Debug in vim using pyclewn - vim

I'm trying to find out if is possible using vim as IDE to write python/c programms. Today I've installed pyclewn as a debugger. When I open it with :Pyclewn pdb all pyclewn windows are opened inside nerdtree window, is it possible to fix this issue and place them in main window.

Ok, I've got it, what I need
let g:pyclewn_args = "--window=bottom"
Next question, how to restart python script again?
Maybe some one can suggest tutorial for pyclewn?


VSCodium in Manjaro/Gnome changes keyboard shortcut

I use Manjaro/Gnome and had Super+F to start the file manager (Files). I decided to give it a try to VSCodium and now the shortcut starts VSCodium, not Files.
I searched in Gnome Settings>Keyboard and the shortcut assigned to Files is still Super+F, but it is not working, all I get is to start VSCodium.
Any ideas on how to fix it?
After some research, I found that VSCodium or VS Code installation sets themselves as the default application to deal with directories.
To go back to default/personal shortcuts you must edit mimeinfo.cache found in the /usr/share/applications directory.
Look for the line
and delete codium,desktop;... Logout and login again.
That will fix it.

Running sublime commands

Is there a way to run a sublimetext command (ie, the built-in commands documented here or added) without creating a keybinding or adding something to the pallette and .sublime-commands?
I've tried running sublime.run_command from the console to no avail.
Right before posting I realized I should be using the local window instance.
Opening the python console with ctrl+` and run the command using the current instance window.run_command("<command>", args=<args>) is a workable solution.
(posting anyways because I was unable to find an answer to my question)

Vim freezes consistently for several reasons

Vim freezes and I see a key sign as I have circled in the picture below when doing the following things
When opening a new file in terminal vim, especially a cpp file.
When terminal vim is left idle for a few seconds
When I click outside the terminal window and then click back into terminal vim.
Ctrl-c unfreezes vim.
This is 100% reproducible on terminal vim, and not reproducible at all on MacVim. I am on MacOS.
When vim is launched from MacOS terminal app (and not iterm), I get a blinking key, and vim freezes just the same.
Please help me unfreeze vim, I've been digging for a while and not come up with anything.
Maybe one of your plugins/custom config is playing the devil here. Would you try and see if the same problem exists while running vim without any custom configurations, like :
vim --clean
if it works as expected, then you should definitely take a look into your .vimrc and start cleaning it.
If the error persists even after running vim clean, then what i would have done would be to check if the shell configs (like .bashrc,.bash_profile etc) for unwanted settings that directly/indirectly affect the working of vim.
As a last resort to avoid confusion, you should also try to debug whether you have given any custom setting for your terminal emulator. Try reinstalling your terminal emulator or run it clean and see if it helps.

Pycharm default interpreter and tmp working directory on Ubuntu

I use Pycharm for a while now and I'm getting really annoyed that my Pycharm interpreter settings always resets for some reason.
Meaning that whenever I open up a new/old project it will always tell me that:
No Python interpreter configured...
even after I change and apply the settings in
File > Settings > Project: ProjectName > Project Interpreter
File > Default Settings > Project Interpreter.
(These changes only apply for as long as Pycharm is open. Once it's closed I need to repeat the whole procedure, which is my problem here.)
Then I noticed that all my projects that I open for some reason end up being opened in the tmp folder.
(e.g. "/tmp/")
Which is also the reason why I cant open recent projects via the menu.
So my question is, how do I actually make Pycharm save my interpreter settings and stop asking me about it.
I know that there seems to be similar questions about it, but either they are not solved or the solution doesn't work. And I hope that this tmp folder thing might be of use to solve this problem.
how do I actually make Pycharm save my interpreter settings and stop asking me about it.
I was having a similar issue when I used PyCharm Community 2017.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 for the first time. The solution was to open the project folder rather than a specific script.

Possible to use Aptana standalone with vim with Mac?

I've just started doing Ruby on Rails development.
I'm trying to get the best of both worlds. I love getting around a file with just the keyboard like I can with vim. But opening up and find the files from the command line is a drag.
I'd love to be able to click a file open in Aptana and then be able to navigate around it with vim commands to do my actual editing.
I haven't been able to find any definitive solution for getting this working on a mac. I tried installing software for it with Aptana under Help >> Install new software as linked to from here: but the link is 2 years old I couldn't figure out how to get it running.
Has anybody out there gotten this to work?
I'm using Aptana 3.2.2
You know you can right click on a file and choose which editor to use, do you? Or assign any editor -- internal or external -- to any filetype in Aptana's preferences?
Aptana is based on Eclipse so all the Vi(m) plugins that work in one are probably going to work in the other.
Take a look at these five plugins:
A "regular" Eclipse editor with many Vi(m) key-bindings.
Idem, payware.
Idem, payware.
Run Vim inside of Eclipse/Aptana. I don't think that it works on a Mac.
Eclipse and Vim talking through a server.
But if you only want a more convenient way to open files in Vim I can't recommand CtrlP enough. You could also try the similar but different FuzzyFinder, LustyExplorer or Command-T) or you could get more familiar with Vim's :e **/foo<Tab>.
