Azure storage table copy - azure

I have a problem using azure AzCopy. Here my scenario.
I have 2 storage accounts, which I am gonna name storage1 and storage2.
Storage1 contains some important data in multiple tables, what I want to to be able to copy all the tables in storage1 to storage2 (having a backup).
I tried 2 different approaches:
Azure Data Factory
With Azure Data Factory I didn't have any particular problem to make it work, I was able to move all the blobs from storage1 to the data Factory but I I couldn't move the tables and have no clue if this is possible to do it with python.
with AzCopy I had zero luck. I gave myself permission in IAM Blob Storage Data contributor and from the terminal when I run this command:
azcopy cp '' 'https://storage2[...]-Key'
I got the permission error.
In this specific scenario I would love to be able to use AzCopy as is way more simple than data factory as all what I need is to move those table from one storage to the other.
Anyone who can help me out to understand what am I doing wrong with azCopy please?
This is the error when I try to copy the table using azcopy
INFO: The parameters you supplied were Source: '[SAS]' of type Local, and Destination: '[SAS]' of type Local
INFO: Based on the parameters supplied, a valid source-destination combination could not automatically be found. Please check the parameters you supplied. If they are correct, please specify an exact source and destination type using the --from-to switch. Valid values are two-word phases of the form BlobLocal, LocalBlob etc. Use the word 'Blob' for Blob Storage, 'Local' for the local file system, 'File' for Azure Files, and 'BlobFS' for ADLS Gen2. If you need a combination that is not supported yet, please log an issue on the AzCopy GitHub issues list.
failed to parse user input due to error: the inferred source/destination combination could not be identified, or is currently not supported

If you want to copy all the tables which is present is abc container to xyz container. Use simple copy acitivty and while creating dataset just give folder path that copy all the content i.e all the tables to your xyz container.
I would like to watch below video from the 30th mins. It will help in your scenario.


Azure Cloudshell Powershell Copy Blob between Containers

I set up a storage account (Blob, v2) with two containers. I uploaded a test excel file into one of the containers. Now I would like to use Azure Cloudshell PowerShell in order to copy that file from one of the containers and insert it to the other.
Does anyone know what command(s) I've got to type in there? (command, src-format, dest-format)
Thanks in advance
cp https://...blob... https://...blob...
returns "cannot stat 'https://...blob...': no such file or directory"
Glad that # T1B for solved the issue. Thank you #holger for the workaround that helped to fix the issue. Posting this on behalf of your discussion and few points so that it will be beneficial for other community members.
To copy the files between containers we can use the below cmdlts after azcopy login. So that we can able to copy the files within
container as mentioned in this MICROSOFT DOCUMENT .
azcopy copy ' Overflow.xlsx' ' Overflow.xlsx' --recursive
To do the above make sure that we have sufficient permissions to that storage account likewise storage blob data contributor or owner role.
For more information please refer this similar SO THREAD| How to copy files from one container to another containers fits equally in all dest containers according to size using powershell

Azure Data Factory Copy Snowflake to Azure blog storage ErrorCode 2200User configuration issue ErrorCode=SnowflakeExportCopyCommandValidationFailed

Need help with this error.
ADF copy activity, Moving data from snowflake to azure blob storage delimited text.
I am able to preview the snowflake source data. I am also able to browse the containers via sink browse. This doesn't look like an issue with permissions.
Message=Snowflake Export Copy Command validation failed:
'The Snowflake copy command payload is invalid.
Cannot specify property: column mapping,
Thanks for your help
Clear the mapping from copy activity, it worked.
ErrorCode=SnowflakeExportCopyCommandValidationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Snowflake Export Copy Command validation failed: 'The Snowflake copy command payload is invalid. Cannot specify property: column mapping,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'"
To resolve the above error, please check the following:
Please check the copy command you are using, it means the copy command you are using is not valid.
To know more in detail about the error, try like below:
Check if you have any issue with the data files before loading the data again.
Try checking the storage account you are currently using and note that Snowflake doesn't support Data Lake Storage Gen1.
Use the COPY INTO command to copy the data from the Snowflake database table into Azure blob storage container.
Use the endpoint for all supported types of Azure blob storage accounts, including Data Lake Storage Gen2.
Make sure to have either ACCOUNTADMIN role or a role with the global CREATE INTEGRATION privilege to run the below sample command:
copy into 'azure://' from mytable storage_integration = myint;
By using the above command, you no need to include credentials to access the storage.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Unloading into Microsoft Azure — Snowflake Documentation
COPY INTO < table> — Snowflake Documentation

