Does Stripe Connect allows to top-up customer (buyer) account? - stripe-payments

I want to create a marketplace, where buyers can buy credits (top up their platform accounts) and use them later to buy products from other customers. I want to use Stripe as payment processor. I did some research and I've noticed that Stripe Connect is appropriate for that kind of business. However I don't know how to do this. Seller can have Connected accounts created. Buyer can have Customer object created, where I can store payment methods for user. How then I could be able to topup Buyer account, when he hasn't any ? Maybe I could create Connected account for buyer too but then I can't make transfers between connected accounts ? Is it possible to have such a business model in Stripe ??


Using Stripe Connect - Can Stripe payements be used without being a Stripe member

I am creating a site that will need a payment gateway to split payments for sellers when a buyer buys an item from the seller.
I have found out with Stripe Connect you can split payments which is great, but does anyone know if a buyer wants to buy an item from the seller, do the buyer and seller need a Stripe account or can the buyer and seller send and receive money without a Stripe account?
I was going to use PayPal Chained Adaptive Payments but found out that this service is depreciated.
When using Stipe Connect there are multiple parties involved:
The platform account, that's the main Stripe account
The connected accounts, these are the sellers that are connected to the platform account. Each connected account need a Stripe account (either Standard, Express, or Custom)
The customers who will buy the products, they don't need a Stripe account

Charging customer with saved card in main account with connected account in Stripe

I know I can save a card with a customer in Stripe and use it for later. My question is can I save the customer with the card on the main Stripe onboarding account and use that customer for all sub accounts (connected accounts). Or does the customer have to be created and saved on each connected account to work.
Stripe Payment: Save token and customer and make payment later from token
Stripe connected accounts would need to have copies of those customers and cards associated with their accounts to be able to process charges for those cards/customers.
There are ways to copy payment methods from the Platform to the Connected account that are detailed here which you might find useful.

Stripe - How To Add Product Behalf Of Connected Account?

Normally when using stripe I can create products and add tax rates, shipping rates. After the payment I can create invoice. I want to do the same thing when using connected account. In my app I want users to create stores and this stores' product will be saved to their connected stripe account. Stores in my app will set shipping rates and tax rates. Then I can automatically invoice the payment. That's what I want to do. Is it possible to do with stripe? Because I read the documents but I could not understand the invoicing on connected accounts. Because when invoicing the connected account only customer id required. That confused me.
Invoice connected accounts document
I'm not sure you'll be able to do things exactly how you describe but I'd suggest you reach out to Support to talk about this further:

How to pay a user with stripe?

I am building an ecommerce store like amazon where sellers can sell and they receive money when a product is bought.
I am using stripe api with nodeJS for handeling payments. What is exactly the process of paying a user with stripe?
On their documentation they said of creating an account then transferring fund but in the process what about taking user's payment details like their bank account.
What are the steps which I need to follow for a paying a user out?
You'd need to use Stripe Connect. Each merchant you pay will need to be a connected account to your platform.

Stripe Connect: Can Connected accounts become Customer?

I'm considering adopting Stripe connect.
What I want to do is One user will be able to both that receive and pay.
What I now understand is to create a custom account user and create a payment from the platform to the custom account with Destination charge.
Can a Custom account user pay the platform as a consumer?
As per your scenario you can make a stripe Customer and his Connect account both having same bank account linked. So when you initialise to pay the platform it will be charged from same bank account as well as when receiving payout the same bank account will be credited.
