Localize js file with LazZiya Express Localization - lazziya.expresslocalization

I'm using LazZiya Express Localization to localize my project.
I have question:
Can I use LazZiya localization for js file (vuejs)?
const renderVueForm = () => {
console.log('site js');
let html = `<div localize-content>Oh my darling i love you so. You mean everything to me.</div>`;
return html;

Put your localizable text in a hidden html div:
<div id="my-localized-text" class="d-none" localize-content>
Oh my darling i love you so. You mean everything to me.
Then in JS get the content of the localized div:
const renderVueForm = () => {
console.log('site js');
let html = $("#my-localized-text").html();
return html;


Cheerio how to remove DOM elements from selection

I am trying to write a bot to convert a bunch of HTML pages to markdown, in order to import them as Jekyll document. For this, I use puppeteer to get the HTML document, and cheerio to manipulate it.
The source HTML is pretty complex, and polluted with Google ADS tags, external scripts, etc. What I need to do, is to get the HTML content of a predefined selector, and then remove elements that match a predefined set of selectors from it in order to get a plain HTML with just the text and convert it to markdown.
Assume the source html is something like this:
<head />
<article class="post">
<p>First paragraph.</p>
<script>That for some reason has been put here</script>
<p>Second paragraph.</p>
<ins>Google ADS</ins>
<p>Third paragraph.</p>
<div class="related">A block full of HTML and text</div>
<p>Forth paragraph.</p>
What I want to achieve is something like
<p>First paragraph.</p>
<p>Second paragraph.</p>
<p>Third paragraph.</p>
<p>Forth paragraph.</p>
I defined an array of selectors that I want to strip from the source object:
stripFromText: ['.social-share', 'script', '.adv-in', '.postinfo', '.postauthor', '.widget', '.related', 'img', 'p:empty', 'div:empty', 'section:empty', 'ins'],
And wrote the following function:
const getHTMLContent = async ($, selector) => {
let value;
try {
let content = await $(selector);
for (const s of SELECTORS.stripFromText) {
// 1
content = await content.remove(s);
// 2
// await content.remove(s);
// 3
// content = await content.find(s).remove();
// 4
// await content.find(s).remove();
// 5
// const matches = await content.find(s);
// for (m of matches) {
// await m.remove();
// }
value = content.html();
} catch(e) {
console.log(`- [!] Unable to get ${selector}`);
return value;
$ is the cheerio object containing const $ = await cheerio.load(html);
selector is the dome selector for the container (in the example above it would be .post)
What I am unable to do, is to use cheerio to remove() the objects. I tried all the 5 versions I left commented in the code, but without success. Cheerio's documentation didn't help so far, and I just found this link but the proposed solution did not work for me.
I was wondering if someone more experienced with cheerio could point me in the right direction, or explain me what I am missing here.
I found a classical newby error in my code, I was missing an await before the .remove() call.
The working function now looks like this, and works:
const getHTMLContent = async ($, selector) => {
let value;
try {
let content = await $(selector);
for (const s of SELECTORS.stripFromText) {
console.log(`--- Stripping ${s}`);
await content.find(s).remove();
value = await content.html();
} catch(e) {
console.log(`- [!] Unable to get ${selector}`);
return value;
You can remove the elements with remove:

how to render svg icon in nuxt 3

I am using nuxt 3 and Compositions API.
I get such a nesting, how to get rid of the extra svg tag?
I would also like to receive svg attributes whenever possible and change, for example, fill
<component :is="render"></component>
import { h } from "vue";
const { data, pending, error, refresh } = await useFetch(svgURL);
const getDataVal = data.value
const SvgToRaw = await getDataVal.text();
const render = () => {
return h("svg", {
class: "bar",
innerHTML: SvgToRaw,
Chrome Dev Tools
I tried to create a virtual DOM tree and get an HTML element from there, not text, but I think this is a bad solution
import hv from "virtual-dom/h";
import diff from "virtual-dom/diff";
import patch from "virtual-dom/patch";
import createElement from "virtual-dom/create-element";
const betaRender = hv("span", { innerHTML: svgString });
var rootNode = createElement(betaRender);
var patches = diff(rootNode);
return patches[0].vNode.innerHTML
SSR support is important to me so I can't use standard tools

How to inject Material-UI stylesheets into a jest/react-testing-library test?

