Laravel 7.4 - Outside of regular expressions, is there any way to validate the parameters of the URL string in a GET request? - laravel-7

I have a URL of the following form:
GET /cat/{cat}/meows/{overTime}
I can write a controller method that looks like this in order to capture the values:
public function getMeowsOverTime(Cat cat, int overTime)
What I would like is to validate the {cat} and {overTime} values before it gets to the controller method.
I have tried creating a custom MeowsOverTimeRequest object that extends Illuminate\Http\Request according to the recommendation here: Laravel 5.7 - Override all() method in Request validation Class to validate route parameters?
So that would be:
class MeowsOverTimeRequest extends Request
public function authorize()
return true;
public function all($keys = null)
$request = parent::all($keys);
$request['cat'] = $this->route('cat');
$request['overTime'] = $this->route('overTime');
return $request;
* Get the validation rules that apply to the request.
* #return array
public function rules()
return [
'cat' =>
'overTime' =>
But $this->route('cat') and $this->route('overTime') both return null. How can I access these variables?
I would prefer not to use regular expression validation due to the overTime being limited by what is returned from Cat::getMeowTimeOptions


Maatwebsite excel Serialization of 'PDO' is not allowed

Im tring to export large data in queue on s3 and getting Serialization of 'PDO' is not allowed exception/ Here is my code:
$transactions = Transaction::query()
if (request()->export_transactions){
(new TransactionsExport(auth('sanctum')->user(),$transactions))->store('transactions-exports/' . now()->format('d:m:Y') . '.csv', 's3', \Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV);
return response()->json('Export started');
Export file
class TransactionsExport implements FromQuery, WithMapping, WithHeadings, WithCustomQuerySize, ShouldQueue
use Exportable;
private $user;
private $transactions;
public function __construct(User $user, $transactions)
$this->user = $user;
$this->transactions = $transactions;
* #return Builder
public function query()
return $this->transactions;
public function querySize(): int
return $this->transactions->count();
public function headings(): array
return [
public function prepareRows($transactions): array
//code here
public function map($transaction): array
//code here
I also tried to trigger it like this (with additional paramethers and without and with different allowed methods (store, download etc.))
(new TransactionsExport(auth('sanctum')->user(),$transactions))->queue('transactions-exports/' . now()->format('d:m:Y') . '.csv', 's3', \Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel::CSV);
Also, I tried move Transaction::query() direct to query method in export file.
Also didnt help toSql() method (Call to a member function count() on string exception appears)
Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Thanks for help.
I have solved the problem by deleting the injection of classes in the constructor, it's not allowed in jobs (queues/ if you need an object of a class, better to call it like new Class()), and now all is working fine.

How can I pass parameter in the laravel excel?

I get tutorial from here :
use App\Exports\ItemsDetailsExport;
class ItemController extends Controller
public function exportToExcel(ItemsDetailsExport $exporter, $id)
//dd($id); I get the result
return $exporter->download('Summary Detail.xlsx');
My export like this :
namespace App\Exports;
use App\Repositories\Backend\ItemDetailRepository;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromCollection;
use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\Exportable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
class ItemsDetailsExport implements FromCollection
use Exportable;
protected $itemDetailRepository;
public function __construct(ItemDetailRepository $itemDetailRepository)
$this->itemDetailRepository = $itemDetailRepository;
public function collection()
$test = Input::get('id');
dd('yeah', $test);
I want to pass id parameter to export file. I try like that, but I don't get the id. The id is null
How can I solve this problem?
For passing data from controller to laravel excel function we can pass and use data like below
For example, we have to pass data year like 2019 we will pass like below
in controller
Excel::download(new UsersExport(2019), 'users.xlsx');
In laravel import file
class UsersExport implements FromCollection {
private $year;
public function __construct(int $year)
$this->year = $year;
public function collection()
return Users::whereYear('created_at', $this->year)->get();
you can refer all following official documentation link
Unfortunately you can't use normal dependency injection when you have a specific parameter. This is what you can do though:
class ItemsDetailsExport implements FromCollection
use Exportable;
protected $itemDetailRepository;
protected $id;
public function __construct(ItemDetailRepository $itemDetailRepository, $id)
$this->itemDetailRepository = $itemDetailRepository;
$this->id = $id;
public function collection()
$test = $this->id;
dd('yeah', $test);
Now the problem is that the container doesn't know how to resolve $id however there are two ways around this.
Manual passing of $id:
public function exportToExcel($id)
$exporter = app()->makeWith(ItemsDetailsExport::class, compact('id'));
return $exporter->download('Summary Detail.xlsx');
Route injection:
Define your route as:
Route::get('/path/to/export/{itemExport}', 'ItemController#exportToExcel');
In your RouteServiceProvider.php:
public function boot() {
Route::bind('itemExport', function ($id) { //itemExport must match the {itemExport} name in the route definition
return app()->makeWith(ItemsDetailsExport::class, compact('id'));
Then your route method is simplified as:
public function exportToExcel(ItemsDetailsExport $itemExport)
//It will be injected based on the parameter you pass to the route
return $itemExport->download('Summary Detail.xlsx');

