Publishing from Visual Studio to Azure - Unable to create publish profile - azure

I am having problems publishing a web application from Visual Studio to Azure. I think that this might be something to do with the permissions on my account, as I have published using a different account (for a different company) from the same computer with no problem.
The error I get is:
I should make the following points:
We do have an Azure account that I use this Microsoft account to access and have permission to create resources on it. I was also logged into the Azure portal on this account when trying to publish.
I am signed into Visual Studio with this account.
When I click on 'Sign In', I am taken through a login procedure (account name and password) then dumped straight back on the same screen with no change shown and no message indicating what happened.
I get this error message when I click on finish
Could anyone please give me some idea what is failing here? In particular:
(1) Is this possibly because VS thinks I am not logged into an Azure account?
(2) Is the lack of any message on the sign-in procedure a bug?
(3) What exactly is 'publish profile' and why would it fail?
I should also point out that I have seen the similar stack overflow question at Unable to create publish profile - Azure but I found nothing useful there.


Publish Azure Function

When I attempt to publish to Azure, a durable function, I am asked for credentials.
When I enter the credentials correctly the login screen disappears but the publish page does not advance and still requires me to log in.
I know my user ID and password are correct but just to be sure I used the wrong password and the screen says I've used the wrong password.
So I know I'm logging in correctly.
Is there any way to get other log information to see why I'm unable to publish my function to azure?
Also, in the upper right side of the dialog it does show that I am logged into Azure so I'm not sure why the additional login attempt is required.
If you are using Visual Studio code, you can publish your project directly from there. Just got to add the Azure extension and login in. Maybe try that

Problems publishing a ASP.NET Core 3.1 project to azure Getting a message "Your account is at risk"

I am trying to publish a project from Visual Studio 2019 (fully updated) to azure. But when I try to login I get the message:
Your account is at risk
To help you—and only you—get back into . I verify my account by sms message and enter the old and new email address. But then again when I try to login it again wants me to verify.
At the same time, the email works when I go into Azure portal and I also managed to deply a Microsoft SQL database into Azure SQL. (Though initially I had to add the IP address in the firewall on Azure). Also I updated the location of the user to Thailand (Where I am), in case the system matches the IP address to the location.
OTher things I have in place are for example the resource group. And I also tried to create an app in Azure portal and then publish it to this, but the issue is that I can't login from Visual Studio.
Any suggestions on how I can publish a project to Azure?
------- UPDATE --------------
Still in the loop of login, verify, new password and login again. The screen I get is like this:
The following screens are:
enter code send by sms
Enter old and new password
-. And back at the verify screen again.
Any suggestions.
Based on the suggestion below I also removed some of the credentials in the credential manager (those that I thought might have to do with this issue).
One possiblity is that there is an old version of your password stored in Credential Manager.
When you try to login via Visual Studio it fails because the password is incorrect. Trying to login with the incorrect password also causes the account to lock, requiring you to verify with SMS.
If this is an Azure WebApp, your best bet is to download the publish profile and use it in your Visual Studio, this way you'll be able to publish your app.

"Access Denied: You do not have access" error in Azure Portal

I am trying to do some experimentation with MSAL JS and ADAL JS libraries. I was able to get MSAL JS working fine by doing configuration at Azure Active Directory => "App Registrations (preview)". However when I switched to ADAL JS I get an error about needing version 2.0, so I think I need to use the regular "App Registrations" screen.
However, when I click on the regular "App Registrations" button I get:
Access Denied
You do not have access
Looks like you don't have access
to this content. To get access, please contact the owner.
I think it's odd that I can access the "preview" app registrations screen but not the regular one.
I saw somewhere online somebody suggested making changes at "User Settings", but that screen gives me the same error message. Going to "Users" I see 0 users, and it won't let me add any (the plus is greyed out).
The account I am using is just a personal account, it is not tied to any organization so there is no admin. I assume I should have full permission or be able to give it to myself, but can't figure out how.
Getting a Trial Azure account fixed this problem, so it appears one is needed to use the "App Registrations" section.
It is still a little unclear why an account is not needed for the preview mode, however.
Also, it would be nice if Azure would show a proper message saying an account is needed instead of a error message, but that is a minor point.

Visual Studio: User account you used to sign in is not supported for this application

I use to sign-in to server explorer & query AzureTable entities.
However since I have updated to Visual Studio Update 4, I have not been able to login.
I tried using same credentials on azure portal & they work perfectly fine.
Visual Studio
Sorry, but we're having trouble signing you in
User account you used to sign in is not supported for this
application. Please use a different account to sign in.
To my surprise, Google did not return any relevant search result for this error.
P.S. I have double checked my Microsoft account credentials & they are working. This issue has been happening with other team members on different PCs as well.
I have learned to live with this error. This is definitely a bug in VS-2013 Update 4 which Microsoft should look into.
I use to sign-out from current subscription in Azure
Right click Azure in server explorer
Click Connect to Microsoft Azure Subscription
It works for one and only time. Next time repeat the process 1 to 3 again.
I believe I've had the exact same issue. Here's how I resolved it:
In the log-in page that "pops up" from Visual Studio I deleted the Microsoft account id that I usually sign in with and entered a different account ID that I own.
As soon as I finished typing the account id in, the page was refreshed and I was redirected to a Microsoft account log-in page. In that log-in page I made sure to type in the correct Microsoft account ID (the one I use for Azure) and its password. Having successfully signed in there, I was able to continue working as usual.
This was roughly based on guidance I found in this Microsoft Technet discussion.
Same here with Visual Studio 2015. I did logout user from visual studio and log in again and problem went away for good.
I recently received the same error after deploying an app to Azure and trying to connect to a DB server I had launched. When you first create an account, MS gives you a default active directory where you're sign in account is assigned the role of global administrator. You need to create a user account for this directory and use these credentials to sign in (different from signing into Visual Studio, you're providing credentials to access something on Azure).
In the Azure Portal, open up Active Directory and click on the default directory (or whichever one your project lives in). Go to the Users tab and select "Add User" from the panel at the bottom of the window. For "Type of User" select "New user in your organization", fill in the rest of the details and create the account. You get a temporary password and an awkward username. Now if you refresh server explorer you should be able to enter these credentials (and get prompted to enter a new password).
Just wanted to inform all of you that I had the same problem. Since this Sunday it disappeared magically on my VS 2013 Update 4 on all my machines. Here are my experiences:
Last week I had to re-enter my subscription after any VS-restart.
Sunday I opened VS and I was asked to reenter my VS-credentials in the upper-right corner.
I did not reenter my VS-credentials but simply expanded "Azure" in the Server Explorer and then expanded "SQL Databases" which led to the login-prompt formerly. Now the "Server Explorer" acted as expected.
I thought that the missing VS-login was the solution but I was wrong. Even with my VS logged on I know can restart the Studio as many times I want -> it works.
To ensure this I did several restarts of my machine too.
This is a stuff up on Microsoft's side, just replace your email address with one that isn't linked already and it will work.
To fix it: Use your a different email address with the same account through visual studio.

Error 80045C17 when trying to login at Azure to manage account

Everytime I try to login im my azure account (, I keep receiving the same error 80045C17, and the error message says nothing more then ask my to try later.
I Tried Every possible browser and the same result comes everytime!
I use the same username to log at every microsoft service.
I can't even stop my sites!
How to fix this?
I was able to fix this by first signing in to and then go to . It is using your Microsoft Live login session anyway so you have to log in to anything Microsoft. For example
I think it happened to me because the azure portal was currently opened on another machine with the same account. Make sure you always sign out when you end using the Azure portal.
Alex Vezenkov
