Reproducing the blocked exe "unblock" option in file properties in windows 2003 - security

When I download my program from my website to my windows 2003 machine, it has a block on it and you have to right click on the exe, then properties, then select the button "Unblock".
I would like to add detection in my installer for when the file is blocked and hence doesn't have enough permissions.
But I can't eaisly reproduce getting my exe in this state where it needs to be unblocked.
How can I get the unblock to appear on my exe so I can test this functionality?

This is done using NTFS File Streams. There is a stream named "Zone.Identifier" added to downloaded files. When IE7 downloads certain types of file that stream contains:
The simplest way to set it is to create a text file with those contents in it, and use more to add it to the alternate stream.
more Zone.Identifier.txt > file.exe:Zone.Identifier
Then, the way for you to check it would be to try to open the Zone.Identifier stream and look for ZoneId=3, or simply assume that if the stream exists at all that your user will receive that warning.
It's also important to note that this has nothing to do with permissions. Administrators see the same warning; it's to do entirely with the source and type of file. The entire stream goes away when users uncheck the "Always ask before opening this file" box and then click Run.

There is a supported API for this, documented on MSDN. Search on MSDN for "Persistent Zone Identifier Object". Basically you CoCreateInstance with CLSID_PersistentZoneIdentifier and request an IPersistFile interface. You then call IPersistFile::Load with the name of the file in question. Next, QI for an IZoneIdentifier interface and use IZoneIdentifier::GetId to obtain the zone of the file. If there was no "mark of the web", you should get URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE. The ZoneId of 3 mentioned in the other reply is URLZONE_INTERNET. (The enumeration is called URLZONE and is also documented on MSDN, or see sdk\inc\urlmon.h.) You can remove or change the "mark of the web" by calling IZoneIdentifier::Remove or IZoneIdentifier::SetId and then call IPersistFile::Save. There are more details about all of this on MSDN. Good luck!

Thanks for this it helped me a lot.
You can make the process even easier if you create a batch file with the contents.
echo [ZoneTransfer] > Zone.Identifier
echo ZoneId=3 >> Zone.Identifier
more Zone.Identifier > %1:Zone.Identifier
This will generate the Zone.Identifier for you and mark the file accordingly.
To run it just supply the file name e.g. if the file is called mark.bat
mark.bat myfile.txt


How can I make usbmon log file (*.mon)?

I'm trying to vusb-analyzer.
It requires *.mon log file.
How can I make usbmon log file (*.mon)?
The document you linked in your question is actually the answer, please see the sections 1-3.
In section 3, it says:
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u > /tmp/1.mon.out
This will create a text file 1.mon.out. Its structure is also described in the same document.
Now, how do I know that this is the file to be opened by vusb-analyzer? From what I see, the website of this project doesn't make it clear what the *.mon file is.
However, you can see it in the source code:
It clearly states, that the program uses the syntax described in the document that you already know:
The name of your file doesn't really matter, but if you want it to end with ".mon", you could simply use:
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u > ~/somefile.mon
Two warnings:
The line with cat I posted here is just an example and in order to use it, you will need to follow the steps in the document (it won't work without enabling usbmon first)
vusb-analyzer hasn't been updated for years and I wasn't able to run it on my machine. Its website mentions Ubuntu 8.10 so I wouldn't be surprised if others had problems running it, too. (For example, in order to reproduce your problem, provide more help).