Symfony2 extending DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler

I want to alter default authentication process just after authentication success. I made a service that is called after authentication success and before redirect.
namespace Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Handler;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Service\Encoder\WpTransitionalEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\Response;
class AuthenticationSuccessHandler implements AuthenticationSuccessHandlerInterface
protected $entityManager = null;
protected $logger = null;
protected $encoder = null;
public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager, LoggerInterface $logger, WpTransitionalEncoder $encoder)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->encoder = $encoder;
* This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This
* is called by authentication listeners inheriting from
* AbstractAuthenticationListener.
* #param Request $request
* #param TokenInterface $token
* #return Response never null
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
$user = $token->getUser();
$newPass = $request->get('_password');
$user->setUserPassword($this->encoder->encodePassword($newPass, null));
//do redirect
in services.yml
class: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class%"
cost: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost%"
logger: #logger
class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Handler\AuthenticationSuccessHandler
entity_manager: #doctrine.orm.entity_manager
logger: #logger
encoder: #pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder
and in security.yml
pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
security: false
pattern: ^/
anonymous: ~
login_path: pkr_blog_admin_login
check_path: pkr_blog_admin_login_check
success_handler: pkr_blog_user.login_success_handler
path: pkr_blog_admin_logout
target: /
What I'm trying achieve is to just alter default behavior a little so I think why not to extend DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler, add something to onSuccessHandler() and call parent::onSucessHandler(). I tried and the problem is that I have no clue how to add security parameters (set in security.yml) to my extended class constructor. DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler uses HttpUtils and $options array:
* Constructor.
* #param HttpUtils $httpUtils
* #param array $options Options for processing a successful authentication attempt.
public function __construct(HttpUtils $httpUtils, array $options)
$this->httpUtils = $httpUtils;
$this->options = array_merge(array(
'always_use_default_target_path' => false,
'default_target_path' => '/',
'login_path' => '/login',
'target_path_parameter' => '_target_path',
'use_referer' => false,
), $options);
So my extended class constructor should look like:
// class extends DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
protected $entityManager = null;
protected $logger = null;
protected $encoder = null;
public function __construct(HttpUtils $httpUtils, array $options, EntityManager $entityManager, LoggerInterface $logger, WpTransitionalEncoder $encoder)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->encoder = $encoder;
It's quite easy to add HttpUtils service to my services.yml, but what with options argument?
class: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class%"
cost: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost%"
logger: #logger
class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Handler\AuthenticationSuccessHandler
httputils: #security.http_utils
options: [] #WHAT TO ADD HERE ?
entity_manager: #doctrine.orm.entity_manager
logger: #logger
encoder: #pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder
If you only have one success / failure handler defined for your application, there's a slightly easier way to do this. Rather than define a new service for the success_handler and failure_handler, you can override security.authentication.success_handler and security.authentication.failure_handler instead.
class: StatSidekick\UserBundle\Handler\AuthenticationSuccessHandler
arguments: ["#security.http_utils", {}]
- { name: 'monolog.logger', channel: 'security' }
class: StatSidekick\UserBundle\Handler\AuthenticationFailureHandler
arguments: ["#http_kernel", "#security.http_utils", {}, "#logger"]
- { name: 'monolog.logger', channel: 'security' }
namespace StatSidekick\UserBundle\Handler;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils;
class AuthenticationSuccessHandler extends DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler {
public function __construct( HttpUtils $httpUtils, array $options ) {
parent::__construct( $httpUtils, $options );
public function onAuthenticationSuccess( Request $request, TokenInterface $token ) {
if( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
$response = new JsonResponse( array( 'success' => true, 'username' => $token->getUsername() ) );
} else {
$response = parent::onAuthenticationSuccess( $request, $token );
return $response;
namespace StatSidekick\UserBundle\Handler;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernelInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\AuthenticationException;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils;
class AuthenticationFailureHandler extends DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler {
public function __construct( HttpKernelInterface $httpKernel, HttpUtils $httpUtils, array $options, LoggerInterface $logger = null ) {
parent::__construct( $httpKernel, $httpUtils, $options, $logger );
public function onAuthenticationFailure( Request $request, AuthenticationException $exception ) {
if( $request->isXmlHttpRequest() ) {
$response = new JsonResponse( array( 'success' => false, 'message' => $exception->getMessage() ) );
} else {
$response = parent::onAuthenticationFailure( $request, $exception );
return $response;
In my case, I was just trying to set something up so that I could get a JSON response when I try to authenticate using AJAX, but the principle is the same.
