How not to send the command line argument to the imported file - python-3.x

I have 2 python scripts ( and which accepts command line argument.
I'm importing in The argument which I give to during execution it is getting passed to too.
I do not want to get the command line input which was sent to, as it has to get a different set of inputs.
Is there any way to handle this?


Argument list too long error in while loop reading from infinite input stream

I have a script that prints my volume status. It checks the output of pactl subscribe to determine when something has changed. Currently I'm doing this with a while loop, and after the script has been running for a certain period of time (I can replicate quickly by holding a key to toggle mute for about a minute), the only output is "/usr/bin/grep: Argument list too long"
I've tried using < <(pactl subscribe), piping into the while loop, and also reading from a fifo. None of these work. Is this expected? If so, what would be the way to handle something like pactl subscribe that prints infinite output? Since the first error mentioned ponymix, I thought it might be an issue there, but using pamixer instead fixes nothing either.
The full script is here. Here is a relevant excerpt:
while read -r event; do
if echo "$event" | grep --quiet --invert-match --ignore-case "client"; then
done < <(pactl subscribe)
I expect no errors. The first error is line 36: /usr/bin/ponymix: Argument list too long. The second error is line 36: /usr/bin/grep: Argument list too long. Then afterwards all output is line 88: /usr/bin/grep: Argument list too long.
Edit: This is not the same issue as the suggested duplicate caused by passing a long argument list to something. I am not using globbing like in that example.
The issue is that inside the print_volume function, I was repeatedly sourcing a file with exports in it. As pointed out by Charles Duffy, this caused the environment size to be too large.

Shell Script: How to read standard output of a program from console

I am trying to write a shell script which gives different inputs to a program and checks the outputs whether they are expected results or not. In conclusion of these tests, I decide whether there is a bug in my executable program.
I run my program over shell script with ./my_program arg1 arg2 (arg1 and arg2 are command line arguments of my program). After that, the script shell constantly gives different inputs to my_program in order to test it and in controlling terminal (or console) standard outputs are iteratively writen like this:
Connection established.
Intermediate result is expected_intermediate_result1
Final result is expected_result1
Connection established.
Intermediate result is expected_intermediate_result2
Final result is expected_result2
And it goes on. For each input, its output is known. So they are matched before.
When connection fails: it is writen Error in connection!
Or result may be wrong:
Connection established.
Intermediate result is result1
Final result is wrong_result1
Apart from giving input, the script has another purpose: check the result.
So I want to read outputs from console and compare them with expected result in order to determine the case in which there is an inconsistency.
I want your assistance to edit this code:
while read console line-by-line
if the line is other than expected result
store this case to text file
Some cautions:
I don't want to use expect. I just want to read outputs of the program which is writen in console. I don't use log file so search in a file (grep) will not be used.
Thanks for assistence!
Is this what you're trying to do?
./my_program arg1 arg2 |
grep -Fxq "Final result is expected_result1" || { printf 'Failed: "arg1 arg2" -> "expected_result1"\n'; exit 1; }
If not then edit your question to clarify your requirements and provide a more concrete example.

Throws error when passing argument with space in JAVA_OPTS in Linux

I am passing command line parameters to gatling script.
This works and executes my test in Windows operating system:
set JAVA_OPTS="-DuserCount=2 -DflowRepeatCount=3 -DdefinitionId=102168 -DtestServerUrl=https://someURL -DenvAuthenticationHeaderFromPostman="Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbmNldGVzdDE="
It works and takes input which is passed
User Count ====>> 2
Repeat Count ====>> 3
Definition ID ====>> 102168
Environment URL ====>> https://someURL
Authentication Header ====>> Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbmNldGVzdDE=
I want to do this same thing on Linux System.
While if I use this command in Linux then it throws error or takes Null or Binary values as input
(Passing arguments with ./
JAVA_OPTS="-DuserCount=2 -DflowRepeatCount=3 -DdefinitionId=102168 -DtestServerUrl='https://someURL' -DenvAuthenticationHeaderFromPostman='Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbmNldGVzdDE='" ./
Gives this error,
GATLING_HOME is set to /opt/gatling-charts-highcharts-2.0.3 Error:
Could not find or load main class
Here the problem is the space given in argument of -DenvAuthenticationHeaderFromPostman='Basic UWRZm9aGwsxFsB1V7RXK0OlB5cmZvcm1hbm='.
What is the solution?
The problem is that the $JAVA_OPTS variable is probably not surrounded by quotes. See this question: Passing a space-separated System Property via a shell script doesn't work
The gatling guys clearly forgot to do that.
I would file a bug and/or just edit
Ideally though you might just want to consider seeing if Gatling takes a properties file or some other way to configure.