python pywinauto file selection dialog

I am in the process of automating a firmware update for a specific component we use a work a lot. I have the automation of the gui completed (and working) except for this particular screen.
What I need to do, is have the program automatically navigate to the correct folder (standardized across machines) and select the correct file to use for the update.
Here is my code so far:
from pywinauto.application import Application
app = Application(backend='win32').connect(title_re=".*EBDS*", found_index=0)
main_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*EBDS*", found_index=0)
main_dlg.child_window(title="Launch Control Panel", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
sub_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*Bill Acceptor*", found_index=0)
sub_dlg.child_window(title="Open", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
sub_dlg.child_window(title="Download", control_type="System.Windows.Forms.Button").click()
file_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*download*", found_index=0)
It has a couple sub windows that pop up after clicking, thus the main_dlg, sub_dlg, and file_dlg.
I have already told it to select the download button, and it pops up the "select a file to download" window.
What I need to do now is be able to specify the path (where it says This PC), change the file type (currently says Bin files), and select the correct file.
I have done a "print control identifiers" and here is the link to the txt file of that output (it's over 3k lines, so I didn't want to paste it here) Control Identifiers .txt
What I then did was I correctly (manually) went through the steps to get it where it needs to be, and did another "print control identifiers." Again, this is over 3k lines long, so here is a Link to that output.
Assuming that I'm doing this right, the file path location in the gui is:
file_dlg.child_window(title="Select a file to download.", class_name='#32770').child_window(class_name="WorkerW").child_window(class_name="ReBarWindow32").child_window(class_name="Address Band Root").child_window(class_name="msctls_progress32").child_window(class_name="Breadcrumb Parent").child_window(title=".*Address:*", class_name="ToolbarWindow32")
The question is, how do I interact with that object specifically? A .click() or .sendkeys() both error out.
Bonus points if you can figure out how to change the file type.
I'm open to an easier/different way of doing this, however this has to be deployable to a couple hundred machines that don't have the same screen size, ergo I cannot use pyautogui and pixel counts.
Any ideas?
You can enter the full file path to the edit box and click "Open" button. It should look like this:
file_dlg = app.window(title_re=".*Select a file to download*", found_index=0)
file_dlg.child_window(title="&Open", control_type="Button").click()
I assume you have to bypass .click_input() and .type_keys(...) usage as they require active desktop which is hard to maintain on a big pool of machines.

In Windows Node.js fs.readdirSync With Users Folders etc

I've been developing an nw.js project and use node.js file system functions in it as normal. In my application there is a file manager and I list folders and files according to user navigation. In Windows, for example, if I scan drive C: I get the Turkish named folder "Kullanıcılar" as "Users". I know it's real name in operating system is "Users" and just seen on the screen according to Languages. I can replace names of such folders when dispaying in my file manager but I'm searching for better solution if exists. Thanks in advance.
There's an SO answer here that reads the localized name of a folder in C# using the SHGetFileInfo function which might help you along.
Now I know you didn't ask, but in case you want to know where the information is stored... It's within the directory, in the Desktop.ini file.
For instance, my Windows 10 installation has this in it for "Users":
And this for the Images folder within my user folder (bringing this up to show you the additional keys):
The #%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll,-21813 points to having to read the MUI (multilingual user interface) resources, key 21813 for the given file (presumably the # means that it's in this file, not this literal value, but don't quote me on that). %SystemRoot% is an environment variable that points to the Windows directory.
The actual MUI files and their locations are handled by Windows (see the MSDN link above), but we'll just happen to handily know that the MUI file for the US English localization of shell32.dll is system32\en-US\shell32.dll.mui.
Opening up that file with Resource Hacker, we can search for 21813 -- and voila! We can find STRINGTABLE resource #1364 that contains:
21812, "Extras and Upgrades"
21813, "Users"
21814, "Saved Games"
I unfortunately don't have tr-TR/shell32.dll.mui available, so you'll just have to trust me that you'd find the Kullanıcılar string there.

Unload a file from a ftp and rename it in host

I have one file delivered in a ftp daily. This file doesn´t have the same name everyday. It has the date and the hour of the creation. For example, today the file has the name 20130814_XX_YY_20130814152345, created at 15:23:45 and tomorrow the file can name 20130815_XX_YY_20130815152421. The _XX_YY_ is always the same but the hour will change everyday.
I want to create a host jcl that gets this file with variable name and rename it to a host file. How can I do this ?
Thank you
STEP1: You can use LS in FTP to write to disk, so you can have a file with the file-name in it. Then GET that file.
STEP2: Process the contents of your file to generate the FTP Control Cards (at least for the GET). The GET generated will be of the form GET 20130814_XX_YY_20130814152345 'HLQ.MAINFRAM.DATASET', where the server name has come from the file GETted in STEP1 and the local (Mainframe) file can be hard-coded, or supplied to the generation if flexibility is required.
STEP3: Run FTP again with the Control Card(s) generated.
Isn't there anything in the Spec?
Sometimes we create complexities where an "out of the box" solution simplifies life considerably.
After the post updated, I now understand the problem a bit better.
If the name is required to be so specific, then the other suggested solution (if i understand it) is to have a fixed file name on the server that contains a list of file names to be uploaded.
In fact, the server could create a fixed file name that is really the JCL to run on the mainframe!!! This file would include the //SYSIN DD * and GET commands! The mainframe uploads this file and submits it as-is to the job reader, which then runs on the mainframe. The last step of this job (created by the server, but run on the mainframe) is to FTP an empty JCL file back to the server, in this way the server "knows" that the mainframe has uploaded the files.
Alternatively, why does the non-Z\os system need to name the file with time information? If the mainframe processes the file daily then date should be sufficient.
With this change the mainframe can reliably predict the file name for the day, generate the appropriate GET command and run.
With a job scheduler it would be easy to run the upload to the mainframe twice a day. This might address any concerns that are expressed in the desire to include a time in the file's name.
Run a Rexx step via a Background TSO step:
Background TSO step
You can then run a listcat to get all the files. You could either write the listcat output to a file and read it in or trap the output via the Address command
or the OutTrap function.
Then use the standard TSO Rename command.
Alternatively you could run ISPF background rexx program and use the ISPF equivalents to get the file name
(1) The real solution to this should be through a scheduling tool for Mainframe jobs. These tools provide capabilities to take care of formatting like the one you described.
(2) Alternatives: REXX and COBOL
(3) If you don't want to prefer REXX, here's a little brief into how you could create the JCL dynamically using COBOL:
A COBOL program that would read a "template" JCL.
Using INSPECT / REPLACE, you could substitute the prototypes with the string that is populated with the date of your choice (you could supply this as a simple SYSIN parm too, if you want the COBOL code to be flexible on the date selection)
Now that your formatted JCL is ready, you could write it to the output stream
Anything that is written to INTRDR (Internal Reader), goes straight to JES to submit your job!
Hope this helps.

