My T generic does implement the conditions on where, but I can't use it - rust

struct Response {}
struct PlayResponse(Response);
struct DescribeResponse(Response);
impl From<Response> for PlayResponse {
fn from(response: Response) -> Self {
enum RtspState {
struct RtspMachine {
state: RtspState
pub trait OnEvent<T> {
fn on_event(&mut self, event: &T) -> std::result::Result<(), ()>;
impl OnEvent<PlayResponse> for RtspMachine {
fn on_event(&mut self, event: &PlayResponse) -> std::result::Result<(), ()> {
self.state = RtspState::Playing;
fn do_something<T: OnEvent<T>>() where RtspMachine: OnEvent<T>, T: From<Response>{
let mut rtsp_machine = RtspMachine{state: RtspState::Init};
On the do_something above, we require where RtspMachine: OnEvent<T>, T: From<Response>.
Note that RtspMachine: OnEvent<PlayResponse> and PlayResponse: From<Response>. I should be able to do rtsp_machine.on_event(&PlayResponse::from(Response{}));, but it only works for the version with T.:
Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
33 | fn do_something<T: OnEvent<T>>() where RtspMachine: OnEvent<T>, T: From<Response>{
| - this type parameter
36 | rtsp_machine.on_event(&PlayResponse::from(Response{}));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected type parameter `T`, found struct `PlayResponse`
= note: expected reference `&T`
found reference `&PlayResponse`
Rust playground
I know that
fn do_something<T>() where
RtspMachine: OnEvent<T> + OnEvent<PlayResponse>,
T: From<Response>
would work but I have lots of T that I wanted to use the specific type instead of generic T, so I can't just put them all on the where like that.

This is a known problem with the compiler's method resolution in the presence of trait bounds (#24066, #38071). Changing your method call
to the explicit function call form
&mut rtsp_machine, &PlayResponse::from(Response{}));
will allow the code to compile. Apparently, in the version that doesn't work, method resolution is looking only at the OnEvent<T> trait that's mentioned in where, even though OnEvent<PlayResponse> also exists.
I don't know if there's a more elegant solution, but perhaps the above will be adequate for your problem — at least it means the extra syntax is local to the call site.


expected trait object `dyn Responsability`, found type parameter `T`

I am trying to implement a responsability chain in Rust:
link to playground
use std::error::Error;
struct Query {
query: String,
struct Response {
response: u64,
trait Responsability {
fn take(&self, iterator: std::slice::Iter<Box<dyn Responsability>>, query: Query) -> Result<Response, Box<dyn Error>>;
struct ResponsabilityChain<T: Responsability> {
responsabilities: Vec<Box<T>>,
impl<T: Responsability> ResponsabilityChain<T>
T: Responsability,
pub fn new(responsabilities: Vec<T>) -> Self {
let responsabilities = responsabilities.into_iter()
.map(|elt| Box::new(elt))
Self { responsabilities }
pub fn launch(&self, query: Query) -> Result<Response, Box<dyn Error>> {
let iterator = self.responsabilities.iter();
let responsability =;
responsability.take(iterator, query)
fn main() {
println!("Hello, world!");
The infamous message is:
Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground) error[E0308]: mismatched
types --> src/ | 19 | impl<T: Responsability>
ResponsabilityChain | - this type parameter ... 35 |
responsability.take(iterator, query) |
^^^^^^^^ expected trait object dyn Responsability, found type
parameter T | = note: expected struct std::slice::Iter<'_, Box<(dyn Responsability + 'static)>>
found struct std::slice::Iter<'_, Box<T>> = help: type parameters must be constrained to match other types = note:
for more information, visit
For more information about this error, try rustc --explain E0308.
error: could not compile playground due to previous error
I do not understand why the compiler complains expecting Box<dyn Responsability> while having Box<T> since I specify T: Responsability. What do I do wrong?
dyn I and <T> where T: I are different types in Rust, so the compiler complains since there's no implicit conversion.
T is a concrete type determined at compile time. dyn I it is a "trait object", it is dynamic, and concrete type is unknown, but sort of carried within.
A good video on the topic.
Conversion from <T> where T: I to dyn I is not free, it has a runtime cost, so has to be explicit with the Rust's philosophy.
The code could be fixed by using Vec<Box<dyn Responsability>> in all places. It will also allow you passing arbitrary types to new(), which is probably what you want, because Vec<T> has to contain objects of the same type (remember that this type is determined at compile time).

