Liferay 6.1 pagination - search

I'm trying to add pagination in a custom Liferay portlet (6.1). I list the results afer another portlet makes a search, so the content depend on the terms of the search. I tried to use the liferay-ui:search-container tag, but I found a problem:
Let's suppose I make a search and it returns 13 results, delta is set to 5, so the results have to be shown in 3 different pages.
If I make another search and it returns me less than 10 results (I need less than 3 pages to show them), the portlet with the search container tells me that there aren't any results to show (because I am in the 3rd page).
I observed that the problem is the field "cur", which is not resetted after a new search. I tried to do it on myself, but the SearchContainer type does not provide the setCur() method.
How can I set that field?

How are you creating searchContainer object in jsp? You can create a searchcontainer object which takes defaultcur as one of its constructor arguments. That should solve your problem.


Customize search results and facets in Liferay 7.1

this is my first question, thanks in advance.
I am trying to customize the liferay results portlet and facets, with custom results. I need to filter the results once the search is launched, and remove the results that do not have layoutId :
layoutIds = journalContentSearchLocalService.getLayoutIds(groupId,false,articleIdResult);
I´m doing this in a jsp fragment, but i think that it´s not correct.
I have been searching and i think the correct way is to modify the java class with the action, for example with acction coomand hook, is this correct?
Please, can you explain me the correct way to modify this functionalities?
ok. it looks you want result of journalarticle having display page is set. in that case, you need to look for JournalarticleModelPreFiltercontributor component extension or journalarticlepostprocessor if you are using legacy search api. when article gets indexed layoutuuid field is also indexed for each article. that field will have value if display page is set for specific web content or article.
So, you can use any of the above mentioned way to add check that this field should not be empty as search term. which will filter your result in request itself. instead adding overhead on result as later filtering in jsp.

Smart search results behaviour of compound index of multiple page types

Can someone confirm the behaviour of the Smart search results webpart when using a Smart search filter on a particular field, documentation here, when the index, and the expected results, are compound of multiple page types?
In my scenario I have 2 page types, one is always a child of the other, my hypothetical scenario would be a Folder and File types as an example.
I've configured the index with Pages type and Standard analyzer to include all Folder and File types under the path /MyOS/% on the tree.
The search page, includes the Smart search results webpart and a Smart search filter, a checkbox for the File's field FileIsHidden.
What I'm trying to ascertain is the possibility for the results to include all folders that have a hidden field, as well as the files?
Client has a v8.2 license and now has a requirement similar to this scenario.
Thanks so much for any help in advance.
Firstly what i would do is download the latest version of LUKE, it's a lucene inspector that allows you to run queries, inspect the data, etc.
Your search indexes are in the App_Data/Modules/SmartSearch/[SearchName], now i am not sure if LUKE can query 2 indexes as the same time, however you can run hte same query against both and see if it's filtering out results one way or another.
If you are trying to query where a field must be a value, and the other page type does not have the field, it probably is filtered out. What you need to do is use the lucene syntax to say "(classname = 'cms.file' and fileonlyproperty = '' OR classname <> 'cms.file')" so to say.
You'll have to test, but say the class name is cms.file and cms.folder, and the property is FileIsHidden, i think the syntax would be:
+((FieldIsHidden:(true) and classname:('cms.file')) OR (NOT classname:('cms.file'))
But you'll have to test that.