The benefit of this approach is that without any additional work, all of the options that are normally passed into the default handlers should get injected correctly. This happens because of how SecurityBundle\DependencyInjection\Security\Factory is setup in the framework:
protected function createAuthenticationSuccessHandler($container, $id, $config)
$successHandler = $container->setDefinition($successHandlerId, new DefinitionDecorator('security.authentication.success_handler'));
$successHandler->replaceArgument(1, array_intersect_key($config, $this->defaultSuccessHandlerOptions));
protected function createAuthenticationFailureHandler($container, $id, $config)
$failureHandler = $container->setDefinition($id, new DefinitionDecorator('security.authentication.failure_handler'));
$failureHandler->replaceArgument(2, array_intersect_key($config, $this->defaultFailureHandlerOptions));
It specifically looks for security.authentication.success_handler and security.authentication.failure_handler in order to merge options from your config into the arrays passed in. I'm sure there's a way to setup something similar for your own service, but I haven't looked into it yet.
Hope that helps.
You can easily see how default security listeners are manage in this file :
For example, DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler is registered like that:
<!-- Parameter -->
<parameter key="security.authentication.success_handler.class">Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler</parameter>
<!-- Service -->
<service id="security.authentication.success_handler" class="%security.authentication.success_handler.class%" abstract="true" public="false">
<argument type="service" id="security.http_utils" />
<argument type="collection" /> <!-- Options -->
So finally we can see that the option collection is empty by default !
options: {} will do the job ^^ (Think a collection is represent by {} in yaml)
For the best solution so far scroll to bottom of this answer
OK I finally got it working in a way I wanted. The problem was that Symfony2 was not passing config array from security.yml to constructor when custom handler is set. So what I did was:
1) I removed custom handler declaration from security.yml
pattern: ^/(_(profiler|wdt)|css|images|js)/
security: false
pattern: ^/
anonymous: ~
login_path: pkr_blog_admin_login
check_path: pkr_blog_admin_login_check
path: pkr_blog_admin_logout
target: /
2) AuthenticationSuccessHandler extends default handler class, rehash user password and finally let default handler do the rest. Two new arguments was added in constructor:
namespace Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Handler;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Service\Encoder\WpTransitionalEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Authentication\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\HttpUtils;
class AuthenticationSuccessHandler extends DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
protected $entityManager = null;
protected $logger = null;
protected $encoder = null;
public function __construct(
HttpUtils $httpUtils,
array $options,
// new arguments below
EntityManager $entityManager = null, # entity manager
WpTransitionalEncoder $encoder = null
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
$this->encoder = $encoder;
parent::__construct($httpUtils, $options);
* This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This
* is called by authentication listeners inheriting from
* AbstractAuthenticationListener.
* #param Request $request
* #param TokenInterface $token
* #return Response never null
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
$user = $token->getUser();
if (preg_match('^\$P\$', $user->getUserPassword())) {
$newPass = $request->get('_password');
$user->setUserPassword($this->encoder->encodePassword($newPass, null));
return parent::onAuthenticationSuccess($request, $token);
3) added and changed some parameters in my services.yml so I could use them in my compiler pass class:
pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost: 20
# password encoder class
pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Service\Encoder\WpTransitionalEncoder
# authentication success handler class
pkr_blog_user.login_success_handler.class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Handler\AuthenticationSuccessHandler
# entity manager service name
pkr_blog_user.login_success_handler.arg.entity_manager: doctrine.orm.entity_manager
# encoder service name
pkr_blog_user.login_success_handler.arg.encoder: pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder
class: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class%"
cost: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost%"
logger: #logger
class: "%pkr_blog_user.login_success_handler.class%"
4) created a compiler pass class RehashPasswordPass that changes default authentication success handler and adds some parameters to constructor:
namespace Pkr\BlogUserBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference;
class RehashPasswordPass implements CompilerPassInterface
public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
if ($container->hasDefinition('security.authentication.success_handler')) {
// definition of default success handler
$def = $container->getDefinition('security.authentication.success_handler');
// changing default class
$entityMngRef = new Reference(
// adding entity manager as third param to constructor
$encoderRef = new Reference(
// adding encoder as fourth param to constructor
5) added compiler pass to container builder:
namespace Pkr\BlogUserBundle;
use Pkr\BlogUserBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RehashPasswordPass;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle;
class PkrBlogUserBundle extends Bundle
public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
$container->addCompilerPass(new RehashPasswordPass());
