How to sum the number of overlapping time frames in excel - excel

Hoping someone can help,
I work for a fire department and i am trying to determine the number of times all our rigs on the road at emergencies at the same time. I have all the data from date, times, etc... So what i am looking for is an excel summation total that would display the sum of overlapping times that were greater than 3. So kinda as follows:
Rig Date Start Time End Time
1 1/1/2015 0703 0759
2 1/1/2015 0705 0823
3 1/1/2015 0706 0815
4 1/1/2015 0723 0759
1 1/1/2015 0802 0845
With more than three rigs on the road after 0723 it would grant me a total of one but then at 0802 rig 1 goes back out again meaning my total would increase by 2 and so on and so on. I dont have the slightest clue as to how to program this. I have three years of data i need to crunch through and something like this would help me greatly. Any help whatsoever is appreciated. Thanks in advance and lets see what you all come up with!

First, you might want to convert the times to Excel date-times (assuming you already applied Format as Table to your data, so all new formulas get populated for all rows automatically):
if the values are already Excel times, use:
=$B2 + C2
if you have integers like "703" (formatted as "0703"), use:
=$B2 + INT(C2/100)/24 + MOD(C2, 100)/24/60
or if you have values-as-text:
=$B2 + LEFT(C2, 2)/24 + RIGHT(C2, 2)/24/60
Don't forget to format the new columns using Custom Number format d.m. hh:ss or m/d hh:ss.
The next step is to count all ongoing deployments that end only after the current deployment started, i.e. use following formula as illustrated on screenshot:
=COUNTIFS(F$2:F2, ">" & E2)
Please make sure that the formula e.g. in row 13 looks like =COUNTIFS(F$2:F13, ">" & E13) to check that you are on the right track. Also none of the values can be 5 or more if you only have 4 rigs, otherwise you have an error in your data.
And to count number of times when all 4 rigs were in use, the formula looks like this:
=COUNTIFS($G$2:$G$13, 4)
In case you also want to sum the time while none rigs were available, add 2 more columns in your table. Column H in my illustration needs following array formula (entered by Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
=IF(G2=4, MIN(IF(F$2:F2 > E2, F$2:F2)), "")
And a normal formula in column I:
=IF(G2=4, H2-E2, "")
Don't forget to format numbers accordingly.
And do a simple sum: =SUM($I$2:$I$13).


How to sum up to reach a number by date in excel

I would like to make a formula that to do a sum calculation, that confirm which date to start (cell D5), then look for the start point from the row 1, and sum up the row 2 start from the correct date, and then stop the sum up if the amount is equal to or larger than run estimate (cell D6)
the steps should be like this:
I know the start day is 31-May
then I look into the table to find the date 31-May
then I look into the table again, find out the run estimate is 2 hours
I know I have 6 hours run estimate need to be completed
then I add 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 hours to cover the 6-hour estimate
then I know the end date is 2- Jun
I am able to find the start point on the table
but I am not sure how to stop it
and moreover I am not sure how display the final value date, not the total amount..
col B col C col D col E col F
30-May 31-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun
1 2 3 4 5
start date 31-May
run estimate 6
expected result should be 2-Jun
enter image description here
anyone can help on this?
Here is a solution that requires one extra row of data, to calculate the sum of run times up until that day: Put this formula in cells B3:F3 (or however many columns you have exactly)
Then you can find the first value that is equal to or higher than your estimate runtime and use that to offset to the correct date:

Is there a non-VBA way to calculate the average of the sum of two sets of columns?

I'm creating an excel spreadsheet to track when an item is received as well as when a response to the item having been received has been made (ie: my mail was delivered at 1:00pm (item received) but I didn't check the mail until 5:00pm (response to item having been received)).
I need to track both the date and time of the item being received and want to separate these in two separate columns. At the moment this translates to:
Column A: Date item received
Column B: Time item received
Column L: Date item was responded to having been received
Column M: Time item was responded to having been received
In essence I'm looking to run calculations on the response time between when the item is received and when it has been responded to (ie: average response time, number of responses in less than an hour, and even things like the number of responses that took between 2 and 3 hours where Bob was the person who responded).
The per-line pseudo code would look something like:
(Lr + Mr) - (Ar + Br) ' where L,M,A,B are the columns and 'r' is the row number.
An example, with the following data:
1. A B L M
2. 1/5/19 10:00 1/5/19 12:00
3. 1/5/19 21:00 1/6/19 1:00
4. 1/5/19 22:00 1/5/19 23:00
5. 1/6/19 3:00 1/6/19 4:00
The outcome for the average response time would be 2 hours (average(rows 2-5) = average(2, 4, 1, 1) = 2)
The number of items with an average response times would be as follows:
(<=1 hour) = 2
(>1 & <=2) = 2
(>2 & <=3) = 0
(>3) = 1
I don't know (or can find) a function that will perform this and then let me use it within something like a countifs() or averageifs() function.
While I could do this (fairly easily) in VBA, the practical implementation of this spreadsheet limits me to standard Excel. I suspect that sumproduct() will be fundamental to make this work, but I feel that I need something like a sumsum() function (which doesn't exist) and I'm not familiar with sumproduct() to better understand what to even look for to set something like this up.
If you are not so familiar with SUMPRODUCT() or the likes I would suggest one helper column. Like so:
You can see the formula used is:
You can probably do all type of calculations on this helper column. Note, column is formatted hh:mm. However, if you want to look into SUMPRODUCT() you could think about these:
Formula in H2:
Formula in H3:
Formula in H4:
Formula in H5:
The helper column is the easiest approach. It gives you the time differences that you can then easily analyse however you want. Analysis without the helper column is possible, but the approach differs depending on what type of analysis you want to do.
For the example you provided, which is counting the number of time differences grouped into ranges, you would use the FREQUENCY function:
In F2:F4 (called the "bins"), enter the upper limit of each range you want to count. The Frequency function counts up to and including the first value, then counts from there up to and including the second value, and so on. Enter the bins as times, e.g. 1:00 for 1 hour.
Note that Frequency is an array-entered and an array-returning function. This you means you need to first select the range that will contain all output values, G2:G5 in this example, then enter the function, then press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Also note that Frequency returns an array that is one element larger than the number of bins specified. The extra element is the count of all values greater than the largest bin specified.

