API Permission Status not granted warning in Azure AD Application API Permission - azure

In the below image as you could see I'm getting the warning,
"Not granted for SKCET Corporation Private Limited",
what should I do to remove it ?

A Global Administrator would need to go to that page and click Grant admin consent button.
You can see the documentation on admin consent here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/grant-admin-consent

Make sure that if you're the only one or just opened the account that you are an admin on Microsoft 365.
You will need to add a TXT record in your DNS settings (F.e. Route53 - AWS)
Once that is verified you will automatically be a global administrator and then you will have access to all admin features.
Then just click on the small hard to see in grey here:


Unable to access Docusign Admin

Recently we have purchased a production account. I have logged into the account as Account Administrator but I am unable to see Docusign Admin. This was not the case for the developer account where it was already present from beforehand.
I need it as I have to add an organisation.
Below I have added a picture of how it looks in dev account.
So, most likely you have someone else in your company who is the admin. You will to find out who that is.
Every account has to have one admin at all times. You don't see to have administrative rights, but someone else may have.
If not, or if you don't know who that is - you will need to contact customer support to get this restored and take over as admin.
Another option is that you have multiple accounts in production. Meaning, when you log in, your user is a member of more than one account. You need to switch accounts. That switcher is an option on the right-top menu.
If you had "Admin" in Demo, then someone had to add that as it is not provided by default. Admin tools (Org Management and Access Management w/ SSO) are only included in the Enterprise Pro plan. For Business Pro or Standard plans, it is a paid add-on. Check to see if your account is an Enterprise Pro plan.
Also, if your company already has Org Mgmt, a "DocuSign Admin" (org, not account admin) needs to link this new account to the Org.

Microsoft Graph Api User.Read.All Not granted for my domain

I am getting the following error or status Not granted for my domain. see the attached document
Is this because my role is User?
I tried to find who is Azure AD Global Administrator?
I followed the following steps:
Log into the Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com).
Click on Azure Active Directory
Click on Roles and administrators
Click on Global administrator
Under Global administrator it says Microsoft Office 365 Portal
what does it mean?
How can I or someone else in organization become Global administrator?
I want API permissions->User.Read.All Not granted for mydomain
PS: My email is work email.
Update 1
My role is user
Update 2
Global administrator - Assignments say's Microsoft Office 365 Portal is my Admin. How to get these credentials?
I was similiarly frustrated here: it's very hard to spot, however you'll notice that the 'grant admin consent for -' is reset on every update to permissions.
Therefore: simply re-tick this and wait a few seconds for the warnings to disappear.
I too thought I was missing a step elsewhere, very misleading!
For User.Read.All permission you should have Admin Consent which a User cannot avail.
You should have either Global Admin or Application administrator credentials.
Permission Required:
Please refer to this official document Permission details
Admin Credentials:
For Admin credentials details refer to this document
Office 365 Admin Role Assignment:
Hope this will help. Let me know if you have any more concern.
Make sure that if you're the only one or just opened the account that you are an admin on Microsoft 365.
You will need to add a TXT record in your DNS settings (F.e. Route53 - AWS) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/misc/become-the-admin?view=o365-worldwide
Once that is verified you will automatically be a global administrator and then you will have access to all admin features.
Go back to Azure and then just click on the small hard to see in grey here:

SOBO - where are the settings in admin?

From the documentation, where exactly is the settings for these 2 in the admin site?
Users who want to authenticate on behalf of other account users must have the following settings enabled to use SOBO:
If you are setting user permissions through the DocuSign web console these correspond to the Account-Wide Rights and Send On Behalf Of Rights (API) settings.
I had to switch to "Classic" version of Admin to find it. Hit the dropdown under your picture and choose Preferences. From there, it is under the permissions tab.

AADSTS90093: Calling principal cannot consent due to lack of permissions

I'm getting the following error when non-global admin users are trying to access graph explorer 2 within our tenant:
Additional technical information:
Correlation ID: 2346b0f5-bb5f-4138-8f9d-07fa96dcf02f
Timestamp: 2015-05-29 17:18:48Z
AADSTS90093: Calling principal cannot consent due to lack of permissions.
From within Azure we have "users may give applications permission to access their data" set to use. We also have "users may add integrated applications" to yes.
Just wanted to check which URL you are going to. We have 2 "graph explorers" - one is for exploring Azure AD Graph API, while the other (called API explorer) is for exploring the Office 365 unified API.
If you are going to https://graphexplorer2.cloudapp.net - this is (AAD) graph explorer, and should not require admin permissions. Please let us know if this is what you are using and if this is causing issues.
If on the other hand you are going to https://graphexplorer2.azurewebsites.net - this is the API explorer, and due to the number of APIs it requires access to, it currently requires admin consent. We'll look into a way to reduce the number of scopes that this requires access to, to get to a place where users can consent (but that's not the case currently).
Hope this helps,
I ran into this issue today and here what I did:
Login to your AD application in classic portal
Under "Configure" section, there
is "permissions to other applications", look at the "delegated
permissions" for "Window Azure Active Directory".
Make sure you pick
the correct permissions for your app. Normally, "Sign in and read
user profile" is enough for user to login.
For more information you
can take a look at this link
I worked for Skype for business online use case (WEB API). I faced this issue for users not global admins. The users who added by global admin.
I managed to resolve the issue by passing extra parameter prompt=admin_consent.
var href = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=';
href += client_id + '&resource=https://webdir.online.lync.com&redirect_uri=' + window.location.href+'&prompt=admin_consent';
For more details visit link https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/exchangedev/2014/03/25/using-oauth2-to-access-calendar-contact-and-mail-api-in-office-365-exchange-online/

Access Denied when activating Web application Features in SharePoint 2007

I got the folloiwng exception while activating a web application feature using Stsadm:
Access denied! Only SRP admin can remove property or section.
I have no ideas what a SRP admin is. I'm also at a loss to explain what kind of access does it need. The account I'm log into the box has the maximum access possible, and I would assume that stsadm runs all its commands as the super user. Googling didn't reveal much either.
Any help would be appreciated. TIA.
Taken from here:
The account that you use to run, must be granted Personalization rights in Shared Services Administration for the Default SSP.
Go to Central Administration
Click on SSP-Public
Click on Personalization services permissions
Add the account and grant Manage user profiles
What feature are you trying to activate (if it's not a custom feature of course)? What is corresponding application pool identity? Are you farm administrator? If not, try to add yourself to farm admins. Also be sure you do "Run as administrator" when launching cmd for stsadm. If all this will not help, try to add your application pool identity to farm administrators.