How to access terminal history in node.js?

I like to process piped commands from within my Node.js commandline app like myapp.babel app.es6 | mynodecmdlineapp. To build a refresh mechanism I need to access the previous terminal commandline text. The place where terminal history is saved varies depending on the shell. Is there a node way to read this out?
Maybe a silly answer, but, if you are constructing the entire chain of commands, you could construct it to also pass the first command that you execute as a first argument to mynodecmdlineapp.
You could then access argv in your mynodecmdlineapp. See,
An example call would look like this:
myapp.babel app.es6 | mynodecmdlineapp "myapp.babel app.es6"
process.argv[2] would then contain "myapp.babel app.es6" but this assumes that you are constructing the command and able to call it this way. Otherwise, I thought you might be able to leverage "!!" to send the last command, but that would send the last command in history -- not in that command's pipe sequence.

learnyounode 'My First I/O' example

This program puzzles me. The goal of this program is to count the number of newlines in a file and output it in command prompt. Learnyounode then runs their own check on the file and sees if their answer matches your answer.
So I start with the answer :
var fs = require('fs');
var filename = process.argv[2];
file = fs.readFileSync(filename);
contents = file.toString();
console.log(contents.split('\n').length - 1);
learnyounode verifies that this program correctly counts the number of new lines. But when I change the program to any of the following, it doesn't print out the same number as learnyounode prints out.
file = fs.readFileSync(C:/Nick/test.txt);
file = fs.readFileSync(test.txt);
Shouldn't nodejs readFileSync be able to input an address and read it correctly?
Lastly, this program is supposed to print out the # of newlines in a program. Why does both the correct program and learnyounode print out the same number that is different from the amount of newlines everytime I run this program?
For example, the number of newlines in test.txt is 3. But running this program prints out a different number everytime, like 45, 15, 2, etc. Yet at the same time, it is verified as a correct program by learnyounode because both their answers match! What is going on?
test.txt looks like this
So, I tried your program on my local machine and your program works fine. I am not an expert on learnyounode. I just tried it after your question but I think I understand how it works. As such, here are the answers to your questions:
Shouldn't nodejs readFileSync be able to input an address and read it correctly?
This method from nodejs is working fine. You can try printing the contents of the file and you'll see that there are no problems.
Why does both the correct program and learnyounode print out the same number that is different from the amount of newlines everytime I run this program.
learnyounode is running your program with a different filename as input each time. It verifies the output of your program by running its own copy of correct code against the same file.
But when I change the program to any of the following, it doesn't print out the same number as learnyounode prints out.
That is because at this point, your code is processing a fixed file whereas learnyounode is still processing different files on each iteration.
This tripped me up too. If you read the learnyounode instructions closely they explicitly say...
"The full path to the file to read will be provided as the first command-line argument."
This means they are providing the path to their own file.
When you use process.argv[2], this is passing in the 3rd array item (the learnyounode test txt file) into your script. If you run a console.log(process.argv); you'll see the full array object looks something like this:
[ '/usr/local/bin/node',
'/var/folders/41/p2jvc80j26l7nty0sk0zs1z40000gn/T/_learnyounode_1613.txt' ]
The reason the validation numbers begin to mismatch when you substitute your own text file for their is because your file always has 3 lines whereas their unit tests keep passing in different length files via process.argv.
Hope that helps.
when you are using process.argv[2] in learnyounode, the argument is provided by learnyounode automatically, so it prints different number of lines like 45, 15, 2 etc at multiple times verification.
If you remember the second challenge "BABYSTEPS" carefully this was given:
learnyounode will be supplying arguments to your program when you run
learnyounode verify program.js so you don't need to supply them yourself.
That's why different line numbers at program.js verification on multiple times.
there are two different ways.
if you run program like:
node program_name.js
than you need to add path to text file:
node program_name.js text_file.txt
in this case make sure that files are in the same directory.
or you can run it with command:
learnyounode program_name.js
and than default text file will be provided by learnyounode. You can watch content of this text file by using
Problem statement says
The full path to the file to read will be provided as the first
command-line argument.
So you've to pass the path/to/file as an argument.
Remember process.argv
you should use the following method to execute .js files
node program_name.js /path/to/text_file_name
rather than
learnyounode run program_name.js /path/to/text_file_name
on this method, Node.js will run your program with specify files of you enter on the command-line-interface.
wish this answer can help you programming. :)