It seems that if you don't inject Material-UI stylesheets into a jest/react-testing-library test then jsdom will fail to get the correct styles from your components (e.g. running getComputedStyle(component) will return the incorrect styles for the component).
How you properly setup a jest/react-testing-library test so that the styles are correctly injected into the test? I've already wrapped the components in a theme provider, which works fine.
As a workaround reinserting the whole head (or the element where JSS styles are injected) before assertion seems to apply styles correctly with both getComputedStyle() and react testing library's toHaveStyle():
import React from "react";
import "#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect";
import { render } from "#testing-library/react";
test("test my styles", () => {
const { getByTestId } = render(
<div data-testid="wrapper">
const button = getByTestId("wrapper").firstChild;
document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML;
expect(button).toHaveStyle(`border-radius: 4px;`);
This will still fail though when you're using dynamic styles, like:
myButton: {
padding: props => props.spacing,
That's because JSS uses CSSStyleSheet.insertRule method to inject these styles, and it won't appear as a style node in the head. One solution to this issue is to hook into the browser's insertRule method and add incoming rules to the head as style tags. To extract all this into a function:
function mockStyleInjection() {
const defaultInsertRule = window.CSSStyleSheet.prototype.insertRule;
window.CSSStyleSheet.prototype.insertRule = function (rule, index) {
const styleElement = document.createElement("style");
const textNode = document.createTextNode(rule);
return defaultInsertRule.bind(this)(rule, index);
// cleanup function, which reinserts the head and cleans up method overwrite
return function applyJSSRules() {
window.CSSStyleSheet.prototype.insertRule = defaultInsertRule;
document.head.innerHTML = document.head.innerHTML;
Example usage of this function in our previous test:
import React from "react";
import "#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect";
import { render } from "#testing-library/react";
test("test my styles", () => {
const applyJSSRules = mockStyleInjection();
const { getByTestId } = render(
<div data-testid="wrapper">
<MyButtonStyledWithJSS spacing="8px"/>
const button = getByTestId("wrapper").firstChild;
expect(button).toHaveStyle("border-radius: 4px;");
expect(button).toHaveStyle("padding: 8px;");
This ultimately seems like an issue with JSS and various browser implementations like jsdom and and Blink (at least in Chrome). You can see it in Chrome when trying to modify/enable/disable these style rules (you can't).
The behavior appears to be a result of the JSS library using the CSSOM insertRule API. There's a stylesheet generated in the DOM for the styles we expect in our component, but the tag is empty - it's just used to link the shadow CSS back to the DOM. The styles are never written to the inline stylesheet in the DOM, and as a result, the getComputedStyle method does not return the expected results.
There's an open issue to address this behavior and make development easier.
I switched my custom components to styled-components, which does not have some of these idiosyncrasies.
Material-UI is planning on transitioning soon as well.
You could add this to a custom render function. After rendering, the function pulls the styles out of cssom and puts them into a style tag. Here is an implementation:
let customRender = (ui, options) => {
let renderResult = render(ui, options);
let styleElement = document.createElement("style");
let styleText = "";
for (let styleSheet of document.styleSheets) {
for (let rule of styleSheet.cssRules) {
styleText += rule.cssText + "\n";
styleElement.textContent = styleText.slice(0, -1);
// remove old style elements
let emptyStyleElements = document.head.querySelectorAll('style[data-jss=""]');
for (let element of emptyStyleElements) {
return renderResult;
I can't speak specifically to Material-UI stylesheets, but you can inject a stylesheet into rendered component:
import {render} from '#testing-library/react';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
const stylesheetFile = fs.reactFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../path-to-stylesheet'), 'utf-8');
const styleTag = document.createElement('style');
styleTag.type = 'text/css';
styleTag.innerHTML = stylesheetFile;
const rendered = render(<MyComponent>);
You don't necessarily have to read from a file, you can use whatever text you want.

Using Fragment to insert HTML rendered on the back end via dangerouslySetInnerHTML

