Access Denied when activating Web application Features in SharePoint 2007 - sharepoint

I got the folloiwng exception while activating a web application feature using Stsadm:
Access denied! Only SRP admin can remove property or section.
I have no ideas what a SRP admin is. I'm also at a loss to explain what kind of access does it need. The account I'm log into the box has the maximum access possible, and I would assume that stsadm runs all its commands as the super user. Googling didn't reveal much either.
Any help would be appreciated. TIA.

Taken from here:
The account that you use to run, must be granted Personalization rights in Shared Services Administration for the Default SSP.
Go to Central Administration
Click on SSP-Public
Click on Personalization services permissions
Add the account and grant Manage user profiles

What feature are you trying to activate (if it's not a custom feature of course)? What is corresponding application pool identity? Are you farm administrator? If not, try to add yourself to farm admins. Also be sure you do "Run as administrator" when launching cmd for stsadm. If all this will not help, try to add your application pool identity to farm administrators.


API Permission Status not granted warning in Azure AD Application API Permission

In the below image as you could see I'm getting the warning,
"Not granted for SKCET Corporation Private Limited",
what should I do to remove it ?
A Global Administrator would need to go to that page and click Grant admin consent button.
You can see the documentation on admin consent here:
Make sure that if you're the only one or just opened the account that you are an admin on Microsoft 365.
You will need to add a TXT record in your DNS settings (F.e. Route53 - AWS)
Once that is verified you will automatically be a global administrator and then you will have access to all admin features.
Then just click on the small hard to see in grey here:

SSRS 2016 Role Assignments

I have recently installed Reporting Services 2016 on a server.
When I try to add a user it only allows me to assign 2 roles to the user. System Administrator and System User.
I should be able to add them to Browser, Content Manager and Publisher.
Does anyone know where I can find these roles to add users to?
I have found the problem and I was looking in the site settings. To fix this I changed the security in folder settings.

Remove security role permissions to deny login to CRM 2011

I have some users accessing CRM directly and some others trough a web portal. I want to disable the access to CRM of some users depending of their security role.
I can't disable users or remove the security roles they have because won't be able to read/write/own i.e Case entity.
Is there any permissions of the security role I can remove for deny this access? I research for it and can't find anything, I suppose the answer is No.
Any workaround for accomplish this?
If you are on UR12 or above, you can try use similar logic as Microsoft has implemented for Control browsers which organization supports. Only difference is that instead of checking what browser user has, you would have to check his roles and decide if he can access CRM vie browser or not.
Look at 'How Does the Solution Work?' section for details.
Removing these permissions:
Core Records: User Entity UI Settings
Business Management: User Settings
Customization: Customizations, System Form, View, Web Resource
Will deny move through CRM, but as #MarioZG says the user will see the UI with a warning message of 'Insufficient Permissions' to see the records.

Sharepoint Site Administration

I've got a SharePoint website running on my machine (which it shows me inside the Application Pool in the Inet Manager).
Now this website has a different user credentials specified under the Identity section (properties). Also when I view the w3wp.exe in the task manager it shows that the site is running as a different user.
The problem is that if I change the username and password of the existing user with mine, the site stops working.
How do I run it under my account credentials.
Please help. Thanks
If you want to change the account that runs the SharePoint application pool, you must make sure that the new account has the same permissions as the current one. That includes the correct database permissions. Otherwise the SharePoint Web Application stops working.
The behavior you are describing is normal. Whatever account you use to login to your SharePoint site, the application pool will still be using the account assigned to it.

Modifying SharePoint app Web.config file with Forms Based Authentication

We have a SharePoint application where we want the user to be able to modify the web.config by activating a feature. The application is extended, so we have an AD based web application and another that uses Forms Based authentication (FBA), with the FBA application being the "main" user application.
We use the SPWebConfigModification class ( to write to the web.config for settings we need for the activated feature.
This works great on the AD based side of things. However, when we try and run this on the FBA based web app, we get an error because the site collection administrator for the FBA site, does not have any access to modify the web.config on the server. Given that they are a FBA user, we can not give them rights on the server either.
Has anyone run into this? Does anyone have any work arounds. I assume I could try and have the application to update the web.conifg run via the command line, but I would really like it be done by the user when they activate the feature. I could also try and loosen security rights on the web.config, but that is a bad path to start down.
An alternative would be to write a component which does it.
This could be trigged by activating a feature, or updating a webpart.
This would mean you don't need to loosen security, or do it via the command line.
