How to sum up to reach a number by date in excel - excel

I would like to make a formula that to do a sum calculation, that confirm which date to start (cell D5), then look for the start point from the row 1, and sum up the row 2 start from the correct date, and then stop the sum up if the amount is equal to or larger than run estimate (cell D6)
the steps should be like this:
I know the start day is 31-May
then I look into the table to find the date 31-May
then I look into the table again, find out the run estimate is 2 hours
I know I have 6 hours run estimate need to be completed
then I add 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 hours to cover the 6-hour estimate
then I know the end date is 2- Jun
I am able to find the start point on the table
but I am not sure how to stop it
and moreover I am not sure how display the final value date, not the total amount..
col B col C col D col E col F
30-May 31-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun
1 2 3 4 5
start date 31-May
run estimate 6
expected result should be 2-Jun
enter image description here
anyone can help on this?

Here is a solution that requires one extra row of data, to calculate the sum of run times up until that day: Put this formula in cells B3:F3 (or however many columns you have exactly)
Then you can find the first value that is equal to or higher than your estimate runtime and use that to offset to the correct date:


Count of Excel based on 2 column criteria and counting the 3rd column

I need a count of how many date items fall within Data 1 & Data 2
x-1 will have a count of 2
x-2 will have a count of 1
-x-3 will have a count of 2
-y-1 will have a count of 2
What would be the best way to go abouts when approaching this?
Data 1
Data 2
Date 1
Date 1
Date 2
Date 3
Date 3
Date 1
Date 1
I see only one way to interpret with the available information:
To count the number of times Date_to_test falls within Date_1 and Date_2 (screenshot below, sheet here), you could use either the sum or something like a countifs (with interim calc):
sum approach
countifs + interim calc
(additional column, drag down)
as for the 'sum' approach, sumproduct variants (e.g. =SUMPRODUCT(1*($C$2:$C$11<=$B$2:$B$11),1*($B$2:$B$11>=$A$2:$A$11))) are calculation/memory intensive
despite the countifs + helper approach containing more 'visible' data - these values need only be calculated once, the countifs can then be determined independently (assuming no updates to the helper column) - thus making it more memory/calculation efficient depending upon your calculation mode, screen-updating preferences
if, by some misfortune re: interpreting your question, you are referring to some other means of establishing whether "date items fall within Data 1 & Data 2", then without knowing what this is, there very low likelihood of being able to guess this correctly

Count no. of times: average from timea-timeb is below average from timec-timed the next day

Sorry for the ambiguous title, I have a query which is stumping me in Excel:
I have a range of temperature data, recordings from every minute of every day for 3 months.
I want to find out how many times the average temperature from 20:30-21:30 on each day is lower than the average temperature from 01:00-02:00 the following morning (about 5 hours difference).
If that is difficult to understand here is a "logic formula":
Here's a sample of the data as a screenshot:
Please help me out, this one has me scratching my head.
Enter this as an array formula (ctrl+shift+enter) and change "122401" to the last row number of your data range:
This assumes that the first set of temperatures from 01:00-02:00 does not have a matching set from 20:30-21:30.
I would input a flag in column D that takes value 1/0 whether the time is in the frame you are interested in.
So input in D2 = IF(OR(AND(B2<21:30,B2>20:30),AND(B2<01:00,B2>02:00))),1,0).
Then I would go in column C and check if in D I got 1, input a simple IF statement to check for the temperature.
Let me know if it works!

SUMIF formula to find sum for dates today or earlier

so I have this table of salaries that I make (hypothetically):
1 Date salary how_much_I_earned_so_far
2 total =SUM(salaries_until_today)
3 2017-10-1 5000
4 2017-11-1 5000
5 today-> 2017-12-1 5000
6 2018-01-1 5000
7 2018-02-1 5000
8 future.. 2018-03-1 5000
9 2018-04-1 5000
now I want to calculate on D2 the amount of money I have earned so far..
to do that, I want to sum up all the past salaries from C3 all the way down to C_x where x is the index of the line where today < B_x
so that raised me two questions
1) how do I select unknown index of cell? usually when I do formulas it looks like this =SUM(C2:C9) so how can I make the number 9 be variable?
2) can I create variable that depends on a number of lines of where a cell is smaller than a value? I know how to get the current day, its simply =TODAY() but now I want to compare it with all B's and find the index of line where its smaller than it.. how do I start?
I'm sorry if that's a weird question, I'm a programmer and its frustrating me that a simple thing that I could quickly solve by code cannot be accomplished in a sophisticated app such excel..
=SUMIF(B:B,"<=" & TODAY(),C:C)

