Remove all the blocks dragged by the user in Blockly - blockly

I am using Blockly library for a project. I want to remove all the blocks dragged by the user from the toolbox on pressing the reset button.
Can someone help with how can this be done. Which function do I have to use?

This is implemented in Blockly by fa279b9. The user can do a context menu click on the workspace and select "Delete X Blocks" where X will be the number of blocks in the workspace:


Bot Framework Composer: How to duplicate dialogs?

is there a way to duplicate (copy/paste) a dialog in Bot Framework Composer?
Sometimes I want to reuse the conversational flow of an already existing dialog in a new dialog like a skeleton and just modify it, so I don't have to click together the components again and again. Is there a way to do it?
BR Johannes
To do copy and paste you can do like below and you can check attached images.
To select elements hold ctrl and click mouse.
Click Edit menu
Click + on dialog flow where you wants to paste copied elements.
Paste option will appear, click to paste.
For copying between bots, you can do the following with Bot Framework Composer closed: -
Navigate to the bot's source-code folder.
In there is a folder called "dialogs".
In there is one folder for each of your dialogs. Simply copy the folder(s) that you want
Navigate to the other bot and paste into that one's dialog folder.
When you load the new bot in Composer, it'll have the pasted-in dialogs.

How to exclude some directories from "Analyze -> Inspect Code" in Android Studio?

One code directory is from a long working library, but the code inspector complains about many issues in it. How do I exclude it from analysis?
I've tried looking at the settings, and also tried right clicking on various things through the analysis.
I'd like the code inspection to work for most of my project, but not from parts of it that work and analysis is unneeded. In this case, it is a complex open source C language library where I do not want to touch the code.
Okay - I feel a bit dumb, but so others don't have to go through this, here are details. Also, it is very easy to screw this up - the Android Studio GUI will let you do stuff that looks good in the dialog, but doesn't work. It took me several tries to find the magic that works.
Here is the procedure:
From the main menu, select "Analyze" then "Inspect Code"
Click the button next to "Custom Scope"
Click the three dots button - to the right on the same line. A new dialog will pop up.
Click the plus ( + ) - upper left, to start a new Custom scope
Give it a name
Select "Local" or "Remote"
In the drop-down of the new dialog, select Project view
Of the four icons, click them until only the one for file display is emphasized
Find the top directory of what you want to analyze, and click "Include"
Find each directory you want to exclude, and click "Exclude" for each
Click OK - the custom scope dialog will close
Click OK - the analysis will run
In the future, that scope is available by name, but remember that it does not honor the implied scope if you right-click a directory in the hierarchy.

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it.

How to leave a GitLab project not owned by me?

If I had contributed in a project, for which I am not an owner or administrator, how can I get myself out of that project? I do not find the leave button as documented in issue 744.
The project owner has stopped responding to me and I badly want myself out of it. Please help.
Updated answer for 2020:
Leaving a group automatically removes you from all projects added by that group.
At the top menu chose Groups\Your Groups. Select the group you want to leave and press leave.
Follow these steps:
On projects page select the project
On top right corner select settings button
Then select members
Finally you'll see LEAVE button here
Follow These steps
Go to the main project url, not the sub urls
E.g If the project name is hng-interns -- Go to instead of
Click on the Leave group button
Click okay in the alert box that shows up.
That's all!
In new gitlab version, you can leave a project not owned by you, by following these steps:
1- Go to the project page
2- Click on Project Information at the top left corner
3- Click on members
4- Find your name among members and click on red leave button
Click Menu on the top left, Groups, Your groups.
Click on Your groups on the next page that loads.
Select Group
You will see picture similar two the second screenshot below. Instead of Withdraw Access Request you'll see Leave Group

termbox-go - Reading data from the console

I am very new to Go and went through some of the basic examples and literature around Go Lang. Currently I am working on a project where I need to create a terminal application. After reading around termbox-go we have decided to use the termbox-go as the base library for the development.
The application is very simple where the user will be provided with a set of menus as follows
Main Menu
01) Menu 1
02) Menu 2
03) Menu 3
99) Quit
Please enter your selection : __
I am able to get the layout and all everything done after looking through the examples. But it no where I am not seeing any examples of where the selection is read from the terminal. The user will hit "Enter" key after the selection is done.
Can anyone can share an example which shows how to achieve the above.
Also is there any examples where the user screen has multiple input areas where user can move using up and down key and enter the values - as below
Enter Name : _____________
Enter DOB : ______________
Enter City: ______________
Any examples or pointers are highly appreciated.
As for how users could enter text you could check out this example
In the example nothing happens when you press Enter but that's just because it's not handled in the main loop. Also you could expand this example with multiple edit boxes and map the up/down arrows to change which box has focus.