I used to compile and insert JSX components via
<div key={ ID } dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: HTML } } />
which wrapped my HTML into a <div>:
<div>my html from the HTML object</div>
Now react > 16.2.0 has support for Fragments and I wonder if I can use that somehow to avoid wrapping my HTML in a <div> each time I get data from the back end.
<Fragment key={ ID } dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ { __html: HTML } } />
will throw a warning
Warning: Invalid prop `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.
in React.Fragment
Is this supported yet at all? Is there another way to solve this?
Created an issue in the react repo for it if you want to upvote it.
Short Answer
Not possible:
key is the only attribute that can be passed to Fragment. In the
future, we may add support for additional attributes, such as event
You may want to chime in and suggest this as a future addition.
In the Meantime
You may want to consider using an HTML parsing library like:
Check out this example to see how it will accomplish your goal:
In Short
You'll be able to do this:
Update December 2020
This issue (also mentioned by OP) was closed on Oct 2, 2019. - However, stemming from the original issue, it seems a RawHTML component has entered the RFC process but has not reached production, and has no set timeline for when a working solution may be available.
That being said, I would now like to allude to a solution I currently use to get around this issue.
In my case, dangerouslySetInnerHTML was utilized to render plain HTML for a user to download; it was not ideal to have additional wrapper tags included in the output.
After reading around the web and StackOverflow, it seemed most solutions mentioned using an external library like html-react-parser.
For this use-case, html-react-parser would not suffice because it converts HTML strings to React element(s). Meaning, it would strip all HTML that wasn't standard JSX.
The code below is the no library solution I opted to use:
//HTML that will be set using dangerouslySetInnerHTML
const html = `<div>This is a div</div>`
The wrapper div within the RawHtml component is purposely named "unwanteddiv".
//Component that will return our dangerouslySetInnerHTML
//Note that we are using "unwanteddiv" as a wrapper
const RawHtml = () => {
return (
<unwanteddiv key={[]}
__html: html,
For the purpose of this example, we will use renderToStaticMarkup.
const staticHtml = ReactDomServer.renderToStaticMarkup(
The ParseStaticHtml function is where the magic happens, here you will see why we named the wrapper div "unwanteddiv".
//The ParseStaticHtml function will check the staticHtml
//If the staticHtml type is 'string'
//We will remove "<unwanteddiv/>" leaving us with only the desired output
const ParseStaticHtml = (html) => {
if (typeof html === 'string') {
return html.replace(/<unwanteddiv>/g, '').replace(/<\/unwanteddiv>/g, '');
} else {
return html;
Now, if we pass the staticHtml through the ParseStaticHtml function you will see the desired output without the additional wrapper div:
Additionally, I have created a codesandbox example that shows this in action.
Notice, the console log will throw a warning: "The tag <unwanteddiv> is unrecognized in this browser..." - However, this is fine because we intentionally gave it a unique name so we can easily differentiate and target the wrapper with our replace method and essentially remove it before output.
Besides, receiving a mild scolding from a code linter is not as bad as adding more dependencies for something that should be more simply implemented.
i found a workaround
by using react's ref
import React, { FC, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
interface RawHtmlProps {
html: string
const RawHtml: FC<RawHtmlProps> = ({ html }) => {
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null)
useEffect(() => {
if (!ref.current) return
// make a js fragment element
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment()
// move every child from our div to new fragment
while (ref.current.childNodes[0]) {
// and after all replace the div with fragment
}, [ref])
return <div ref={ref} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: html }}></div>
export { RawHtml }
Here's a solution that works for <td> elements only:
type DangerousHtml = {__html:string}
function isHtml(x: any): x is DangerousHtml {
if(!x) return false;
if(typeof x !== 'object') return false;
const keys = Object.keys(x)
if(keys.length !== 1) return false;
return keys[0] === '__html'
const DangerousTD = forwardRef<HTMLTableCellElement,Override<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<'td'>,{children: ReactNode|DangerousHtml}>>(({children,...props}, ref) => {
if(isHtml(children)) {
return <td dangerouslySetInnerHTML={children} {...props} ref={ref}/>
return <td {...props} ref={ref}>{children}</td>
With a bit of work you can make this more generic, but that should give the general idea.
<DangerousTD>{{__html: "<span>foo</span>"}}</DangerousTD>

Printing in ReactJS

How do I print(printer) a DIV in my app component in react ? I have a DIV=(badgeContainer) inside which I have added a few shapes, text and Images, now i would like to print the elements inside the DIV=(badgeContainer). Is there a package which would help me do this in react ? Any help is much appreciated.
You can do this using the useRef hook and window.(open & print & close).
import React from "react";
export const Printable = () => {
const printableAreaRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const handlePrintClick = () => {
const w = window.open();
if (printableAreaRef.current?.innerHTML) {
return (
<button onClick={handlePrintClick}>Click To Print</button>
<div ref={printableAreaRef}>
I want to print this
There's several libraries you can use for this. I have used https://github.com/MrRio/jsPDF and it's great.
you can you this package :
ReactToPrint - Print React components in the browser
I use it and it can handle print for you