"Silent" Printing in a Web Application

I'm working on a web application that needs to prints silently -- that is without user involvement. What's the best way to accomplish this? It doesn't like it can be done with strictly with Javascript, nor Flash and/or AIR. The closest I've seen involves a Java applet.
I can understand why it would a Bad Idea for just any website to be able to do this. This specific instance is for an internal application, and it's perfectly acceptable if the user needs to add the URL to a trusted site list, install an addon, etc.
Here’s what you need to do to enable Firefox immediately print without showing the print preferences dialog box.
Type about:config at Firefox’s location bar and hit Enter.
Right click at anywhere on the page and select New > Boolean
Enter the preference name as print.always_print_silent and click OK.
I found that somewhere and it helped me
As #Axel wrote, Firefox has the print.always_print_silent option.
For Chrome, use the --kiosk-printing option to skip the Print Preview dialog:
Edit the shortcut you use to start Chrome and add "--kiosk-printing" then restart Chrome.
Note: If it doesn't work it is most likely because you did not completely stop Chrome, logging out and back in will surely do the trick.
Here are two code samples you can try:
function Print() {
alert ("THUD.. another tree bites the dust!")
if (document.layers)
else if (document.all)
WebBrowser1.ExecWB(6, 1);
//use 6, 1 to prompt the print dialog or 6, 6 to omit it
//some websites also indicate that 6,2 should be used to omit the box
WebBrowser1.outerHTML = "";
<object ID="WebBrowser1" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="0"
if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
var PrintCommand = '<object ID="PrintCommandObject" WIDTH=0 HEIGHT=0 CLASSID="CLSID:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2"></object>';
document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', PrintCommand);
PrintCommandObject.ExecWB(6, -1); PrintCommandObject.outerHTML = "";
else {
You may need to add the site/page you are testing on to you local intranet zone.
We struggled with a similar problem. We needed to print checks to a check printer, labels to a label printer, and customer invoices to an invoice printer for retail store embrasse-moi. We have dummy computers, nooks, ipads, iphones with no printing capabilities. The printing an invoice feature was basically a silent print. A pdf was written to the server, and a shell script was used locally to retrieve it and print.
We used the following for a perfect solution with minimal libraries:
use TCPDF in PHP to create PDF. Store the PDF on the server. Put it in a 'Print Queue' Folder. Kudos for TCPDF, a bit difficult to learn, but SICK SICK SICK. Note we are printing 80 labels per page using avery 5167 with a bar code with perfect accuracy. We have a labels, check, and invoice print queue. Different folders basically for different printers.
Use the included shell script to connect to the server via FTP, download the PDF, delete the PDF off the server, send the PDF to the printer, and again, delete the PDF.
Using a local computer attached to the printer, run the script in terminal. obviously modify your printers and paths.
Because you always want this running, and because you use a MAC, create an 'app' using automator. Start automator, put the script in a 'run shell script' and save. Then stick that app in a login item. See the script below the shell script if you want to see the 'output' window on the MAC.
BAM - works sick.
Here is the shell script
# Get a remote directory Folder
# List the contents every second
# Copy the files to a local folder
# delete the file from server
# send the file to a printer
# delete the file
# compliments of
clear # clear terminal window
echo "##########################################"
echo "Embrasse-Moi's Remote Print Queue Script"
echo "##########################################"
#Local Print Queue Directory
echo "Local Directory: $COPY_TO_DIRECTORY"
echo "Printer Name: $PRINTER"
#FTP Info
#remote path
echo "Remote Print Queue Directory: $HOST$COPY_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_FILES"
echo 'Entering Repeating Loop'
while true; do
#make the copy to directory if not exist
echo "Making Directory If it Does Not Exist"
######################### WGET ATTEMPTS ############################################
#NOTE wget will need to be installed
echo "NOT Using wget to retrieve remote files..."
