CAC graph and calculation - excel

A nutrition plan app has a subscription that costs $10/month. The following chart gives average historical renewal rates for subscribers based on how many months they have been a subscriber.
Month and Renewal rate
1st- 70%
2nd- 80%
3rd- 85%
4th and above-90%
How to Create a graph showing the time it takes to recoup advertising expenditure (PP - Payback Period) relative to the cost of acquiring a single subscriber (CAC - Customer Acquisition Cost).
I know that:
Payback period for customer= Customer acquisition cost/Revenue contributed in one year
CAC payback=Sales and marketing expenses in period/ (net new MRR Acquired in Period *Gross Margin)
there is formula for renewal [][1]][1]
What is the calculation I need to do here in order to create the graph?
Thank you
I did something like that:
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
is it right?


Managing Fixed Cost in Power BI

In short, how do i calculate yearly unit production cost based on fixed cost divided by amount produced?
I am making dashboard in power BI for a video production studio company. They have a fixed cost per month and year based on the salary of the employees, production equipment etc. Lets say that the monthly fixed cost is $20 000. As tables show below i have a column called videos recorded, which i need to tie to the month, and then divided on the fixed cost which will be cost per video on a given month and in summary production cost per video in year 2022. So i want to visualize on a card or table, for July fixed cost were $20.000, we made 30 videos which is $667 per video.
Tables below

Creating a stripe subscription with a loyalty/tiered discount

I'm trying to create a subscription in stripe which depending on how long people have been subscribed the price per month goes down e.g.:
1st month 1000$
2nd,3rd,4th month 800$
5-9 months 750$
9-12 600$
< 12 500$
I looked into tiered discounts but couldn't find a relation to the single subscription price since tiered discount seems to only look at currently subscribed units, and not total volume of units since subscription started. Any advice?
You can do this by listening for upcoming invoices and then changing the Plan on the Subscription based on how long the Subscription has been active.
Another option is to use Subscription Schedules.

Building a Stripe Sigma query for revenue recognition on subscriptions

There are a bunch of separate services and addons for Stripe that will calculate monthly revenue recognition numbers from >1 month subscriptions (e.g. yearly plans).
However, with the arrival of Stripe Sigma, can anyone help on an SQL query that would identify all customers, their subscription period, and charged amount
I'm looking for these fields, at least:
Customer ID
Subscription ID
Subscription start date
Subscription end date
Charged/paid amount (the upfront payment)
Sharing my first attempt at this
select distinct
invoices.customer_id as customer, as stripe_invoice,
invoice_line_items.period_start as subscription_start,
invoice_line_items.period_end as subscription_end,
date_trunc('month', invoice_line_items.period_start) as recognition_start,
date_add('month', -1, invoice_line_items.period_end) as recognition_end,
invoices.currency as currency,
(invoices.amount_due - coalesce(, 0)) / 100.0 as collected_amount_excl_tax
from invoices
left join invoice_line_items
on = invoice_line_items.invoice_id
where invoices.amount_due > 0
and paid
and date_diff('day', invoice_line_items.period_start, invoice_line_items.period_end) > 31
order by invoices.customer_id,
Then using a spreadsheet to calculate deferred and recognized every month.
Would love some feedback on what I'm missing / forgetting

Stripe - Subscriptions, prorated, and change in quantities during subscription period

There is a yearly subscription plan at $100/year. A customer can adjust the quantity of said subscription. So lets suppose a customer starts off with a quantity of 10. Half way through the period, the customer decides to increase the quantity from 10 to 20.
At the start of the next billing cycle... what will the customer be charged? Will it be $2500?
Beginning of Period 1: $100 * 10 = $1000
Beginning of Period 2: ($100 * 20) + (100 * 10)/2 = $2500
And if they decrease the quantity half way through, would they get a refund at the beginning of the next Period?
When the new plan is less expensive than the current plan, the prorated credit is larger than the new amount due. For example, if the customer switches from the $30/month plan to the $10/month plan exactly halfway through the billing cycle, the customer receives a net credit of $10: a credit of $15 for the unused portion of the old plan less a charge of $5 for the remaining time on the new plan. The next invoice, at the start of the next billing period, reflects the $10 credit and the $10 due for a full, upcoming month on the new plan, resulting in a net amount due of $0.
When credits are created, they’ll continue to apply to subsequent invoices until the credit is covered and payment is due again. For example, a move from a $50/month plan until a $10/month plan—exactly halfway through the billing period—results in a net credit of $20: a credit of $25 for the unused portion of the more expensive plan and a debit of $5 to pay for the remainder of the billing period on the new plan. The next two invoices would net to $0.
The prorated amount is calculated down to the second by Stripe. We calculate the difference between the two plans based on the time the API call was made to change the customer’s subscription, using the current billing period’s start and end times.
So essentially yes - they would receive a discount on their next invoice if they downgraded their plan. If they increased their plan, the prorate amount would be added to their next invoice.

Calculating Azure pricing

The price calculator Azure does not show option for us we inform the number of hours that we use his service. Is the price calculator Windows Azure calculating 24 hours of use per day during the month?
How can I calculate the amount I pay if I access the Windows Azure services for two hours for day throughout the month?
1. The calculator shows both prices per hour and per month. Yet, the monthly price is estimated on average of (fully consumed) 744 hours per month.
2. You're paying for the resources you consume, not for the resources you accessed. That means that even if nobody visited your website/webrole for the entire month, you would still have to pay the compute cost (the bandwidth cost will be $0 though).
