Stripe - How To Add Product Behalf Of Connected Account? - stripe-payments

Normally when using stripe I can create products and add tax rates, shipping rates. After the payment I can create invoice. I want to do the same thing when using connected account. In my app I want users to create stores and this stores' product will be saved to their connected stripe account. Stores in my app will set shipping rates and tax rates. Then I can automatically invoice the payment. That's what I want to do. Is it possible to do with stripe? Because I read the documents but I could not understand the invoicing on connected accounts. Because when invoicing the connected account only customer id required. That confused me.
Invoice connected accounts document

I'm not sure you'll be able to do things exactly how you describe but I'd suggest you reach out to Support to talk about this further:


Can we covert the guest customer in stripe to real customer?

I have strange situation ... I want to convert my guest customers in my stripe account to the real customers ... Real customers have the customerID but the guest customer doesn’t have the customer ID ... Is there any way to convert them.
Guest customers are only available in Stripe Dashboard so there is not a way to manipulate them via the API and there is not an option to convert them to a customer object via the Dashboard.
The recommendation is to create real customers moving forward. Although there is not a way to associate previous payments to real customers, you’d be able to track payments that belong to the same customer and create recurring charges. To achieve this, you’d pass the customer object on the PaymentIntent creation or if you’re using Checkout, you’d pass it when creating the Checkout Session.

Stripe - How to get purchaser's information for a charge with Connect (Express)?

I've set up a test charge using stripe.Charge.create() and it is working, i.e. I can see the dollar amounts processed in the Connect test dashboard. It appears to be money going from the tok_visa to a dummy Stripe account I set up.
charge = stripe.Charge.create(
"destination": "{{CONNECTED_STRIPE_ACCOUNT_ID}}",
For a marketplace type platform, I need to be able to send funds from the purchasing user to the selling user, however.
Would I need to get the purchaser's account (or some other object?) to use as the "source" in the charge?
How do I get that to put it into the "source" field?
I feel a little lost in Stripe's docs, so I could be missing something. Thank you for any tips.
I need to be able to send funds from the purchasing user to the
selling user, however
If by 'purchasing user' you mean a cardholder customer of your marketplace, this is exactly what you have. tok_visa here represents a credit card, that you accept through a payment page.
If instead you mean, the purchasing user is another connected account in the marketplace, you can either :
use an account debit to debit one account, and then transfer to
collect a card from users when they sign up and create a
Customer object for them. You can then charge that customer as needed
like in your example code. You need to maintain a link in your system that
'customer cus_xxx is also my marketplace user acct_xxx'

Does Stripe Connect allows to top-up customer (buyer) account?

I want to create a marketplace, where buyers can buy credits (top up their platform accounts) and use them later to buy products from other customers. I want to use Stripe as payment processor. I did some research and I've noticed that Stripe Connect is appropriate for that kind of business. However I don't know how to do this. Seller can have Connected accounts created. Buyer can have Customer object created, where I can store payment methods for user. How then I could be able to topup Buyer account, when he hasn't any ? Maybe I could create Connected account for buyer too but then I can't make transfers between connected accounts ? Is it possible to have such a business model in Stripe ??

Stripe payment splitting api

i need bit clarification and guidance from exports about splitting stripe payment between multiple sellers.
I am building e-commerce systen and integrated stripe as a payment method for customers and it is working fine. Now I don't want to pay to manually to my sellers registered on my platform. I want to split the payment between several accounts if possible.
Lets say my platform is charging 10% as commission to the sellers and the customer is buying to different items from 2 different seller that worth $1000 than I want to split the payment as follow internally
me $100
seller 1:$450
seller 2:$450
Any help or guidance will be appreciated thanks
Stripe as such does not provide the splitting mechanism. But using Stripe Connect you can do it.
In Stripe connect there is one main account called platform account and can have multiple secondary accounts connected to it. So in your case, your seller will connect with your platform account.
Now for every charge you can split the amount among the seller and platform using application_fee parameter in charge object.
But this method has one problem also
If the customer is purchasing from multiple sellers than you have to charge the customer many times(as no. of the seller). So in case of multiple items from different sellers I have used transfer API to transfer the amount to seller instead of multiple charging to customer
In my system, I also face the same problem and after a lot of research, I found this way working for me.

Can Stripe support Offline Payments?

I am using Stripe for online payments but also users can pay offline (cash or check). I want to centralize all my invoices/charges in one place (Stripe).
I am not sure if I can add offline payments (cash or check) to stripe or not. I guess I can if I created customers, invoices, charges with livemode=false for my live keys.
Is this feasible and will Stripe accept having some (customers, invoices and charges) with livemode=false and others with livemode=true?
If yes, should I fill fake credit card info or should I set it as nil?
Stripe does not allow you to create a Subscription on a Customer if you don't have a credit card setup. More accurately, it does not allow you to create a subscription if a customer does not have a way to pay for the next invoice. So for offline payments, you could update the 'account_balance' on the customer to have a negative value equal to the amount the customer wired (credits). Stripe will then allow you to create a subscription for the customer because it knows that the customer has enough account balance to pay for the next invoice. This post has more details.
We don't currently support offline payments, so you'll want to look at a separate accounting system for those payments.
That said, it's totally understandable that you'd want to keep this data in one place. You might be interested in using our webhooks system to offer live updates to your accounting system without directly touching the code that creates the charge in Stripe.
