Removing \n from a list - python-3.x

so i'm currently learning about mail merging and was issued a challenge on it. The idea is to open a names file, read the name on the current line and then replace it in the letter and save that letter as a new item.
I figured a good idea to do this would be a for loop.
Open file > for loop > append names to list > loop the list and replace ect.
Except when I try to actually append the names to the list, i get this:
['Aang\nZuko\nAppa\nKatara\nSokka\nMomo\nUncle Iroh\nToph']
The code I am using is:
invited_names = []
with open ("./Input/Names/invited_names.txt") as names:
for item in invited_names:
new_names = [str.strip("\n") for str in invited_names]
Have tried to replace the \n and now .strip but I have not been able to remove the \n. Any ideas?
EDIT: not sure if it helps but the .txt file for the names looks like this:
Uncle Iroh

As you can see, read() only returns a giant string of what you have in your invited_names.txt file. But instead, you can use readlines() which returns a list which contains strings of every line (Thanks to for the comment). Then use extend() method to add this list to another list invited_names.
Again, you are using for loop and list comprehension at the same time. As a result, you are running the same list comprehension code for many times. So, you can cut off any of them. But I prefer you should keep the list comprehension because it is efficient.
Try this code:
invited_names = []
with open ("./Input/Names/invited_names.txt") as names:
invited_names.extend(names.readlines()) # <--
new_names = [str.strip("\n") for str in invited_names]


F string is adding new line

I am trying to make a name generator. I am using F string to concatenate the first and the last names. But instead of getting them together, I am getting them in a new line.
print(f"Random Name Generated is:\n{random.choice(firstname_list)}{random.choice(surname_list)}")
This give the output as:
Random Name Generated is:
Instead of:
Random Name Generated is:
Yung heady
Can someone please explain why so?
The code seems right, perhaps could be of newlines (\n) characters in element of list.
Check the strings of lists.
import random
if __name__ == '__main__':
firstname_list = ["yung1", "yung2", "yung3"]
surname_list = ["heady1", "heady2", "heady3"]
firstname_list = [name.replace('\n', '') for name in firstname_list]
print(f"Random Name Generated is:\n{random.choice(firstname_list)} {random.choice(surname_list)}")
Random Name Generated is:
yung3 heady2
Since I had pulled these values from UTF-8 encoded .txt file, the readlines() did convert the names to list elements but they had a hidden '\xa0\n' in it.
This caused this particular printing problem. Using .strip() helped to remove the spaces.
print(f"Random Name Generated is:\n{random.choice(firstname_list).strip()} {random.choice(surname_list).strip()}")

How to decode a text file by extracting alphabet characters and listing them into a message?

So we were given an assignment to create a code that would sort through a long message filled with special characters (ie. [,{,%,$,*) with only a few alphabet characters throughout the entire thing to make a special message.
I've been searching on this site for a while and haven't found anything specific enough that would work.
I put the text file into a pastebin if you want to see it
Anywho, this is what I've come up with for code so far
code = open('code.txt', 'r')
lettersList = code.readlines()
for letters in lettersList:
It prints the code.txt out but into short lists, essentially cutting it into smaller pieces. I want it to find and sort out the alphabet characters into a list and print the decoded message.
This is something you can do pretty easily with regex.
import re
with open('code.txt', 'r') as filehandle:
contents =
letters = re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", contents)
if you want to condense the list into a single string, you can use a join:
single_str = ''.join(letters)

I have a single line list and want to covert it to a multi dimensional list

I have a text file that I converted into a list, but I want it to be a multi-dimensional list. Is there a way to do this easily?
This is my code:
crimefile = open(fileName, 'r')
yourResult = [line.split(',') for line in crimefile.readlines()]
Your code does create a 2-dimensional list (assuming your file is multiple lines of numbers where each number is separated by a comma). If you want to print out each individual list in yourResult, try this: for list in yourResult: print (list) To access a certain item in the list, for example the first number on each line, simply replace print (list) with print (list[0])

convert data string to list

I'm having some troubles processing some input.
I am reading data from a log file and store the different values according to the name.
So my input string consists of ip, name, time and a data value.
A log line looks like this and it has \t spacing: Steven 2015-01-01 06:09:01 5423
I'm reading in the values using this code:
loglines = file.splitlines()
data_fields = loglines[0] # IP NAME DATE DATA
for loglines in loglines[1:]:
items = loglines.split("\t")
ip = items[0]
name = items[1]
date = items[2]
data = items[3]
This works quite well but I need to extract all names to a list but I haven't found a functioning solution.
When i use print name i get:
I do need a list of the names like this:
['Steven', 'Max', 'Paul',...]
There is probably a simple solution and i haven't figured it out yet, but can anybody help?
Just create an empty list and add the names as you loop through the file.
Also note that if that file is very large, file.splitlines() is probably not the best idea, as it reads the entire file into memory -- and then you basically copy all of that by doing loglines[1:]. Better use the file object itself as an iterator. And don't use file as a variable name, as it shadows the type.
with open("some_file.log") as the_file:
data_fields = next(the_file) # consumes first line
all_the_names = [] # this will hold the names
for line in the_file: # loops over the rest
items = line.split("\t")
ip, name, date, data = items # you can put all this in one line
all_the_names.append(name) # add the name to the list of names
Alternatively, you could use zip and map to put it all into one expression (using that loglines data), but you rather shouldn't do that... zip(*map(lambda s: s.split('\t'), loglines[1:]))[1]

Skipping over array elements of certain types

I have a csv file that gets read into my code where arrays are generated out of each row of the file. I want to ignore all the array elements with letters in them and only worry about changing the elements containing numbers into floats. How can I change code like this:
myValues = []
data = open(text_file,"r")
for line in data.readlines()[1:]:
myValues.append([float(f) for f in line.strip('\n').strip('\r').split(',')])
so that the last line knows to only try converting numbers into floats, and to skip the letters entirely?
Put another way, given this list,
list = ['2','z','y','3','4']
what command should be given so the code knows not to try converting letters into floats?
You could use try: except:
for i in list:
