Laravel: Too few arguments to function Vonage\Client::Vonage\{closure}(), 4 passed and exactly 5 expected - vonage

I am trying to make a sms notification using nexmo. I dont know what it means Too few arguments to function Vonage\Client::Vonage{closure}(), 4 passed and exactly 5 expected. I was trying to search for the error and it said the error is in line 145 from folder vendor\nexmo\client-core\src\Client.php on line 145enter image description here


How to work with parameters in telegraf in commands

**Hey guys I want to use parameters in my bot **
For example I send
/ping hello 5
ctx.reply(You want me to ping hello 5 times)
In the above code /ping is the command while hello and 5 are parameters so I can access them in my codes
I don't think it works so I need help to work with parameters
You should parse ctx.update.message.text - it is the full command with other text. For example, ctx.update.message.text.split(' ') returns array of arguments with a command in 0 place

How not to send the command line argument to the imported file

I have 2 python scripts ( and which accepts command line argument.
I'm importing in The argument which I give to during execution it is getting passed to too.
I do not want to get the command line input which was sent to, as it has to get a different set of inputs.
Is there any way to handle this?

Numbers given in error messages in Node.js

I don't understand well the numbers given by error messages in general with Node.js
at /home/gbusey/file.js:525:2
at Frobnicator.refrobulate (/home/gbusey/business-logic.js:424:21)
at Actor.<anonymous> (/home/gbusey/actors.js:400:8)
at increaseSynergy (/home/gbusey/actors.js:701:6)
In the previous message for example, what does 525:2 mean ?
(I dont write code because my question is not about a particular code but about the number in the error messages in general)
That is called a stacktrace.
The function calls through which the error is propagated is shown. The numbers you are asking about represent <line number>:<column number> in the file.
Check the error stack section in the docs.
what does 525:2 mean
Line 525, offset 2 (of the file /home/gbusey/file.js)
The numbers are line:position, so 252:2 would be that the program stopped on line 252 at the second character.

Throws error when passing argument with space in JAVA_OPTS in Linux

I am passing command line parameters to gatling script.
This works and executes my test in Windows operating system:
set JAVA_OPTS="-DuserCount=2 -DflowRepeatCount=3 -DdefinitionId=102168 -DtestServerUrl=https://someURL -DenvAuthenticationHeaderFromPostman="Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbmNldGVzdDE="
It works and takes input which is passed
User Count ====>> 2
Repeat Count ====>> 3
Definition ID ====>> 102168
Environment URL ====>> https://someURL
Authentication Header ====>> Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbmNldGVzdDE=
I want to do this same thing on Linux System.
While if I use this command in Linux then it throws error or takes Null or Binary values as input
(Passing arguments with ./
JAVA_OPTS="-DuserCount=2 -DflowRepeatCount=3 -DdefinitionId=102168 -DtestServerUrl='https://someURL' -DenvAuthenticationHeaderFromPostman='Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbmNldGVzdDE='" ./
Gives this error,
GATLING_HOME is set to /opt/gatling-charts-highcharts-2.0.3 Error:
Could not find or load main class
Here the problem is the space given in argument of -DenvAuthenticationHeaderFromPostman='Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbm='.
What is the solution?
The problem is that the $JAVA_OPTS variable is probably not surrounded by quotes. See this question: Passing a space-separated System Property via a shell script doesn't work
The gatling guys clearly forgot to do that.
I would file a bug and/or just edit
Ideally though you might just want to consider seeing if Gatling takes a properties file or some other way to configure.

sendmsg fails with error code 9

While running ldapsearch utility in Linux, the "sendmsg" function fails with an error code 9. What does error code 9 represent? The man page does not give information about error codes.
You can find all error codes in this page. . Currently I am taking same result. "send" method works but sendmsg is returning -1 and errno is 9 which means bad file number. I still don't know what the problem is.
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */
