Customize search results and facets in Liferay 7.1 - liferay

this is my first question, thanks in advance.
I am trying to customize the liferay results portlet and facets, with custom results. I need to filter the results once the search is launched, and remove the results that do not have layoutId :
layoutIds = journalContentSearchLocalService.getLayoutIds(groupId,false,articleIdResult);
I´m doing this in a jsp fragment, but i think that it´s not correct.
I have been searching and i think the correct way is to modify the java class with the action, for example with acction coomand hook, is this correct?
Please, can you explain me the correct way to modify this functionalities?

ok. it looks you want result of journalarticle having display page is set. in that case, you need to look for JournalarticleModelPreFiltercontributor component extension or journalarticlepostprocessor if you are using legacy search api. when article gets indexed layoutuuid field is also indexed for each article. that field will have value if display page is set for specific web content or article.
So, you can use any of the above mentioned way to add check that this field should not be empty as search term. which will filter your result in request itself. instead adding overhead on result as later filtering in jsp.


Sitecore 7, Content Search, "Content" property of the document is not showing actual content

I have managed to get search results using LINQ way, I can access different fields of the searched document, including Title, Url, Path, etc.
I can also access Content property of the document but that is not showing actual content of the document. It is showing Title of the document separated by -, for example if the searched document Title is Video news items, Content property contains Video-news-items|Video news items.
How can I get actual content of the searched document?
Code I am using to search document is explained in another post.
Based on your other question, I assume you are using the base SearchResultItem class. You can inherit from this class and add Properties that map to specific fields in your items. you can then just use the properties as normal. This article explains the process:
Sitecore 7 POCO's explained
If you haven't yet done any research into Sitecore 7 search yet, I would suggest that you do some. The concepts may not be familiar.
I think this is showing meta title for this page

drupal search for a specific content type along with its node type for comments

I have a content type called 'ticket'; its Node type for comments is 'interaction'.
I want a search interface which searches through only these two (ticket,interaction) content-types; and output the node-link/title
Also, even though matches are found in interactions, i should be displaying the respective ticket node-link/title. (since interaction are actually the comments for the ticket node)
Can anybody please help me achieve this?
You should try using the Views module in conjunction with the core search module. You can create a view, filter the content type to ticket, and then add an exposed "Search: Search Terms" filter to your view.
Of course you could also write a quick custom module and do your own query.

Liferay 6.1 pagination

I'm trying to add pagination in a custom Liferay portlet (6.1). I list the results afer another portlet makes a search, so the content depend on the terms of the search. I tried to use the liferay-ui:search-container tag, but I found a problem:
Let's suppose I make a search and it returns 13 results, delta is set to 5, so the results have to be shown in 3 different pages.
If I make another search and it returns me less than 10 results (I need less than 3 pages to show them), the portlet with the search container tells me that there aren't any results to show (because I am in the 3rd page).
I observed that the problem is the field "cur", which is not resetted after a new search. I tried to do it on myself, but the SearchContainer type does not provide the setCur() method.
How can I set that field?
How are you creating searchContainer object in jsp? You can create a searchcontainer object which takes defaultcur as one of its constructor arguments. That should solve your problem.

Extending Orchard Search and Indexing

We need to provide search options for users to find content based on specific field values.
We're developing a Training Course module for a client but the standard search looks for the text in any indexed field. We want to allow users to find courses based on searches against specific fields (i.e. Course Type, Location, Price, Date).
We've extended the search to check against specific fields but can't work out how to get the URL parameters passed by the Search form as a GET.
Where does Orchard put URL parameters?
Also, are we missing something, is there a way that Orchard already supports this that we haven't realized?
I would suggest you to copy part of the Search module, more specifically the Controller and the View and then modify it to suit your specific needs. I see you are actually modifying the original module, but this might be a problem on the long term, for instance if we start updating the module you might either lose you changes or have to reapply them to the code base. In the end you will target a MySiteName.Search module. And you can also add custom routes, custom settings.
On a side note the Search API is really powerful and you can even use it to do faceted search, or search on inherited taxonomy terms, tags, full text, ranges, ... Having your own controller code will let you use all of these features easily.

Content Query Web Part - How do you OrderBy when you QueryOverride?

How do you order items when you override the QueryOverride property of the Content Query Web Part?
I have been given responsibility for a Web Part which extends the Content Query Web Part. The QueryOverride property of this Web Part is programmatically changed. Currently, the Web Part does not function as designed, as it does not order the items according to the appropriate field.
If I add an <OrderBy> node to the QueryOverride property I get an error message along the lines of 'something wrong with the query this web part is...' and the Content Query Web Part doesn't seem to have an OrderBy property which I could use instead.
The "QueryOverride property" part of this msdn article seems to suggest I should be able to add an <OrderBy> node to the QueryOverride but a number of web sites I've been reading suggest that this is not true.
So, how do you order items when you override the QueryOverride property of the Content Query Web Part?
Does your QueryOverride statement contain any Whitespace/linebreaks by any chance? I think I recall a while back having a situation where the QueryOverride needed to be all contained on one line, with no spaces between xml tags.
Weird I know, but try it out.
Also, for reference see the first community comment on the MSDN page
THanks for this. Just to clarify, there should be no white spaces before or after the tags as well.
This did not work:
<OrderBy><FieldRef Name="EndDate" Ascending="False"/></OrderBy>
But this did:
<![CDATA[<OrderBy><FieldRef Name="EndDate" Ascending="False"/></OrderBy><Where>
Wierd but thanks again for posting this answer, it saved me a lot of time.