SUMIF formula to find sum for dates today or earlier

so I have this table of salaries that I make (hypothetically):
1 Date salary how_much_I_earned_so_far
2 total =SUM(salaries_until_today)
3 2017-10-1 5000
4 2017-11-1 5000
5 today-> 2017-12-1 5000
6 2018-01-1 5000
7 2018-02-1 5000
8 future.. 2018-03-1 5000
9 2018-04-1 5000
now I want to calculate on D2 the amount of money I have earned so far..
to do that, I want to sum up all the past salaries from C3 all the way down to C_x where x is the index of the line where today < B_x
so that raised me two questions
1) how do I select unknown index of cell? usually when I do formulas it looks like this =SUM(C2:C9) so how can I make the number 9 be variable?
2) can I create variable that depends on a number of lines of where a cell is smaller than a value? I know how to get the current day, its simply =TODAY() but now I want to compare it with all B's and find the index of line where its smaller than it.. how do I start?
I'm sorry if that's a weird question, I'm a programmer and its frustrating me that a simple thing that I could quickly solve by code cannot be accomplished in a sophisticated app such excel..
=SUMIF(B:B,"<=" & TODAY(),C:C)

Combining formula using and / or in excel

Case 1
I have a set of data which i need to determine if the cell is in Business Hours or Not.
8 - 18 (08:00 - 18:00) Business Hours (BH)
outside the timeframe is Non Business Hours (NBH)
Given Cell value for example is = "7" (which is NBH)
here is the formula i created =if(AND(C2>=8,C2<=18 ),"BH","NBH")
Case 2
I have a set of data for days in a week, i need to determine if the cell is in Weekdays or Weekends.
I have this formula = =if(OR(I2="Saturday", I2="Sunday"), "NBH", "BH")
note : i used the same variable name NBH - Weekends , BH - Weekdays
What I really need to do is to combine those two cases into 1 formula.
I need to output these scenarios correctly, listing below :
Time is 08:00, date is Saturday/Sunday = Combined formula of case 1 and 2 should output "NBH"
Time is 07:00, date is Monday-Friday = Combined formula of case 1 and 2 should output "NBH"
Time is 12:00, date is Monday-Friday = Combined formula of case 1 and 2 should output "BH"
Formulas can be seen in column BH/NBH WEEKDAYS and BH/NBH Weekends, you can browse attached file thanks much!
Click to access the file
If you want to calculate it directly on the initital values:
=IF(OR(H2="Saturday", H2="Sunday", B2>18, B2<8), "NBH", "BH")
p.s. Alternatively you can combine the already calculated columns, if you intend to keep these columns:
=IF(AND((E2="BH"), (D2="BH")), "BH", "NBH")

Excel Sum Based on Several Criteria

1 10/1/2009 3652449 12:15:43 AM
2 10/1/2009 3652449 12:17:03 AM
3 10/4/2009 3652449 1:03:08 AM
I want to sum the total time of the card 3652449 just for 10/1/2009.
Then after the sum is compete I need the time to be converted and rounded into minutes only.
I have been using the following formula till now " =SUMIF(B:B,3652449,C:C) " and the result is " 1:35:54 ". But as I have written I want to sum the time for that card only on the date of 10/1/2009. When you copy the data in excel and you manually sum the time from 10/1/2009 you should get 32m & 46s. When you round it the result should be 32m.
I will be thankful for your help.
You should use a pivot table, which can easily give you the sum for every date in your table.
Pivot tables are supported in all good desktop spreadsheets, but not many online web-based ones.
I'm still not sure if I got you right.
If you want to add the date as condition, you can try something like that:
Add a formula to your column D: =B1&" "&A1
This should give you the following result:
1 10/1/2009 3652449 12:15:43 AM 3652449 40087
2 10/1/2009 3652449 12:17:03 AM 3652449 40087
3 10/4/2009 3652449 1:03:08 AM 3652449 40090
Now you can change your original formula to: =SUMIF(D:D,"3652449 40087",C:C)
You can make column D invisible by either changing width to 0 or changing color to white.
Hope that is what you tried...
