vim-go use environment file for :GoRun - vim

When I use an IDE like Goland I'm able to set an environment file for the process when I run the program. I've done the following to get a similar result. I added the following to the init.vim.
" Function to source only if file exists {
function! SourceIfExists(file)
if filereadable(expand(a:file))
exe 'source' a:file
:command! GoRunEnv :call SourceIfExists(".env") | GoRun
:cabbrev GoRun GoRunEnv
:command! GoTestEnv :call SourceIfExists(".env") | GoTest
:cabbrev GoTest GoTestEnv
Every time I run :GoRun or :GoTest, all variables defined in the file .env will be added to the process. The .env file has to look like the following:
let $HUHU = "What ever"
Is there a way to include a normal environment file like this?
HUHU=What ever
Maybe I'm completely on the wrong way an there is a better approach?


compile c++ project using vim

I a new vim user, so i am trying to modify vim in order to fit to my needs.
Let's say that i have the project/main.cpp and project/build. Where inside the project/build when i do "make -j5 install" my project is being build and installed correctly. But when i am trying to do that inside from the vim it doesn't work. Here is the code which i use....
map <F5> :call BuildGitRepo()<cr>
function! BuildGitRepo()
:cd %:p:h
let currentFileDir = :pw
:cd currentFileDir
:cd "build"
:!make -j5 install
Vim script from a vimrc file functions a bit differently from the Vim window. Commands that begin with : become native in vim script, meaning that you don't need the colon. Also, using local variables is a bit different - you need to use exec.
Finally, you can't capture the output of : commands without buffer redirection, but you can use the getcwd() function to get the current working directory. But it looks like you're cding to the current file's directory twice, so I've made that a bit simpler.
Here's a version of your function that should work in a vimrc file:
map <F5> :call BuildGitRepo()<cr>
function! BuildGitRepo()
exec "cd " . expand("%:p:h") ."/build"
!make -j5 install

How to write simple script in vim?

Here I got simple task for skilled vimmers. I need to reformat my css file. There are commands to do this:
%s/ / /g
echo "You done did it!"
But I don't want to type these commands every time I need to format my css file (I get it after convert less file by WinLess program). Now I put these commands into cssformat.vim file, and put this file into vim runtime folder. In my vimrc I set:
autocmd Filetype css nmap :so $VIM/vim73/cssformat.vim
It's works, of course. But I wonder how can I do this task better? In the begginig I want to put these commands in my vimrc (to create a simple function), but I don't know how to do this correctly.
p.s. Sorry for my bad English.
Just put the commands from your script into a function:
function! ReformatCss()
" Place your commands here.
And move the stuff into your .vimrc. Now you can invoke this via :call ReformatCss().
To top it off and make it even simpler, define your own command:
command! ReformatCss call ReformatCss()
Now you can invoke via :ReformatCss. Voila!
You can learn more at :help usr_40.txt and :help :command. For example, if you only need this for CSS files, you can turn this into a buffer-local command through command -buffer and moving the function and command definition to ~/.vim/ftplugin/css_reformat.vim

