problem appears to be in this file just to show diff in the file quf.cpp (

lock preferences in firefox 45.5 on RHEL

I am required to make a custom FireFox profile on a RHEL based system.
most of the configuration are changed inside the FireFox inside the about:config menu.
When I try and lock parameter values using the "mozilla.cfg" file and the "lockPref("", )" function the browser doesn't seem to read those files, I place the file both in: "~/.mozilla/firefox/" and "/usr/lib64/firefox/". I used the guide and some more and still I have no one answer about where those function should be written and how do I check that those functions were loaded.
I would like some clear instructions or a definitive guide that I just couldn't manage to find.
This came up fairly high in a Google search when I was asking the same question, but did not have an answer at the time.
I found the following reference:
On RHEL7, the files needed to be added to the following locations:
/usr/lib64/firefox/defaults/preferences/autoconfig.js (root:root, 644)
/usr/lib64/firefox/mozilla.cfg (root:root, 644)

About the /proc file system

I am using a command in the proc file system which is the following
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
Note: I don't want to know the basic of the command written above, I want what all happens when it goes inside the kernel. As, I want to implement one of the /proc file.
Now if I want to trace the code right from when the 0 is echoed in the file-system then how to go about it. I mean if I want to trace what happens when I do this.
I want to see where in the kernel code this 0 is accepted and in which value does it get stored inorder to make the changes. Please, can somebody tell what all happens when you call this command. I want in detail explain. I don't want the description of the command.
Any related article on how it changes the kernel parameters is also fine.
I have read this but, not explained there.
search through linux tree (especially network stack) for create_proc_entry function. Figure out what file creates ip_forward (it must be in ip4v drivers) from name passed to create_proc_entry.
When you find the file, look at where proc_dir_entry structure is created and what functions are assigned to its read_proc, write_proc members.

Getting echofunc.vim to work

I came across echofunc.vim today (from a link in SO). Since I'm rubbish at remembering the order of function parameters, it looked like a very useful tool for me.
But the documentation is a bit lean on installation! And I've not been able to find any supplementary resources on the internet.
I'm trying to get it running on a RHEL box. I've copied the script into ~/.vim/plugin/echofunc.vim however no prompt when I type in a function name followed by '('. I've tried adding
let g:EchoFuncLangsUsed = ["php","java","cpp"]
to my .vimrc - still no prompting.
I'm guessing it needs to read from a dictionary somewhere - although there is a file in /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/php.vim, this is the RH default and does not include an explicit function list.
I'm not too bothered about getting hints on the functions/methods I've defined - just trying to get hints for the built-in functions. I can see there is a dictionary file available here which appears to provide the resources required for echofunc.vim, I can't see how I set this up.
It expects a tags file, the last line of the description describes exactly how to generate it:
ctags -R --fields=+lS .
It works here with PHP but not with JS. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't know about this plugin, thanks for the info.
You should try phpcomplete.vim, it shows a prototype of the current function in a scratchpad. It is PHP only, though.

Reproducing the blocked exe "unblock" option in file properties in windows 2003

When I download my program from my website to my windows 2003 machine, it has a block on it and you have to right click on the exe, then properties, then select the button "Unblock".
I would like to add detection in my installer for when the file is blocked and hence doesn't have enough permissions.
But I can't eaisly reproduce getting my exe in this state where it needs to be unblocked.
How can I get the unblock to appear on my exe so I can test this functionality?
This is done using NTFS File Streams. There is a stream named "Zone.Identifier" added to downloaded files. When IE7 downloads certain types of file that stream contains:
The simplest way to set it is to create a text file with those contents in it, and use more to add it to the alternate stream.
more Zone.Identifier.txt > file.exe:Zone.Identifier
Then, the way for you to check it would be to try to open the Zone.Identifier stream and look for ZoneId=3, or simply assume that if the stream exists at all that your user will receive that warning.
It's also important to note that this has nothing to do with permissions. Administrators see the same warning; it's to do entirely with the source and type of file. The entire stream goes away when users uncheck the "Always ask before opening this file" box and then click Run.
There is a supported API for this, documented on MSDN. Search on MSDN for "Persistent Zone Identifier Object". Basically you CoCreateInstance with CLSID_PersistentZoneIdentifier and request an IPersistFile interface. You then call IPersistFile::Load with the name of the file in question. Next, QI for an IZoneIdentifier interface and use IZoneIdentifier::GetId to obtain the zone of the file. If there was no "mark of the web", you should get URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE. The ZoneId of 3 mentioned in the other reply is URLZONE_INTERNET. (The enumeration is called URLZONE and is also documented on MSDN, or see sdk\inc\urlmon.h.) You can remove or change the "mark of the web" by calling IZoneIdentifier::Remove or IZoneIdentifier::SetId and then call IPersistFile::Save. There are more details about all of this on MSDN. Good luck!
Thanks for this it helped me a lot.
You can make the process even easier if you create a batch file with the contents.
echo [ZoneTransfer] > Zone.Identifier
echo ZoneId=3 >> Zone.Identifier
more Zone.Identifier > %1:Zone.Identifier
This will generate the Zone.Identifier for you and mark the file accordingly.
To run it just supply the file name e.g. if the file is called mark.bat
mark.bat myfile.txt
