Running .exe files on linux servers - node.js

so I have deployed my node.js application on heroku but my application uses the help of .exe files to run which were generated on windows. Since heroku runs on a Linux server I am unable to run my executables on the deployed application, but it does run locally. I tried to use wine to run the executables, using the wine build pack but it didn't help as it returned an enoent error.
It would return with an error message of spawn sync path/to/executable ENOENT
I also tried deploying using a docker file but the wine docker file doesn't seem to generate
Is there any workaround for this problem? Any help would be appreciated


How to deploy node js to linux ubuntu without source code?

In windows you can use nssm to make the source code become .exe and make it a service. In Linux I already tried it using pm2 and nginx but it still need the source code.

How to run an Electron .exe app on Linux?

I'm trying to run an application build with Electron on Linux. They app maker offers an .exe installation file. So I figured I'd install it in WINE, but I seem to be missing something the app needs to run.
Since the install is an .exe, do I need WINE? And if I need WINE, what do I need to install to make the app work? I have tried two Electron apps, both only downloadable as a .exe install file.
Electron adds os native calls, so .exe files usually do not work. WINE is not able to emulate all of those calls, so if it isn't working for you, then you are out of luck I guess. Look for apps that offer linux versions, like If you have access to the repository, chances are they build it using electron-builder. You can just build it yourself with the command electron-builder build --linux in most cases

How I can avoid error when running an electron project created on Mac in a Windows?

The problem is that I started to learn electron on my Mac, but when I tried to show the project on my friend's computer (which uses Windows) I got the following error in the CMD:
"electron" is not recognized as an internal or external command,
program or executable batch file.
The only thing that can be used was to delete the electron folder in node_modules and then reinstalled and it worked. But my question is if there is a way to avoid this and so I could open my project on Mac, Windows or Linux whitout deliting and reinstalling electron every time.

Can I run .exe file on Heroku?

I am building a node app that has a function that requires running an .exe file. I am using the .exe because it was the only was I was able to get my my legacy fortran code to compile (through intel visual fortran). Will I be able to get my app to run through heroku, and if so, is there anything I need to do besides the basic deploy?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think Heroku has any windows servers.
As you have the Heroku CLI to enter into the machine where your app is running you can try using Wine ( to run your exe.

Fatal errors when building Knockout.js

Running a totally fresh instance of Ubuntu 13.10 x64 on DigitalOcean. Every time I try and build Knockout.js using npm/grunt I get the following error:
Running "clean" task
Running "checktrailingspaces:main" (checktrailingspaces) task
Running "build:debug" (build) task
Running "build:min" (build) task
Compiling...Fatal error: spawn ENOENT
The strange part is, the Fatal error is seemingly random. It is always one of these three:
Fatal error: spawn ENOENT
Fatal error: spawn EPIPE
Fatal error: spawn ECONNRESET
I can build everything successfully on Mac OS X as well as an instance of Ubuntu 13.10 x64 at Linode, as well as Ubuntu 13.10 x64 on my home machine. I spun up several instances of Ubuntu 13.10 on different hosts and could only reproduce it on DigitalOcean.
I'm thinking something is funky with DigitalOcean's Ubuntu images, but do not know enough to say for sure. I could be missing some prerequisite packages, but I read all the docs and made sure I met all the requirements for Node/npm/grunt.
I have contacted DigitalOcean and got some great support. An employee managed to reproduce my errors but did not find a solution.
Any help is appreciated greatly.
Edit: My issue was solved below, and had absolutely nothing to do with DigitalOcean's images.
Fatal error: spawn ENOENT means child_process.spawn in node.js cannot find the binary you're attempting to spawn.
So likely you have some dependency the library requires installed on your OSX machine but not on the Ubuntu machine.
Look into your build task to see where and what it is trying to spawn. Running grunt with grunt --stack should help.