# wget --tries=45 -o log --ftp-user=$USER --ftp-password=$PASS$COPY_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_FILES/*.pdf
######################### FTP ATTEMPTS ############################################
echo "NOT Using ftp to retrieve and delete remote files..."
#This seems to fail at mget, plus not sure how to delete file or loop through files
quote USER $USER
quote PASS $PASS
mget *
mdel *
echo "Examining Files in $COPY_TO_DIRECTORY"
for f in $COPY_TO_DIRECTORY/*.pdf
# take action on each file. $f store current file name
echo "Printing File: $f To: $PRINTER"
lpr -P $PRINTER $f
# This will remove the file.....
echo "Deleting File: $f"
rm "$f"
echo "Script Complete... now repeat until killed..."
sleep 5
and the automator script if you want to see output, keep the app with the script
choose a run apple script option:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder" to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
set workingDir to POSIX path of result
tell application "Terminal"
do script "sh " & "'" & workingDir & "" & "'"
end tell
return input
end run
I know this is an older thread, but it's still the top Google search for 'silent printing' so I'll add my findings for the benefit of anyone coming across this now.
We had a similar issue with printing labels of various types to various printers for a stocksystem. It took some trial and error, but we got around it by having the system create a pdf of the labels, with printer name and page qty's encoded in the pdf. All you then have to do is:
IN IE, go to Internet Options >> Security >> Trusted Sites >> Sites
Clear 'Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone'
add "http://[yoururl]"
and the pdf will print out automatically.
When we originally set this up we were using Chrome as the default browser, but in September 2015, Chrome dropped the ability to run NPAPI plugins. This meant that you could no longer select the Adobe pdf plugin as the default pdf handler, and the built in pdf plugin does not handle silent printing :-(
It does still work in Internet Explorer (IE11 at time of writing) but I've not tried any other browsers.
I wrote a python tsr that polled the server every so often (it pulled its polling frequency from the server) and would print out to label printer. Was relatively nice.
Once written in python, I used py2exe on it, then inno setup compiler, then put on intranet and had user install it.
It was not great, but it worked. Users would launch it in the morning, and the program would receive the kill switch from the server at night.
I have it working all day long using a simple JSP page and the Java PDF Renderer library ( This works because Java prints using the OS and not the browser. Supposedly "silent printing" is considered a browser vulnerability/exploit and was patched after IE 6 so good luck getting it to work via Javascript or Active X. Maybe its possible but I couldn't get it to work without Java.
I have to be honest, I am kinda thinking out loud here.. But could it not be done with an applet or some sort (be it Java or whatever) that is given trusted permissions (such as that within the Intranet zone) or something?
May be worth investigating what permissions can be given to each zone?
Following a Google, I think you definately have a challenge, so far most of the articles I have seen involve printing to printers connected to the server.
If its internal, would it be possible to route printing from the server to department/user printers or something?
If it is just an internal application, then you can avoid printing from the browser, and send a printout directly from the server to the nearest printer to the user.
I'm on the same issue here, this is what i learn so far.
A.: You need to setup an IPP PrintServer
You have multiple print server implementations you may try.
Hardware IPP print server: like DLINK DPR-1020 or similar, some printer have this functionality builtin.
Linux server with CUPPS :
XP-Pro server with ISS:
B.: You need to make your WebApp a client of this IPP Server so you pick-process-send every user's print request to the PrintServer.
PHP::PRINT::IPP is a php lib you may try (it's well tested on cups servers).
You should have a look at PrintNode. They provide a silent remote printing services for web applications. You install a piece of software on the desktop which syncs to their servers. You can then send printjobs using an json request and they are instantly printed out.