`AsArray` cannot be made into an object when implementing a trait for a trait

Basically I'm trying to make a trait that indicates the ability to be converted into a 2D ndarray aka ndarray::Array2:
trait Into2DArray{
fn to_array(&self) -> Array2<f64>;
I would like to do this by expanding the existing AsArray trait, but Rust forbids me from implementing a third party trait for a third party struct (polars::DataFrame) for some esoteric reason, so instead I have to make my own trait for this.
Anyway, this works well for polars::DataFrame:
impl Into2DArray for DataFrame {
fn to_array(&self) -> Array2<f64> {
return self.to_array();
However, I also want to implement this for anything that is already convertable into a 2D array, so I implement this trait for the AsArray trait mentioned above:
impl Into2DArray for AsArray<'_, f64, Ix2> {
fn to_array(&self) -> Array2<f64> {
return self.into();
However the compiler gives me grief for this:
26 | impl Into2DArray for AsArray<'_, f64, Ix2> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `AsArray` cannot be made into an object
= note: the trait cannot be made into an object because it requires `Self: Sized`
= note: for a trait to be "object safe" it needs to allow building a vtable to allow the call to be resolvable dynamically; for more information visit <>
I understand that has something to do with object safety but I thought I had fulfilled all the criteria mentioned on that page, namely the trait doesn't return Self, and all the generic parameters of AsArray are specified.
What is going wrong, and how can I fix it?
What you were trying to do is implementing the Into2DArray trait for the AsArray dynamic trait object. There should have been a warning of using AsArray without dyn anyway.
But this is not what you actually want. You want to implement it for any type that implements AsArray. Just like you did in your comment.
It is important to know the difference between these two things:
trait NeedThis {
fn can_be_called_by_the_impl(&self) {}
trait ToDoThis {
fn example(&self);
impl ToDoThis for dyn NeedThis {
fn example(&self) {
impl NeedThis for u8 {}
fn main() {
let num: u8 = 0;
// num.example(); // doesn't work because ToDoThis is not implemented for u8
let num_as_trait_obj: &dyn NeedThis = &0_u8 as &dyn NeedThis;
num_as_trait_obj.example(); // works because this time it is a trait object
trait NeedThis {
fn can_be_called_by_the_impl(&self) {}
trait ToDoThis {
fn example(&self);
// removing ?Sized would make it the same as T: NeedThis + Sized
impl<T: NeedThis + ?Sized> ToDoThis for T {
fn example(&self) {
impl NeedThis for u8 {}
fn main() {
let num: u8 = 0_u8;
num.example(); // works because we implemented it for all types that implement NeedThis
let num_as_trait_obj: &dyn NeedThis = &0_u8 as &dyn NeedThis;
num_as_trait_obj.example(); // works because dyn NeedThis also implements NeedThis.
// This is only true because we added ?Sized to the bounds of the impl block.
// Otherwise it doesn't work because dyn NeedThis is not actually Sized.
// And a Sized bound is implied by default.

implementing traits for dyn Fns

Today I was playing around with function traits. Though the example I show below might not practically be very useful, I do wonder why it doesn't compile.
pub fn do_something(o: &(dyn Other + 'static)) {
trait Other {
fn do_something_other(&self);
impl<A> Other for dyn Fn(A) {
fn do_something_other(&self) {
Here I implement a trait for a function type. This function type is generic over it's parameter. This means that if you were to do it like this:
pub fn do_something(o: &(dyn Other + 'static)) {
trait Other {
fn do_something_other(&self);
impl<F, A> Other for F where F: (Fn(A)) + 'static {
fn do_something_other(&self) {
you get an error stating a type parameter is unconstrained.
I get this and don't believe it's possible to do it with generics. But the dynamic approach, why doesn't it work? It gives the following error:
I don't understand this error. It states I pass a Fn(A) -> (), which doesn't implement Other. However, this error occurs literally in the implementation of Other. How can it not be implemented here?
My first thought was because each closure is its own type. If it has to do with this, I find the error very weird.
The first construction fails because you cannot convert a &dyn A into a &dyn B, even when implementing B for dyn A.
trait A {}
trait B {
fn do_thing(&self);
impl B for dyn A {
fn do_thing(&self) {
let b: &dyn B = self;
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
9 | let b: &dyn B = self;
| ------ ^^^^ expected trait `B`, found trait `A`
| |
| expected due to this
= note: expected reference `&dyn B`
found reference `&(dyn A + 'static)`
Well, you can convert traits but only with help from the source trait. But since in this case the source is Fn, that's not a route.
The second construction fails because Rust won't let you implement traits that can conflict. Trying to implement B for a type that implements A<_> will automatically be rejected because types can have multiple implementations of A<_>.
trait A<T> {}
trait B {
fn do_thing(&self);
impl<T, U> B for T where T: A<U> {
fn do_thing(&self) {}
error[E0207]: the type parameter `U` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
--> src/
7 | impl<T, U> B for T where T: A<U> {
| ^ unconstrained type parameter
Regarding Fns in particular, its somewhat hard to tell since usually function objects only implement a single Fn trait. However, the keyword is usually since you can enable a feature on nightly to do just that. And the trait system usually doesn't play favorites.
So what can you do? Well the first method is still functional, just you have to keep the implementation within the trait. You can use the second method if you use a concrete types for the function arguments.
You can conceivably implement Other for &dyn Fn(_) (implementing it on the reference and not the object itself). But that's not particularly convenient with how Fn objects are usually used.
pub fn do_something(o: &dyn Other) {}
trait Other {
fn do_something_other(&self);
impl<A> Other for &dyn Fn(A) {
fn do_something_other(&self) {
fn main() {
let closure: &dyn Fn(_) = &|x: i32| println!("x: {}", x);
// let closure = |x: i32| println!("x: {}", x);
// closure.do_something_other();
Another option would be to make the Other trait generic in order to constrain A, but that of course depends on how its designed to be used.