Can I use cppcheck when I execute :wq in Vim editor for c/c++

I want to override wq/q/w!/w/q! to user defined command along with its functionality.
Example :
If I use :wq to exit, the command should do static code check of that particular c/c++ file and exit.
Please help me in this case.
Thanks in advance.
The built in solution to your problem is called an "autocommand" in Vim.
It is a way to invoke a command at a specific time like opening, saving or closing a buffer.
See :help autocmd for the full list
In your case, you should add to your .vimrc the following command
autocmd BufWritePre *.cpp,*.hpp !cppcheck %
BufWritePre means 'before writing the buffer' (You can also use BufWrite or BufWritePost)
*.cpp,*.hpp means the auto command will only be applied when saving cpp or hpp files. You can add c and h files if you want.
% means 'path of the current buffer'
cppcheck must be in your path
You are not overriding the defaut behaviour of 'w' but you are using 'hooks' to add custom commands.
I wouldn't do that. It obliges us (well, you actually) to save only when the file is really compilable -- which make no sense when we have to abort the current editing because an urging meeting that we've forget about is about to begin; saving the file in that situation is the normal way to proceed.
Moreover, what is the purpose of running cppcheck on a :wq? How can we exploit the result?
Instead, I'd have a mapping that run cppcheck, though :make in order to exploit the vim quickfix feature (:h quickfix)
function s:Check()
let save_makeprg=&makeprg
set makeprg=cppcheck
" you may have to specify other files/extensions
:make *.cpp *.hpp
let &makeprg=save_makeprg
nnoremap <buffer> <c-f7> :call <sid>Check()<cr>
function FunForQuickfix(makeprgIn, makeefmIn)
let save_makeprg=&makeprg
let save_makeefm=&efm
let &makeprg=a:makeprgIn
let &efm=a:makeefmIn
let &makeprg=save_makeprg
let &efm=save_makeefm
function CompileAndRunTestCodeByScons()
call FunForQuickfix('scons . -j8 -u', '%f:%l:%c:\ %m,%f:%l:\ %m,build/release64/%f:%l:%c:\ %m,build/release64/%f:%l:\ %m,%f\|%l\|,build/release64/%f:%s,%m:%l:Assertion,%sExpression:\ false,scons:\ building\ terminated\ because\ of\ errors,%sError%m')
function CppCheck()
call FunForQuickfix("cppcheck *.cpp -j 8 --enable=all", "\[%f:%l\]:\ %m")
nmap ma :wa<CR>:call CompileAndRunTestCodeByScons()<CR>
nmap mc :wa<CR>:call CppCheck()<CR>
nmap <F3> :cp<cr>
nmap <F4> :cn<cr>
add this in ~/.vimrc, then use ma to compile code and mc to run cppcheck
this code is copy from Luc Hermitte, and i chang it
You might want some things even better, use cppcheck and other checkes while you are developing in vim.
Install and use that vim plugin:

Installing VIM command as a plugin

I have the following command run as a vim plugin under ~/.vim/plugin/autohighlight.vim
:autocmd CursorMoved * exe printf('match IncSearch /\<%s\>/', expand('<cword>'))
The thing is, it throws a bunch of errors anywhere except when I'm editing a file. (file Explorer, other windows)
Is there a way to tell the script to only take effect when a file is edited and not anywhere else in VIM?
You can try this one:
autocmd CursorMoved * :if filewritable(#%)==1 |
\ call matchadd('IncSearch', '\V\<'.escape(expand('<cword>').'\>', '\'), 10, 1) |
It will do highlighting only if current buffer name is a writable file (not directory). It will fail if you are editing something which uses BufWriteCmd to perform saving (for example, if you are editing file inside a zip archive).
By the way, can you provide these errors? I was able to get an error when I used :e ., but it was not related to the fact that you are observing a directory, it appeared just because you forgot to do escaping. If you have written escape(expand('<cword>'), '\/') instead of expand('<cword>') then such error would not appear.

