Traversing Azure PIM Roles for Review - azure

Azure PIM just add a temporary RBAC to the resource, and role assignment goes away after the allowed time slot (maximum of 8 hrs).
So, wanted to understand if there is a way to conduct user access reviews on all Azure PIM roles - like how can I know who all users can elevate PIM roles & what roles & at what scope. I understand there is "Access Review" of PIM but that needs admin level permissions, hence wondering if there is a way through powershell or CLI to create such report for periodic reviews.

Yes, there is a command Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleAssignment in AzureADPreview module that calls the Microsoft Graph - List governanceRoleAssignments, it should meet your requirement, but it is in preview and I believe there is a bug in this command/api, as when you run the command/call the api, there is always an UnknownError(I have tested it with the Global admin in AAD tenant and Owner role in subscription, so there should be no permission issue). So to use it successfully, I think you may need to wait for it to be GA.
Get-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleAssignment -ProviderId AzureResources -ResourceId <tenant-id>
I understand there is "Access Review" of PIM but that needs admin level permissions
Besides, even it becomes GA in the future, I think it needs admin permissions, because the feature in the portal and the powershell should both call the same API, it needs the same permission. So if you don't have the enough permission, anyway you could not do this.


Global Admin - cannot see Billing - Unauthorized

I'm global admin and subcription owner
But when click on Billing-Cost analysis getting
Customer does not have the privilege to see the cost
Am i missing something ?
Seems like there is a missing permission on the subscription. The impacted user should have one of the following roles:
Service Administrator
Billing reader
Kindly assign one of the above roles to the user on the targeted subscription (I am using service administrator) by following Assign a user as an administrator of an Azure subscription
For current admins kindly see classic admins tab:
Tenant is managed by CSP, didn't know it until i tried to create support case to MS and got following error:
After that got access to Partner center and performed below steps:

User Access Review custom report in Microsoft Azure

Is there a way I can fetch all users currently assigned permissions to each resource created under a subscription.
To put in other words, I want to traverse all the resources created under a subscription & get the list of all users, service principal names, SGs, AAD groups, along with their role who have access to each resource. This report would help me perform a periodic user access review .
Any leads/code would be appreciated.
You could simply get that with the powershell command Get-AzRoleAssignment.
Without any parameter, Get-AzRoleAssignment will get all the role assignments in the subscription, you can also leverage different parameters e.g. -ObjectId, -Scope to list assignments to a specific user/service principal/security group, or to list assignments on a specific resource group or resource.
For more details, see
Same thing also can be achieved by the REST API, Azure CLI, and SDK of different languages.

What role do I assign to a user so he can manage MFA activities in my Azure subscription?

I want to delegate the 'MFA activities' to a group of people, because it is very difficult for only one person (Global administrator) to do this job. However, I do not see any built-in role for delegating the MFA responsibilities using RBAC.
Can anyone help me with this or help me in creating a custom RBAC policy?
I have queried the roles using powershell, but I do not get anything useful.
$role_definition = Get-AzureRmRoleDefinition | Format-Table Name, Description
It is a role of Azure Active Directory instead of the subscription. You can assign Authentication Administrator role(Allowed to view, set and reset authentication method information for any non-admin user.) to the users.

Why as a co-administrator of a subscription am I unable to edit the Active Directory?

A customer made me a co-administrator of his Azure subscription. However, I am unable to edit his Active Directory, ie add/edit users, create applications, etc.
Why can't I access that? I'm thinking perhaps the Subscription is owned by the AD and not the other way around.
What do each of the role levels in AD allow? There's
Global Admin
Billing Admin
Service Admin
User Admin
Password Admin
I believe the primary reason for this error is because when a co-admin with Microsoft account is added to a subscription, it gets added into the subscription AD as Guest user type. In order for you to get access to that AD so that you can perform the operations on the AD, you user type needs to be changed to Member from Guest. I had exact same issue with one of the users of our product and the steps described below solved the problem.
To change the user type, one would need to use AD PowerShell Cmdlets. The process is rather convoluted and needs to be done by your customer.
First, check with your customer if they themselves are using Microsoft Account for signing in into the portal. If they are, then they would need to create a user in their Azure AD. Please see this thread for why this is needed: PowerShell - Connecting to Azure Active Directory using Microsoft Account.
Next, they would need to sign in using this user account because one would need to change user password on the 1st login.
Install AD Modules. You may find these links useful for that purpose:, (Please choose 64 bit version) and
Launch PowerShell and execute the following commands:
$cred = Get-Credential #In the window that shows up, please specify the local AD user credentials.
connect-msolservice -Credential $cred
(Get-MsolUser -SearchString "your microsoft account email address").UserType #This should output "Guest". If it doesn’t, please stop and do not proceed further as there might be some other issue.
(Get-MsolUser -SearchString "your microsoft account email address") | Set-MsolUser -UserType Member
(Get-MsolUser -SearchString "your microsoft account email address").UserType #This should now output "Member"
If somehow the problem still persists, ask your customer to login into the portal, delete your user record from AD users list and add it again. That should also take care of this problem.
The answer was that I needed to be set up as a Global Administrator in the Azure AD domain.
Both answers above seem to be correct in it's own way.
As a starter subscription administrator does not automatically make you an Azure AD administrator. You'd need explicit role grant on the target Azure AD.
Second aspect is the type of the account used. If it's in current Azure AD or Microsoft Live account all is well.
In case that account is part of an external Azure AD, by default user type is "Guest"(can login, but cannot control event if assigned "Global admin"). Therefore PowerShell commands highlighted above should be executed to change user type to "Member".
Some more helpful info can be found here (it is mentioned as a Visual Studio Team Services issue, but actually applies to most Azure related services).

Azure Active directory Roles Management

I created some AD user in Azure Management Portal, too and would like to assign some roles to these users. My user has role "Global Administrator". There are only roles available that do not fit to my business requirements. So I would like to know whether there is already a solution how to add new roles because Graph Api or azure ad powershell seems not to support this feature.
Thx for the support
Azure AD doesn't yet allow creating custom "app roles". You can however create security groups and add users to those groups. The application that needs to check for these roles for authorization can check for the signed in user's group membership (transitively using this graph API: for the group that represents the role(s).
App roles is on our radar - however you shouldn't block on it.
Hope this helps.
Now this is supported and in your app you can
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin, Observer, Writer, Approver")]
In this example of Microsoft you can see how to do it
You can red more about this feature in
