How to fix create-react-app not found in cmd error? - node.js

I tried many ways but it is coming the same always Any way how to fix it?

Check if you have npm install by typing npm --version
If you don't have npm follow this link to download Node.js to your computer.
After installation you can use npx command.


node js npm package installation not completed

I try to install node js npm packages, but It start to install and unfortunately freezes. I also try to install angular packages and it doesn't any problem. please help to fix this issue.
node version is 12.13.1;
npm version is 6.12.1;
I tried to install packages this way
npm i html-to-xlsx
here is a result:
another installation result:
Try the following commands then re-run the command:
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
And make sure you are in a place with good internet connection. Sometimes this is the issue.
I found way to fix this issue. I add -g before package name
npm install -g html-to-xlsx
Everything looks good
After that I enter this path C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules and copy needful module into my working folder

NPM get prefix issues

I am having issues with the npm. (on MAC)
I installed node and npm normally, but couldn't run:
$npm install -g angular-cli
it says unhandled rejection error, EACCESS: ...
and none of the solutions I found on the web couldn't help me.
I tried to reinstall node and npm multiple times, didn't help.
Then I tried to make an ionic project through the terminal, unsuccessfully. Similar issue EACCESS: permission denied...
And now I kind of messed up something with:
$npm config get prefix and $npm config set prefix
whenever I try to run some npm command I get a bunch of lines:
Eaccess, cannot read property, etc...
Does anybody know how can I solve this?
Is there a way to completely remove nodejs and npm and then to install it from scratch.
The traditional way and using homebrew didn't help me.
Try: nvm uninstall {version of node you are using}
To get the version do: npm -version

can't update npm (missing access)

Breaking my head to get over that error. I've tried every forum but still I can't find a proper solution. I also uninstalled and reinstall npm and still same issue.
Please save me!
npm error
and also
Just a wild guess:
remove .npm-modules in your home folder
remove modules from the project you are using
npm install, all should be fine
Use homebrew to install npm and nodejs. Write the command as shown below:
brew install node . Once it is successfully installed check it with node -v.
For more details you can go through this tutorial

Can install but can't run npm packages

I'm having trouble with my node.js/npm setup,
I freshly installed it via the website and it worked fine.
It told me to make sure /usr/local/bin/npm has to be in my path and when I run
echo $PATH it is in there, so it should be fine.
I can now install packages (tested with npm i webpack -save-dev) the installation works as expected, without any errors.
But when i run webpack all It is giving back is command not found has anyone experienced
something like this before?
I believe what you are looking for is a global package install.
Try using
npm i -g webpack
You can get help on install with
npm help i
Did you install node v8/npm v5?
In that case, it seems there's an open big-bug ticket on the npm repository.

NPM not working. Cannot find module 'strip ansi'

I just downloaded node but npm is not working. whenever I use a npm comman I get Error: cannot find module 'strip-ansi'.
For what it's worth, this ended up happening to me, using nvm on mac. npm cache clean didn't work. I ended up reinstalling via nvm:
$ curl -o- | bash
$ nvm install node
I was stuck on this problem too. Finally, I solved the issue by adding value '.js', '.ts' to resolve.extensions in my webpack.config.js. If you are using webpack too, this may help.
just reinstall strip using npm install strip --save this kind of error occurs because some file may be corrupt in strip library if this will not work you can try also npm install you will solve this error.
I hit this same issue. I tried to update npm after a fresh Node.js install, but cancelled in the middle because it appeared stuck. Reinstalling Node.js didn't help.
I resolved the issue by deleting the temporary npm files in my AppData folder (for me on Windows, I found it in c:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\npm). Then I was able to run npm normally again.
Hope that helps!
It solved for me by going to the NPM install folder at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm and running the yarn command. After running it successfully, NPM started working normally.
I had the same issue with my next js application. What i did was uninstall strip-ansi(npm uninstall strip-ansi) and then reinstall (npm install strip-ansi)
Clear your temporary paths of npm and this is solution.
if you're using linux:
go to $ cd /tmp/
search by npm-* folders
and remove all.
Solved by doing npm cache clean and then npm install