Higher ranked trait bounds and function parameters

I'm trying to understand the implementation of Bevy's IntoForEachSystem trait and the way it interacts with the underlying Hecs Query and Fetch traits. Hecs has query types (the thing you request in a call to query::<T>) and item types (the thing returned by the query). The idea is that IntoForEachSystem is implemented for closures whose query type matches the query's item type, and fn f(&i32) works because an &i32 query returns an &i32 item.
I think I extracted the relevant parts of the design in this snippet, but I can't make it type check:
// Hecs Query trait
trait Query {
type Fetch: for<'a> Fetch<'a>;
// Hecs Query trait implementation for read-only references
impl<'a, T> Query for &'a T
T: 'static,
type Fetch = FetchRead<T>;
// Hecs Fetch trait
trait Fetch<'a>: Sized {
type Item;
// Hecs Fetch trait implementation for read-only references
struct FetchRead<T>(std::marker::PhantomData<T>);
impl<'a, T> Fetch<'a> for FetchRead<T>
T: 'static,
type Item = &'a T;
// Bevy IntoForEachSystem trait, simplified
trait IntoForEachSystem<R> {
fn system(self);
// Bevy IntoForEachSystem trait implementation for functions of one argument
impl<F, R> IntoForEachSystem<R> for F
F: Fn(R),
F: Fn(<<R as Query>::Fetch as Fetch>::Item),
R: Query,
fn system(self) {
fn hmm(_x: &i32) {
fn main() {
error[E0631]: type mismatch in function arguments
31 | fn system(self);
| ---------------- required by `IntoForEachSystem::system`
46 | fn hmm(_x: &i32) {
| ---------------- found signature of `for<'r> fn(&'r i32) -> _`
51 | IntoForEachSystem::system(hmm)
| ^^^ expected signature of `for<'r> fn(<FetchRead<i32> as Fetch<'r>>::Item) -> _`
= note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `IntoForEachSystem<&i32>` for `for<'r> fn(&'r i32) {hmm}`
I think the compiler is seeing the inferred lifetime 'r in fn hmm<'r>(&'r i32) as being different from the forall lifetime 'a in type Fetch: for<'a> Fetch<'a>. I don't see the trick that Bevy is using to achieve the same thing.
You're actually super close!
fn main() {
This is ... very frustrating because IntoForEachSystem::system(hmm) should be equivalent to hmm.system() as far as I'm concerned. Maybe it's a bug in the Rust compiler?

Create a generic struct with Option<T> without specifying T when instantiating with None

I have a
struct Foo<T>
T: // ... some complex trait bound ...
a: Bar,
b: Option<T>,
When attempting to instantiate the struct with a b: None the compiler complains that it cannot infer the type and requires a type hint e.g. via the turbofish syntax. That is onerous on the caller because they will have to find a type that fulfills the trait bounds and import it despite not caring about that optional functionality.
I think what I am looking for would be a bottom type that automatically fulfills any trait bounds but cannot be instantiated so that None::<Bottom> could be used, but I have not found such a type in the documentation.
There's a feature in the works that allows specifying the never type as !. This is not present in stable Rust, so you need to use a nightly and a feature flag:
fn thing<T>() -> Option<T> {
fn main() {
However, this doesn't work for your case yet (this is part of the reason that it's unstable):
trait NothingImplementsMe {}
fn thing<T>() -> Option<T>
where T: NothingImplementsMe,
fn main() {
error[E0277]: the trait bound `!: NothingImplementsMe` is not satisfied
--> src/
12 | thing::<!>();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `NothingImplementsMe` is not implemented for `!`
= note: required by `thing`
The very first unresolved question on the tracking issue is:
What traits should we implement for !?
Since this feature is both unstable and doesn't do what you want, you may want to consider creating your own bespoke "bottom" type:
trait AlmostNothingImplementsMe {
fn foo();
struct Nope;
impl AlmostNothingImplementsMe for Nope {
fn foo() { unimplemented!() }
fn thing<T>() -> Option<T>
where T: AlmostNothingImplementsMe,
fn main() {
To improve the UX of this, I'd suggest creating a builder of some type that starts you off with the faux-bottom type:
mod nested {
pub trait AlmostNothingImplementsMe {
fn foo();
pub struct Nope;
impl AlmostNothingImplementsMe for Nope {
fn foo() { unimplemented!() }
pub fn with_value<T>(t: T) -> Option<T>
where T: AlmostNothingImplementsMe,
pub fn without_value() -> Option<Nope> {
fn main() {
You can see this similar pattern in crates like Hyper, although it boxes the concrete type so you don't see it from the outside.
One option to avoid the need to the turbofish operator is to have a type alias:
trait MyTrait {}
impl MyTrait for () {}
struct Foo<T: MyTrait> {
i: isize,
o: Option<T>,
type Bar = Foo<()>;
fn main() {
let foo_default = Bar { i: 1, o: None };
I used () as the default for simplicity, but ! (when available) or your own bottom type as in #Shepmaster's answer may be better.
A constructor function could also work if you don't mind Foo::new_default(i) or similar.
