Google dialogflow integration - Hangout chat integration option not available - dialogflow-es

I build an agent on google Dialogflow and want it to integrate with Hangout Chatbot, but the option is not present in the integrations option. Why is that so? As I have worked with my friend and in his Google Dialogflow account hangout option is available in the integration field of Dialogflow.
Google Dialogflow Integration option screenshot

If you own a Google Workspace account, then you can do it, as it says the integration is only available for Google Workspace users. See


Is the integration of instagram and Watson Assistant possible?

I recently did some Watson Assistant integrations. Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger and now I'm looking to do the same thing with Instagram.
I saw that Facebook (now Meta) recently published the API to do this integration. But I tried to replicate what I had done on Facebook Messenger, (set up webhoock, link page, set up test user) and Direct doesn't give me a return.
I would like to know if Watson and this API are compatible with each other.
And if not, is there any platform to do this integration?
It is currently possible.
Instagram provides an API in which you can capture a Webhook and exchange messages, while node red creates a url that will be sent and received as responses
You can also use captivate hub to connect your watson assistant on instagram

Integrate Google Assistant to Facebook Messenger using Action Builder

In DialogFlow exists an option to integrate automatically to Messenger from Facebook. How can I do the same integration using Action Builder on Actions Console? Is it possible or a hybrid version is a better option to implement?
Thanks a lot!
No, there is no integration in actionbuilder to integrate with any platforms other than Google Assistant. Action builder is intended to improve development for actions for Google Assistant by bringing the conversation design part of development into the Actions Console.
If you want to develop for Messenger you are better off sticking with Dialogflow.

How to integrate Dialogflow with Slack using OAuth2

I'm trying to get Slack to prompt the user to sign in with their Google account (account link) before they can use my Dialogflow chatbot in Slack. The reason being, is that I need access to their calendar in order to create and modify the events, among other things.
Simply following the Slack integration instructions on the 'Integrations' page in the Dialogflow console didn't work. It immediately installed the app.

What is the google action and dialogflow agent?

We are doing chatbot project using dialogflow currently. I am confused about the relationship between google action and dialogflow agent.
Dialogflow agent is a chatbot supported via NLP engine. When you create an agent, you can create intents that agents can respond. So, it is a simple text based bot.
Google Action(or Actions on Google) is a kind of platform app for Google Assistant. By building this, you can have an assistant app which works on Google Assistant. It is a chatbot with rich response (such as carousels, basic cards, suggestion chips etc.)
When you create a DialogFlow agent, you can use it in a various platform (such as messenger, telegram etc.). If you integrate it with Actions on Google project and deploy, you will have an assistant app.

Dialogflow Integration does not work in Google Assistant

I am able to integrate and successfully use my dialogflow agent on website but can't able to with Google assistant. It is showing error when going for Testing page for that. Kindly guide me.