Now default handler class was changed but symfony will still pass configuration from security.yml to constructor plus two new arguments added by compiler pass.
The better way
Event handler as a service with setters
pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost: 15
# password encoder class
pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Service\Encoder\WpTransitionalEncoder
# authentication success handler class
pkr_blog_user.authentication_success_handler.class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\EventHandler\AuthenticationSuccessHandler
class: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class%"
cost: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost%"
logger: #logger
class: "%pkr_blog_user.authentication_success_handler.class%"
- [ setRequest, [ #request ]]
- [ setEntityManager, [ #doctrine.orm.entity_manager ]]
- [ setEncoder, [ #pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder ]]
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: security.authentication.success , method: handleAuthenticationSuccess }
Event handler class
# /src/Pkr/BlogUserBundle/EventHandler/AuthenticationSuccessHandler.php
namespace Pkr\BlogUserBundle\EventHandler;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Service\Encoder\WpTransitionalEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Event;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event\AuthenticationEvent;
class AuthenticationSuccessHandler {
protected $entityManager = null;
protected $encoder = null;
public function setRequest(Request $request)
$this->request = $request;
public function setEntityManager(EntityManager $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
public function setEncoder(WpTransitionalEncoder $encoder)
$this->encoder = $encoder;
public function handleAuthenticationSuccess(AuthenticationEvent $event)
$token = $event->getAuthenticationToken();
$user = $token->getUser();
if (preg_match('^\$P\$', $user->getUserPassword())) {
$newPass = $this->request->get('_password');
$user->setUserPassword($this->encoder->encodePassword($newPass, null));
And it's all working, no compiler pass needed. Why didn't I thought of that from the begining...
Uhh it stopped working after symfony update
Now I get exception:
ScopeWideningInjectionException: Scope Widening Injection detected: The definition "pkr_blog_user.authentication_success_handler" references the service "request" which belongs to a narrower scope. Generally, it is safer to either move "pkr_blog_user.authentication_success_handler" to scope "request" or alternatively rely on the provider pattern by injecting the container itself, and requesting the service "request" each time it is needed. In rare, special cases however that might not be necessary, then you can set the reference to strict=false to get rid of this error.
It seems that I need to pass full container to my service. So I modified services.yml and event handler class.
pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost: 15
# password encoder class
pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\Service\Encoder\WpTransitionalEncoder
# authentication success handler class
pkr_blog_user.authentication_success_handler.class: Pkr\BlogUserBundle\EventHandler\AuthenticationSuccessHandler
class: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.class%"
secure: #security.secure_random
cost: "%pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder.cost%"
class: "%pkr_blog_user.authentication_success_handler.class%"
container: #service_container
- { name: kernel.event_listener, event: security.authentication.success , method: handleAuthenticationSuccess }
And event handler
# /src/Pkr/BlogUserBundle/EventHandler/AuthenticationSuccessHandler.php
namespace Pkr\BlogUserBundle\EventHandler;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Event\AuthenticationEvent;
class AuthenticationSuccessHandler
* #var ContainerInterface
protected $container;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
public function handleAuthenticationSuccess(AuthenticationEvent $event)
$request = $this->container->get('request');
$em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
$encoder = $this->container->get('pkr_blog_user.wp_transitional_encoder');
$token = $event->getAuthenticationToken();
$user = $token->getUser();
if (preg_match('/^\$P\$/', $user->getUserPassword())) {
$newPass = $request->get('_password');
$user->setUserPassword($encoder->encodePassword($newPass, null));
And it works again.
Best way so far
The solution above was best I knew until #dmccabe wrote his solution.
Unfortunately by using the success_handler option in the security configuration you can't provide a custom listener that extends DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler.
Not until this issue is fixed: Symfony issue - [2.1][Security] Custom AuthenticationSuccessHandler
Until then the simplest solution is what #dmccabe suggested:
Globaly overwrite the security.authentication.success_handler which is fine as long as you don't need to have multiple handlers for multiple firewalls.
If you do (as of this writing-) you have to write your own Authentication Provider.
actually the best way to do this is to extend default auth handler as service
class: AppBundle\Service\AuthenticationHandler
calls: [['setDoctrine', ['#doctrine']]]
parent: security.authentication.success_handler
public: false
and the AuthenticationHandler class would look like
class AuthenticationHandler extends DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler
* #var Registry
private $doctrine;
public function setDoctrine(Registry $doctrine)
$this->doctrine = $doctrine;
* This is called when an interactive authentication attempt succeeds. This
* is called by authentication listeners inheriting from
* AbstractAuthenticationListener.
* #param Request $request
* #param TokenInterface $token
* #return Response never null
public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
// do whatever you like here
// ...
// call default success behaviour
return parent::onAuthenticationSuccess($request, $token);