Import Schemas in Azure Data Factory with Parameters

I am trying to develop a simple ADF pipeline that copies data from a delimited file to MySQL database, when such a file is uploaded to a Blob Storage Account. I am using parameters to define the name of the Storage Account, the Container that houses the files and file name (inputStorageAccount, inputContainer, inputFile). The name of the Storage Account is a global parameter and the other two are meant to be provided by the trigger. The Linked Service has also been parameterized.
However, I want to define the mappings for this operation. So, I am trying to 'import schemas' by providing the values for these parameters (I have stored a sample file in the Storage Account). But, I keep getting this error when trying to do so,
What am I doing wrong? How can I get this to work?
I would also like to know why I am not being asked to provide a value for the inputContainer parameter when I try to use 'import schema' at the dataset level,
Where you have to add the values Add dynamic content [Alt+P] :
Just as mentioned here in the below Snip, Go to the + Symbol where you will find a window and need to fill in the parameter name, type and value:
Where we can directly select the parameter according to the options :
Here is another detailed scenario which might help: Using Azure DataFactory Parameterized Linked Service | Docs, then you can reset the schema.

Can we configure ADF to copy each fileShare to another account?connect to (//storageAccount/) not (//Storageaccount/FileShare)

I want to copy all my file shares to another account
Things that I have tried
I have tried using storage Explorer but this has size limitations
Azcopy this will fail abruptly with some errors
ADF this works but I need to do this for every fileshare
I wanted to know can I get the list of fileshares in ADF and feed it to for-each and perform the copy ?
I am not sure how to achieve or use foreach to get fileshares in data factory
I feel that there is no way to get connected to storage account without specifying the fileShare, If I give the name of file share then , I can access only content inside it, I am trying to figure out a way to copy all file share in storage account, that is to connect to //storageacount/ not //storageaccount/FileShare
I wanted to know can I get the list of fileshares in ADF and feed it
to for-each and perform the copy ?
If you select recursive as true,the files and sub-files will be all copied into new locations.
If you do want to get list of fileshares, you could use Get Metadata Activity and ForEach Activity.
1.Get folder list:
2.Loop the output of Get Metadata Activity: #activity('Get Metadata1').output

Could not verify the copy source within the specified time. RequestId: (blank)

I am trying to copy some blob files from one storage account to another one. I am using AzCopy in order to fulfill this goal.
The process works for copying files between containers within the same storage account, but not between different storage accounts.
The command I am issuing is:
AzCopy /Source:https://<storage_account1><container_name1>/<path_to_desired_blobs> /Dest:https://<storage_account2><container_name2>/<path_to_store>/ /SourceKey:<source_key> /DestKey:<dest_key> /Pattern:<some_pattern> /S
The error I am getting is the following:
The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
Could not verify the copy source within the specified time.
The only difference between the two storage accounts is that one is Standard, whereas the other one is Premium.
Any help will be appreciated!
From your description, you're trying to copy Block Blob from source account to Page Blob in destination account, which is not supported in Azure Storage Service and AzCopy.
To work around it, you can firstly use AzCopy to download the Block Blobs from source account to local file system, and then upload them from local file system to destination account with option /BlobType:Page (this option is only valid when uploading from local to blob).
Premium Storage only supports page blobs. Please confirm that you are copying page blobs from standard to premium storage account. Also, specify the BlobType parameter to "page" in order to copy the data as page blobs into destination premium storage account.
From the description, I am assuming your source blob is a block blob. Azure's "Async Copy Blob" process (which is used by AzCopy as the default method) preserves the blob type. That is, you cannot convert a blob type from Block to Page through async copy blob.
Instead, can you try AzCopy again with "/SyncCopy" option along with "/BlobType:page" parameter? That might help change the destination blob type to Page.
(If that doesn't work, only other solution would be to first download the blob, and then upload it with "/BlobType:page")