Computing Average In MM:SS in excel

Input: Minutes:Seconds
Output: Average in Minutes:Seconds
I currently have a sheet where we put in handle times for calls. We want to compute the average handling time in minutes:seconds. Now, currently we have minutes in Column A and seconds in Column B. In Column C, I convert A&B to total seconds. In Column D, I use =AVERAGE(C1:C6) to compute for average.
Question: Do we have an easier way to doit? Specifically, is there any formula that will allow me to simply input Minutes:Seconds in a single column and have the average in Minutes:Seconds to be calculated?
Option 1:
(If you can change your input format):
You need to set the data format as hh:mm:ss
Inputting the data in this format will allow excel to automatically detect the format and as such, allow for you to use the 'average' formula.
For example, if you have 3 entries for: 2 minutes, 1 min 30 secs and 1 minute, the data in col A should look like:
You can then run, for example, the formula:
Note: By default, putting the data in the format "xx:yy", excel will assume that xx is the hours and yy is the minutes, so you should pass the initial 00: if you don't have your time in hours
Option 2:
(If you cannot change your input format):
If you need to stick to the format where col A contains the minutes and col b contains the seconds, you can use the following formula to pass "hh:mm:ss" data in col c:
(default date value is set to '1 day' for a cell, so we divide by 24 hrs and 60 mins to convert it to 'minutes' from col A and 24*60*60 to get seconds from col B)
You can then use a folmula similar to the one below to calculate the average time in col C:
Note: You would need to set column C to the 'Custom format':

How to sum the number of overlapping time frames in excel

Hoping someone can help,
I work for a fire department and i am trying to determine the number of times all our rigs on the road at emergencies at the same time. I have all the data from date, times, etc... So what i am looking for is an excel summation total that would display the sum of overlapping times that were greater than 3. So kinda as follows:
Rig Date Start Time End Time
1 1/1/2015 0703 0759
2 1/1/2015 0705 0823
3 1/1/2015 0706 0815
4 1/1/2015 0723 0759
1 1/1/2015 0802 0845
With more than three rigs on the road after 0723 it would grant me a total of one but then at 0802 rig 1 goes back out again meaning my total would increase by 2 and so on and so on. I dont have the slightest clue as to how to program this. I have three years of data i need to crunch through and something like this would help me greatly. Any help whatsoever is appreciated. Thanks in advance and lets see what you all come up with!
First, you might want to convert the times to Excel date-times (assuming you already applied Format as Table to your data, so all new formulas get populated for all rows automatically):
if the values are already Excel times, use:
=$B2 + C2
if you have integers like "703" (formatted as "0703"), use:
=$B2 + INT(C2/100)/24 + MOD(C2, 100)/24/60
or if you have values-as-text:
=$B2 + LEFT(C2, 2)/24 + RIGHT(C2, 2)/24/60
Don't forget to format the new columns using Custom Number format d.m. hh:ss or m/d hh:ss.
The next step is to count all ongoing deployments that end only after the current deployment started, i.e. use following formula as illustrated on screenshot:
=COUNTIFS(F$2:F2, ">" & E2)
Please make sure that the formula e.g. in row 13 looks like =COUNTIFS(F$2:F13, ">" & E13) to check that you are on the right track. Also none of the values can be 5 or more if you only have 4 rigs, otherwise you have an error in your data.
And to count number of times when all 4 rigs were in use, the formula looks like this:
=COUNTIFS($G$2:$G$13, 4)
In case you also want to sum the time while none rigs were available, add 2 more columns in your table. Column H in my illustration needs following array formula (entered by Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
=IF(G2=4, MIN(IF(F$2:F2 > E2, F$2:F2)), "")
And a normal formula in column I:
=IF(G2=4, H2-E2, "")
Don't forget to format numbers accordingly.
And do a simple sum: =SUM($I$2:$I$13).