WebPart cleanly render a list of n items

I am attempting to create a WebPart in Kentico 11 that supports handling an n-length list of items. I found that creating a WebPart with property fields is pretty straightforward in Kentico, but I am having trouble finding documentation on how to best set up a WebPart that can lookup & output multiple model objects.
I've tried the following approach, but it has some drawbacks that I'm not entirely comfortable with:
Set up a Container page type to place instances of data objects inside. I restricted it to ensure that only my custom Page Type data object is available as a child of it.
Place a Pages DataSource in the template zone and direct it to the Container page.
Hook up a Repeater element to it and apply a transformation & content before+after to the Repeater.
While this works, it feels a little cludgey. Content editors have to be wise enough to know how to set up DataSources & Repeaters, plus how to bind them together and apply transforms, and additionally remember to fill in the content before and content after fields with the appropriate wrapping HTML markup.
This is not something that I expect a content editor should need to remember.
Is there a cleaner way to put lists of items inside of a template zone without needing to drag & configure a datasource and container page?
I did not see any way to set up a Page Type field in such a way that it would essentially model a one-to-many relationship with another Page Type. Did I miss something there? If I could do that, then I could write a transformation to handle the wrapping HTML markup, and the looping of children. Haven't been able to find a way to make this work though.
The best way to accomplish what you are asking is with a custom form control. In your case, the form control should be able to let users select multiple items.
You can actually use 'Sortable multiple object selector' marketplace item for this purpose. This form control will enable you to select multiple items based on a certain type (that you need to configure in code) and editors would simply use the select dialog to choose the items.

Sitecore 7, Content Search, "Content" property of the document is not showing actual content

I have managed to get search results using LINQ way, I can access different fields of the searched document, including Title, Url, Path, etc.
I can also access Content property of the document but that is not showing actual content of the document. It is showing Title of the document separated by -, for example if the searched document Title is Video news items, Content property contains Video-news-items|Video news items.
How can I get actual content of the searched document?
Code I am using to search document is explained in another post.
Based on your other question, I assume you are using the base SearchResultItem class. You can inherit from this class and add Properties that map to specific fields in your items. you can then just use the properties as normal. This article explains the process:
Sitecore 7 POCO's explained
If you haven't yet done any research into Sitecore 7 search yet, I would suggest that you do some. The concepts may not be familiar.
I think this is showing meta title for this page

Retrieving column values in filtered xpages view

I have a view defined on an xpage. I also have several filters (based on the columns) that the user can select and combine to filter the results in the view. I generate a query string based on this that I construct in (doing a complete refresh). What I would like to do is get the results of the search so that I can then update some counts displayed elsewhere on the page. I'm having a hard time figuring out where I can perform this logic, though. I'm trying to use view.getAllEntries() and then iterating over the collection. Sometimes it seems like it works, but other times I seem to be getting the unfiltered view. Someone suggested I explicitly call view.FTSearch inside one of the events (beforePageLoad?) and immediately after do my getAllEntries call, saving the results in viewScope, but I get an "Error while browses Notes view" runtime error when I try to do that. Any pointers? TIA!
EDIT: After studying the xpages lifecycle a bit (which is still a little confusing), I think I can fine-tune my question. This is my first stackoverflow question, so I hope this is okay to do and productive....
As I described, I have a dominoView defined on my xpage. A repeat iterates over the rows of the view, displaying certain fields from the documents. If I define a query in the search property, then the repeat correctly displays the reduced set of documents rather than the complete set. (The query is computed in the search property via SSJS from some variables defined in the viewScope in a combobox's eventHandler.) However, if I try to access the current entries in the view inside of the repeat's rendered section (with SSJS) using myView.getAllEntries (where myView is what's defined as the "value" of the repeat), I am still getting all of the documents, even if a query has been done. It seems like at that point, the view variable has already had its search applied (since the repeat works), so why the differing results? Is there another way to access the view's rows? To complicate this further, this is just a simple experiment that might clarify the problem; as I indicated earlier, I don't actually want to access the view data within the repeat, I want to access it in the rendered or value sections of some comboboxes defined before the repeat in the xpage file.
I hope that makes more sense now....
EDIT #2: I forgot to add that if I manually call FTSearch (or FTSearchSorted) before calling myView.getAllEntries, then I think I can make this work. It just seems unnecessary to have to do that in addition to the view's built-in search.
From what I get you want to iterate over the entries in a view that before has been filtered, i.e. whose resulting entry collection is smaller than the the view itself.
What I don't get (yet) is what you want to do with the result, or what you're axpecting to get from the iteration over your filtered view (you're mentioning some counts to be displayed somewhere else).
Probably a good way is to use the view's .getAllEntriesByKey method which returns a NotesViewEntryCollection object which then can be used for your iteration.
Don't forget to recycle the resulting NotesViewEntry objects; reason for this has been explained several times here at stackoverflow.