Execute a script directly within vim/mvim/gvim

TextMate has a nice feature that allows you to execute a script from within the current context and shows you the output in a separate window. This lets you write and test code on the go. I'm almost certain there is a similar feature with MacVim/gVIM, but I'm not sure what it is. Currently I save my buffers to disk, then go to the command line and execute the script in that respect. How do I improve that workflow with vim?
You can do this in vim using the ! command. For instance to count the number of words in the current file you can do:
:! wc %
The % is replaced by the current filename. To run a script you could call the interpreter on the file - for instance if you are writing a perl script:
:! perl %
vim tutorial: Mapping keys in Vim
You can map keys so perl executes current script as suggested by jts above.
map <C-p> :w<CR>:!perl %<CR>
will map Ctrl+P to write file and run it by perl
imap <C-p> <Esc>:w<CR>:!perl %<CR>
lets you call the same in insert mode.
You should have .vimrc (_vimrc for Windows) file in your vim/home folder. It has instructions on how vim should behave.
map <C-p> :w<CR>:!perl %<CR> is just instruction to map Ctrl+p to:
a) write current the file :w
b) run command (perl) using % (currently open file) as parameter :!perl %
<CR> after each command stands for "carriage return": an instruction to execute specific command. imap does the same as map but listens Ctrl+p while in insert mode.
You could run it right from vim:
All suggestions here merely showcased :!{cmd} %, which passes current buffer to the shell cmd.
But there is another option :write !{cmd}
For example, the effect of the :write !sh command is that each line of the current buffer is executed in the shell.It is often useful, when for instance you've added a couple of lines to you buffer, and want to see execution result immediately without saving the buffer first.Also it is possible to execute some range, rather than whole content of the buffer::[range]write !{cmd}
save the file and call the script using an interpreter
:!python %
It sounds like you're looking for !:
:!{cmd} Execute {cmd} with the shell.
You can use % to denote the current filename, if you need to pass it to the script:
!proofread-script %
You can also use ! with a range, to use the command as a filter:
!{motion}{filter} " from normal mode
:{range}!{filter} " from command mode
(In the first case, as with many other commands, when you type the motion, it'll pass you into command mode, converting the motion into a range, e.g. :.,.+2!)
And finally, if you don't actually need to pass input from your file, but want the output in your file, that's essentially a trivial filter, and the fastest way to do it is !!{cmd}. This will replace the current line with the output of the command.
To execute the current executable script, use
! executes a shell command, % is the current filename and ./ adds the current dir in front.
Put this small snippet in your .vimrc to execute the current file with one keystroke (like F5) and display the result in a new split-pane buffer.
:! is okay but you need to switch to your terminal to see the result.
While you can do that with ctrl-z and bring vim back with fg it still means you need to switch context a lot.
The way this snippet works is by first guessing the executable based on the filetype and then running it with the current file as its argument.
Next a handy utility method takes the output and dumps it into a new buffer.
It's not perfect, but really fast for common workflows.
Here's the snippet copied below:
"""""""""""""""""""""""""" RUN CURRENT FILE """""""""""""""""""""""""""""
" Execute current file
nnoremap <F5> :call ExecuteFile()<CR>
" Will attempt to execute the current file based on the `&filetype`
" You need to manually map the filetypes you use most commonly to the
" correct shell command.
function! ExecuteFile()
let filetype_to_command = {
\ 'javascript': 'node',
\ 'coffee': 'coffee',
\ 'python': 'python',
\ 'html': 'open',
\ 'sh': 'sh'
\ }
let cmd = get(filetype_to_command, &filetype, &filetype)
call RunShellCommand(cmd." %s")
" Enter any shell command and have the output appear in a new buffer
" For example, to word count the current file:
" :Shell wc %s
" Thanks to:
command! -complete=shellcmd -nargs=+ Shell call RunShellCommand(<q-args>)
function! RunShellCommand(cmdline)
echo a:cmdline
let expanded_cmdline = a:cmdline
for part in split(a:cmdline, ' ')
if part[0] =~ '\v[%#<]'
let expanded_part = fnameescape(expand(part))
let expanded_cmdline = substitute(expanded_cmdline, part, expanded_part, '')
botright new
setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted noswapfile nowrap
call setline(1, 'You entered: ' . a:cmdline)
call setline(2, 'Expanded Form: ' .expanded_cmdline)
call setline(3,substitute(getline(2),'.','=','g'))
execute '$read !'. expanded_cmdline
setlocal nomodifiable
Well it depends on your OS - actually I did not test it on M$ Window$ - but Conque is one of the best plugins around there:
Actually, it can be better, but works. You can embed a shell window in a vim "window".