Form: Avoid setting null to non submitted field

I've got a simple model (simplified of source):
class Collection
public $page;
public $limit;
And a form type:
class CollectionType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('page', 'integer');
$builder->add('limit', 'integer');
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
'data_class' => 'FSC\Common\Rest\Form\Model\Collection',
My controller:
public function getUsersAction(Request $request)
$collection = new Collection();
$collection->page = 1;
$collection->limit = 10;
$form = $this->createForm(new CollectionType(), $collection)
When i POST /users/?form[page]=2&form[limit]=20, the response is what i expect:
Collection Object
[page:public] => 2
[limit:public] => 20
Now, when i POST /users/?form[page]=3, the response is:
Collection Object
[page:public] => 3
[limit:public] =>
limit becomes null, because it was not submitted.
I wanted to get
Collection Object
[page:public] => 3
[limit:public] => 10 // The default value, set before the bind
Question: How can i change the form behaviour, so that it ignores non submitted values ?
If is only a problem of parameters (GET parameters) you can define the default value into routing file
pattern: /users/?form[page]={page}&form[limit]={limit}
defaults: { _controller: CompanyNameBundleName:ControllerName:ActionName,
limit:10 }
An alternative way could be to use a hook (i.e. PRE_BIND) and update manually that value into this event. In that way you haven't the "logic" spreaded into multi pieces of code.
Final code - suggested by Adrien - will be
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
class IgnoreNonSubmittedFieldSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
private $factory;
public function __construct(FormFactoryInterface $factory)
$this->factory = $factory;
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(FormEvents::PRE_BIND => 'preBind');
public function preBind(FormEvent $event)
$submittedData = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
// We remove every child that has no data to bind, to avoid "overriding" the form default data
foreach ($form->all() as $name => $child) {
if (!isset($submittedData[$name])) {
Here's a modification of the original answer. The most important benefit of this solution is that validators can now behave as if the form post would always be complete, which means there's no problems with error bubbling and such.
Note that object field names must be identical to form field names for this code to work.
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Form;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormFactoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
class FillNonSubmittedFieldsWithDefaultsSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
private $factory;
public function __construct(FormFactoryInterface $factory)
$this->factory = $factory;
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return array(FormEvents::PRE_BIND => 'preBind');
public function preBind(FormEvent $event)
$submittedData = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
// We complete partial submitted data by inserting default values from object
foreach ($form->all() as $name => $child) {
if (!isset($submittedData[$name])) {
$obj = $form->getData();
$getter = "get".ucfirst($name);
$submittedData[$name] = $obj->$getter();

ViewHelper newable/injectable dilemma

I'm trying to design an application following Misko Heverys insights. It's an interesting experiment and a challenge. Currently I'm struggling with my ViewHelper implementation.
The ViewHelper decouples the model from the view. In my implementation it wraps the model and provides the API for the view to use. I'm using PHP, but I hope the implementation is readable for everyone:
class PostViewHelper {
private $postModel;
public function __construct(PostModel $postModel) {
$this->postModel = $postModel;
public function title() {
return $this->postModel->getTitle();
In my template (view) file this could be called like this:
<h1><?php echo $this->post->title(); ?></h1>
So far so good. The problem I have is when I want to attach a filter to the ViewHelpers. I want to have plugins that filter the output of the title() call. The method would become like this:
public function title() {
return $this->filter($this->postModel->getTitle());
I need to get observers in there, or an EventHandler, or whatever service (in what I see as a newable, so it needs to be passed in through the stack). How can I do this following the principles of Misko Hevery? I know how I can do this without it. I'm interested in how for I can take it and currently I don't see a solution. ViewHelper could be an injectable too, but then getting the model in there is the problem.
I didn't find the blog post you referenced very interesting or insightful.
What you are describing seems more like a Decorator than anything to do with dependency injection. Dependency injection is how you construct your object graphs, not their state once constructed.
That said, I'd suggest taking your Decorator pattern and running with it.
interface PostInterface
public function title();
class PostModel implements PostInterface
public function title()
return $this->title;
class PostViewHelper implements PostInterface
public function __construct(PostInterface $post)
$this->post = $post;
public function title()
return $this->post->title();
class PostFilter implements PostInterface
public function __construct(PostInterface $post)
$this->post = $post;
public function title()
return $this->filter($this->post->title());
protected function filter($str)
return "FILTERED:$str";
You'd simply use whatever DI framework you have to build this object graph like so:
$post = new PostFilter(new PostViewHelper($model)));
I often use this approach when building complex nested objects.
One problem you might run into is defining "too many" functions in your PostInterface. It can be a pain to have to implement these in every decorator class. I take advantage of the PHP magic functions to get around this.
interface PostInterface
* Minimal interface. This is the accessor
* for the unique ID of this Post.
public function getId();
class SomeDecoratedPost implements PostInterface
public function __construct(PostInterface $post)
$this->_post = $post;
public function getId()
return $this->_post->getId();
* The following magic functions proxy all
* calls back to the decorated Post
public function __call($name, $arguments)
return call_user_func_array(array($this->_post, $name), $arguments);
public function __get($name)
return $this->_post->get($name);
public function __set($name, $value)
$this->_post->__set($name, $value);
public function __isset($name)
return $this->_post->__isset($name);
public function __unset($name)
With this type of decorator in use, I can selectively override whatever method I need to provide the decorated functionality. Anything I don't override is passed back to the underlying object. Multiple decorations can occur all while maintaining the interface of the underlying object.
