Integrate Google Assistant to Facebook Messenger using Action Builder - dialogflow-es

In DialogFlow exists an option to integrate automatically to Messenger from Facebook. How can I do the same integration using Action Builder on Actions Console? Is it possible or a hybrid version is a better option to implement?
Thanks a lot!

No, there is no integration in actionbuilder to integrate with any platforms other than Google Assistant. Action builder is intended to improve development for actions for Google Assistant by bringing the conversation design part of development into the Actions Console.
If you want to develop for Messenger you are better off sticking with Dialogflow.


What is the google action and dialogflow agent?

We are doing chatbot project using dialogflow currently. I am confused about the relationship between google action and dialogflow agent.
Dialogflow agent is a chatbot supported via NLP engine. When you create an agent, you can create intents that agents can respond. So, it is a simple text based bot.
Google Action(or Actions on Google) is a kind of platform app for Google Assistant. By building this, you can have an assistant app which works on Google Assistant. It is a chatbot with rich response (such as carousels, basic cards, suggestion chips etc.)
When you create a DialogFlow agent, you can use it in a various platform (such as messenger, telegram etc.). If you integrate it with Actions on Google project and deploy, you will have an assistant app.

How do i deploy my google assistant bot so that everyone can use it?

Till now i have only used dialogflow to design simple conversation and tested the bot on Actions on google.
The AoG documentation Publish Your Actions describes what you need to do to have your Action published. You can also check out the Publish Checklist for the best experience. After your Action has been approved, it will be available to the users. Best of luck!

Typing notification to user in dialogflow chatbot

I have developed a chatbot using dialogflow and hosted my webhook api to firebase cloud. I have integrated this bot to MS Team and Skype where I am able to access the bot from both channels. I have a requirement that I have to show "user typing..." notification to users in the chat window similar to session.sendTyping() having in MSBot. Do we have similar functionality using webhook option?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!
This is not a feature that is built into Dialogflow. If you want to add this, you'll need to use another system to store the state of the focus and receive it on other devices. This could be accomplished through storing the boolean state in Firebase's database, for example.

Integrating Watson Assistant (formely conversation) with Telegram/Facebook

I am confused about how to integrate my Watson bot on messaging platforms such as Facebook messenger. To build that bot, I used the Watson Conversation service and also used Bluemix cloudfoundry node.js app to expose it on the web. It works very well, but I just can't integrate it to platforms without the use of a third-party platform like stamplay. I don't really want to use third-party platforms to integrate my bots.
Anyone have any ideas? Maybe I can host my own bots on my Bluemix cloud platform? I just don't know how.
You might want to use some facilitators for this, like Node-red or NGROK.
Use Node-red to Integrate Watson Conversation with facebook easily.
Use NGROK, Tanmay Bakshi teaches how to do that. Check this tutorial.
With Node-RED you can create functions, and have a lot of options for Business rules for your application.
Note: I've built some open source basic example to Integrate Watson Assistant with Telegram and Facebook using Node.js. You can follow the instructions or read the docs in the repositories.
This middleware plugin allows developers to easily integrate a Watson Conversation workspace with multiple social channels like Slack, Facebook, and Twilio. Customers can have simultaneous, independent conversations with a single workspace through different channels.
I created a starter application for this purpose. My example is for Slack and you easily use it by creating an slack API token.
The starter is implemented in node-red and you just need to insert your API token and the rest is deployed automatically. I used Watson Conversation and Natural Language Understanding.
One-Click-Deploy and more detailed description:

Is there a generic approach to develop Amazon Echo skills and Google Home actions?

Is there a generic approach to develope Amazon Echo skills and Google Home actions?
API.AI has integrations with both Alexa and Google Home, plus more.
API.AI is a natural language understanding platform that makes it easy to design and integrate intelligent and sophisticated conversational user interfaces into mobile apps, web applications, devices, and bots.
Their Alexa integration feature allows you to export your agent as Alexa compatible files, which include Intent Schema and Utterances.
With Actions on Google integration, you can preview your Conversation Action with the Google Home Web Simulator and deploy your agent so that other users can discover and use it on the Google Home.
Jovo is a new Open Source framework for developing cross platform voice apps. It supports both Amazon Alexa Skills and Google Home Actions.
