Running sublime commands - sublimetext3

Is there a way to run a sublimetext command (ie, the built-in commands documented here or added) without creating a keybinding or adding something to the pallette and .sublime-commands?
I've tried running sublime.run_command from the console to no avail.

Right before posting I realized I should be using the local window instance.
Opening the python console with ctrl+` and run the command using the current instance window.run_command("<command>", args=<args>) is a workable solution.
(posting anyways because I was unable to find an answer to my question)


How to open a new terminal in VS Code from command line?

Is it possible to open a new terminal tab in VS Code from the command line? I know it's possible to have hotkeys and click the icon in the GUI. However, I need to do this from a script to have several terminals. I am running Ubuntu within a Docker devcontainer. I looked at the solution of using a terminal multiplexer, which might work, but it doesn't seem necessary.

Is there a way to get autocompletion for pandas dataframe columns in VSCode editor or interactive mode?

I am using VScode and the interaction mode to interactively write a python script. Is there any way to get autocompletion for pandas column names, ideally within the editor or the interactive window. Currently any of those is working.
I only could find this related post which was closed without resolving the problem:
I also tried rolling back to the old implementation of the interactive mode as suggested here: but this did not work as well.
Any suggestions to resolve this issue are welcome as all the rest of VSCode seems to be pretty awesome.

How to run Selected Text using activate.bat instead of ps1 in Visual Studio Code?

Running into this weird issue and I don't seem to be able to find a solution online or forums. My VS Code was working fine last night, but this morning when I launched VS Code and trying to execute code (in Python) using the Run Selected Text feature, I kept getting "& "C:/Users/jiejenn/Documents/Python Venv/vtest2/Scripts/activate.ps1"
& was unexpected at this time." error message.
In the past, VS Code is using the activate.bat file, which is what I want, but all of sudden, PowerShell took over the command. I am trying to revert back to using the activate.bat file instead of activate.ps1.
Can anyone provide me with some guidance how can it be done? Thanks.
I have already Googled for the past 2 hours, haven't find any solution that solves the issue.
It sounds like your default terminal application changed from cmd to PowerShell, possibly during an update. Click the terminal dropdown button and then Select Default Profile to change it back to cmd.
See also this related issue.

Debug in vim using pyclewn

I'm trying to find out if is possible using vim as IDE to write python/c programms. Today I've installed pyclewn as a debugger. When I open it with :Pyclewn pdb all pyclewn windows are opened inside nerdtree window, is it possible to fix this issue and place them in main window.
Ok, I've got it, what I need
let g:pyclewn_args = "--window=bottom"
Next question, how to restart python script again?
Maybe some one can suggest tutorial for pyclewn?

how to send code to ipython from vim

Frankly speaking, I want an integration of vim and IPython, and I know there is such a great vim plugin vim-ipython, I indeed tried this, but it doesn't work out on Windows7 and tried to make it work (non-trivial thing, little documentation about it, failed and gave up).
Now I want to know if it's possible to connect a running ipython kernel from vim and send code to it?
I had something very similar running at some point.
It's not a clean solution in a sense that there is no Vim/IPython integration (as far as I know given the way Vim core is written such integration is unlikely to happen) but it did work.
Install tmux terminal multiplexer (
Launch two tmux panes inside the terminal, one for Vim, one for IPython
Install vim-slime plugin, configure it to use tmux (,
Now, whenever you'll select some code in Vim and press the slime shortcut (C-c C-c by default) it will be sent to the IPython session and executed.
I think this will get the behavior you want.
It's also agnostic to IPython and can be used with any REPL environment.
